GERMANY 1965-1966

This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: GERMANY 1965-1966
Study title: The Multinational Comparative Time-Budget Research Project
Collector: Federal Republic: Erwin K. Scheuch and Annerose Schneider, Institut für vergleichende Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln; Osnabrück: Dieter Claessens, Heinz Ebel, and Bernhard von Rosenbladt, Sozialforschungstelle an der Universität Munster, Dortmund; Democratic Republic: Günter Manz and Gerhard Lippold, Institut für Planung der Konsumtion und des Lebensstandard, Berlin-Karlshorst
When conducted: Federal Republic: May June 1965; Osnabrück: September-October 1965; Democratic Republic (Hoyerswerda): September-October 1966
Sampling method and study design: Part of Multinational Time Budget Research Project. Federal Republic: multistage stratified national sample (excluding residents of West-Berlin) whereby 100 Wahlbezirke (electoral districts) stratified by regions were initially randomly sampled with selection probability proportional to size. Within these, custom subdistricts made of approx. 30 households each were defined, and one third randomly sampled. Finally a list of all household members aged 18-65 in the selected subdistricts was created, and 25% randomly sampled. Osnabrück: residents of the city of Osnabrück in Lower Saxony and surroundings (138,000 inhabitants); Hoyerswerda: residents of the city of Osnabrück in Saxony and surroundings (90,000 inhabitants).
Sample size: Federal Republic: 1,498; Osnabrück: 1,103; Democratic Republic: 2,147
Response rate: Federal Republic sample: approx. 73%; Osnabrück: approx. 88%; Democratic Republic: over 90%
Weighting procedures:
Sources of information: Alexander Szalai (ed.) (1972) The Use of Time: Daily Activities of Urban and Suburban Populations in Twelve Countries. The Hague, Paris: Mouton Publication of the European Co-ordination Centre for Research and Documentation in the Social Sciences
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