UK 1974

This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: UK 1974
Study title: The People's Activities and Use of Time
Collector: BBC
When conducted: 14-20 August, 1974; 4-10 September, 1974, 12-18 February 1975; 26 February - 4 March, 1975
Sampling method and study design: This study monitors time use by people aged 5+ living in randomly sampled households in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland). The BBC Audience Research sampled electoral register to locate households. Diary days covered the period from 05:00-02:00 (corresponding to BBC broadcasting hours), and included 1/2 hour time bands. Respondents aged 16+ also answered a detailed questionnaire which was not given to respondents aged 5-15. Respondents were paid to complete each diary. The diaries cover the period of one week, and diarists were asked to note both their main and secondary activities.

A pre-test conducted in November 1973 where adult members of 222 households from a random sample of 300 households kept 9 day diaries; 335 diaries completed. 7 day self-completed diary.

Diaries from only two days (Monday and Tuesday) collected in the 4-10 September wave remain, other data from this wave no longer exists.
Sample size: 911 diarists 14-20 August 1974; 911 diarists 4-10 September 1974; 883 diarists 12-18 February 1975; 840 diarists 26 February - 4 March 1975. Overall 3545 diarists produced 20256 diaries
Response rate: 6% of sampled households did not respond; in the summer sample, interviews and at least 1 diary gained from 50% of households; 60% of all eligible individuals completed diaries, and 81% of eligible individuals in households completing diaries completed their diaries; in the winter sample, interviews and at least 1 diary gained from 52% of households; 62% of all eligible individuals completed diaries, and 82% of eligible individuals in households completing diaries completed their diaries
Weighting procedures: Weighting factor divided by the number of eligible household members (aged 5+) by the product of the number of HH members aged 18+ and the number of completed diaries
Sources of information: "The People's Activities and Use of Time" (1978) London: BBC
Available documentation: Codebook

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