SPAIN 2009

This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: Spain 2009
Study title: Encuestra de Empleo del Tiempo 2009-2010
Collector: Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (Spanish National Statistical Agency)
When conducted: 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2010
Sampling method and study design: This survey largely followed the Harmonised European Time Use Survey design. The survey sampled household address frames, and split all sampled households into four groups: a random Monday to Thursday group, a Friday group, a Saturday group, and a Sunday group. The survey asked all household members aged 10 and older to complete individual questionnaires and a time diary for one 24 hour period from 06:00 until 06:00 on the following morning. The diary asked people to record main activity, secondary activity, and location in their own words. Diaries also included tick-boxes indicating when an activity involved the use of computers or the internet. The diary also included a selection of tick-boxes for who else was present (alone/with strangers; spouse; parent; household child aged <10; other household members; and other known persons). In addition to the diary, participants also completed a one-week work schedule (marking where people were engaged in paid work in 15 minute intervals over a whole week that included the diary day)
Sample size: 11,538 households, 19,295 persons
Response rate: 58% of households; 83% of the eligible diarists in these households completed individual questionnaires and diaries
Weighting procedures: Weights adjust for sampling errors and non-response separately at the household and the individual level
Sources of information: Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (Spanish National Statistical Agency)
Available documentation: Survey methodology
Household questionnaire
Individual questionnaire
Diary instrument

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