FRANCE 2009-2010

This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: FRANCE 2009-2010
Study title: Time Use Survey
Collector: INSEE
When conducted: 15 September 2009 - 21 December 2010
Sampling method and study design: This survey largely followed the Harmonised European Time Use Survey guidelines, but with additional features and modifications. The majority of the survey covered a mainland national random sample. Up to two people aged 11 and older were sampled from each household and asked to keep diaries in their own words. The majority of the survey covered a mainland national random sample, but the survey also covered special subsamples; including one of teachers. Most sub-samples asked participants to keep two diaries, one on a work/school day and one on a weekend day, but some sub-samples only completed one diary on a random day. A subsample was asked to complete additional questions on intra-household decision-making (this is the sub-sample which only completed one diary).
Sample size: 27,903 diaries from 16,242 people in 10,675 households
Response rate: 91.1% household response rate; 88.3% individual response rate.
Weighting procedures: Weighting addresses sample variations to reflect the national population and balances the distribution of the days of the week.
Sources of information: Eurostat
Available documentation:

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