HUNGARY 1999-2000

This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: Hungary 1999-2000
Study title: Hungarian Time Use Survey
Collector: Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Budapest (with funding provided mainly by the national government, with additional sums provided by the National Scientific Foundation)
When conducted: 1 October 2009 - 30 September 2010
Sampling method and study design: The CSO drew a random national sample of non-institutional Hungarian households for this study. One person aged 15-84 was selected per household to participate, and enumerators helped respondents complete the diaries. Diaries were collected from the same respondents four times, once per season. Diarists also completed a household questionnaire (covering their dwelling, household income, consumer goods, crime and security, agricultural activities, consumption and recreation habits, and health of household members) and an individual questionnaire (covering labour market experiences, income, family, education, language and computing skills, sports, other leisure activities, social and religious activities, general health and subjective well-being). Diaries started at 04:00. Respondents noted the starting and stopping time of activities, main activity, secondary simultaneous activities, for whom activities were performed, where activities took place, who else participated in each activity, and who else was present but not participating.
Sample size: 10,983 individuals, 43,074 diaries
Response rate: ~70%
Weighting procedures: Weights correct for non-response and to balance the number of diaries completed on each day of the week and in each season.
Sources of information: Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Social Statistics Department
H-1024 Budapest, Hungary
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