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Education-original study codes

Austria 1992

1 Elementary school
3 Neduyn vocational
4 Higher general
5 Higher vocational
6 University
7 Child aged 10-14

Austria 2008:

0 ISCED 0/1
11 ISCED 1
21 ISCED 2
22 ISCED 3c shorter than two years
30 ISCED 3
31 ISCED 3c two years and more
32 ISCED 3 a, b
41 ISCED 4a b
42 ISCED 4c
43 ISCED 4
51 ISCED 5b
52 ISCED 5a
60 ISCED 6
99 Not applicable

Canada 2005

1 Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
2 High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
3 Trade certificate or diploma 4 College/CEGEP/other non-university certificate or diploma
5 University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
6 Bachelor's degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
7 University certificate, diploma, degree above the BA level

Canada 2010

1 Doctorate/masters/some graduate
2 Bachelor's degree
3 Diploma/certificate from community college
4 Diploma/certificate from trade/technical
5 Some university
6 Some community college/CEGEP/nursing
7 Some trade/technical
8 High school diploma
9 Some secondary/high school
10 Elementary school/no schooling

Canada 2015

1 Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
2 High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
3 Trade certificate or diploma 4 College/CEGEP/other non-university certificate or diploma
5 University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
6 Bachelor's degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
7 University certificate, diploma, degree above the BA level

Spain 2002

1 Illiterate
2 Attended school less than 5 years
3 Attended school 5 or more years, no completed secondary education
4 Completed secondary education
5 High-school degree
6 Professional training, first degree
7 Professional training, second degree
8 General degree
9 Bachelor's degree
10 Doctoral degree

Basque Country

2 Lower levels of secondary education
3 Higher levels of secondary education
4 Higher levels of secondary education
5 More than high school degree
6 Polytechnic level

Spain 2009

1 No formal education, not able to read or write
2 Did not complete primary school
3 Completed primary school
4 Completed secondary school
5 Post-secondary qualification
6 Teaching qualification
7 Professional qualification
8 University degree
9 Higher university degree

France 1985

0 no diploma
4 Baccalaureat lere partie CFES
5 Baccalaureat series 2eme
6 Diplome universitaire du 1er cycle - DUEL DUES
7 Diplome universitaire du 2eme cycle - license, maitrise
8 Diplome universitaire du 3eme cycle - DES DEA doctorat
9 Autre preciser

France 1998

0 Without a diploma or not declared
4 Bac technique
5 Bac general
6 Bac + 2
7 Superieur a Bac + 2

France 2009

0 No formal education or below ISCED 1
11 Primary (ISCED 1)
21 Lower secondary (ISCED 2)
39 ISCED 3 (2 years or more without distinction a,b,c possible
43 ISCED 4 (without distinction a, b, c possible)
51 ISCED 5a
60 ISCED 6
-7 Not applicable

Finland 1979- 2009:

1 Matriculation examination or upper secondary general school's leaving certificate 
2 Comprehensive or lower secondary school 
3 Elementary school, folk high school or part of lower secondary school or part of comprehensive school 
4 Less than elementary school
9 Does not know 
-8 Missing 

UK 1974

1 Leave school at age 15 or less
2 16
3 17
4 18
5 19
6 20
7 21 or more
8 Still studying
12 Not stated

UK 1987

0 Child in school
1 No qualifications, adult
2 CSE, not 1 England and Wales
3 O-Level, CSE, SCM
4 GCSE A-Level
5 SCE-O or lowers Scotland
6 Other non-significant qualification
7 Scottish Higher'
8 Certificate of 6th year of study
9 City and Guilds
11 Scottish Vec national certificate
12 Scottish BEC TEC cert CD
13 Clerical or commercial qualification
14 Apprenticeship
15 Significant other qualification
17 Professional qualification, no exam
18 Teaching degree
19 Nursing degree
20 University certificate or diploma
21 University degree

UK 1995

1 Up to 14
2 15- to 18
3 19 to 25
4 Over 25
5 Still in education
6 No education

UK 2000

1 Degree level qualification or above
2 Higher ed below degree level (HNC, nursing qualification)
3 A levels, vocational level 3 and equivalent (AS level, NVQ 3)
4 O levels, GCSE grade A-C, vocational level 2 and equivalent
5 GCSE below grade C, CSE, vocational level 1 and equivalent
6 Qualification below GCSE/O level (trade apprenticeships)
7 Other qualification (professional, vocational, foreign)
8 Qualifications - but DK which
9 Qualifications - GCSE - but DK grade
10 Qualifications - City and Guilds - DK level
11 Qualifications - Other - but DK grade/level
12 No qualifications
13 Eligible - No answer
14 Under 16yrs - ineligible for qualifications questions

UK 2005

1 Degree or higher degree
2 Higher education qualification
3 A levels or higher
5 O Level or GCSE grade A-C
6 GCSE grade D-G/CSE grade 2-5
7 Other qualifications, include foreign
8 No formal qualifications
99 Don't know

Netherlands 1975

1 Lo,vglo,lavo
2 Lbo
3 Ulo,mavo
4 Vhmo,mbo
5 Hbo,semi univ
6 Doktoraal

Netherlands 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1995:

1 Lo, lbo
2 Mabo, mo, mbo
3 Hbo, wo

Netherlands 2000, 2005

1 Only primary education
2 Lower levels of secondary education (1, 2 years)
3 Higher levels of secondary education (3, 4 years)
4 Higher levels of secondary education (at least 5 years)
5 High school degree
6 Polytechnic level
7 University level


1 Grades 0-8 only
2 Grades 9-11, not high school graduate
3 High school graduate
4 Some college
5 College graduate
6 Postgraduate

South Africa (ZA) 2000
In 2000, the original education variable indicates only the highest grade level achieved; therefore, EDUCA does not include post-secondary education.

The value labels for EDUCA are as follows:
0 'None'
1 'Grade 1/Sub A'
2 'Grade 2/Sub B'
3 'Grade 3/Standard 1'
4 'Grade 4/Standard 2'
5 'Grade 5/Standard 3'
6 'Grade 6/Standard 4'
7 'Grade 7/Standard 5'
8 'Grade 8/Standard 6/Form 1'
9 'Grade 9/Standard 7/Form 2'
10 'Grade 10/Standard 8/Form 3'
11 'Grade 11/Standard 9/Form 4'
12 'Grade 12/Standard 12/Form 5/Matric'

South Korea 2004 and 2009

0 No education
1 Elementary school
2 Middle school
3 High school
4 College (less than 4 years)
5 University (4 years)
6 Postgraduate (Master's)
7 Postgraduate (PhD)


EDUCA is the respondent's education level as originally coded in the surveys. This variable is not harmonized. Note that values are survey-specific (see codes).

When available, the variable indicating the highest level of education completed is used. If there is no highest level of education variable, one is created from the available variables in the original survey.

Users may also be interested in EDTRY which is the harmonized highest level of education. STUDENT indicates whether or not the respondent was a student at the time of the survey.

Comparability — Index

United Kingdom
United States


This variable is not comparable across samples.

Comparability — Armenia [top]

1 Illiterate
2 Incomplete primary
3 Primary
4 General basic
5 Secondary
6 Preliminary vocational
7 Vocational
8 Incomplete tertiary
9 Tertiary
10 Post-graduate

Comparability — Austria [top]

Austria 1992:

1 elementary school
3 vocational
4 higher general
5 higher vocational
6 university
7 child aged 10-14

In 1992, the original education variable contains an unusually high number of respondents in the elementary schooling category. Comparison with OECD statistics suggests that the proportion of respondents with only elementary education should be much lower than this. So caution should be exercised when using any education variables from this survey. Many of these cases in fact actually may be missing.

Comparability — Bulgaria [top]

Bulgaria 2001:
Original education codes could not be located at time of data release.

Comparability — Canada [top]

Comparability — Finland [top]

In the Finnish data, this variable indicates the respondent's highest level of education.

Comparability — France [top]

In the French data, this variable indicates the respondent's highest level of education.

Comparability — Italy [top]

In 2002, respondents aged 10 or less do not have data for this variable.

Comparability — Netherlands [top]

In 2000 and 2005, the respondent's highest degree is recorded.

Comparability — Spain [top]

In the Spanish data, this variable indicates the respondent's highest level of education.

Comparability — United Kingdom [top]

In 1974, this variable is constructed based on the age when the respondent left school.

In 1987, the survey only asked main respondents who are employed about their level of education, and only if the main respondent had already left full-time education. We are able to supplement education from the diary information of diarists who still are studying, but we cannot construct an education variable for more than half of the sample.

In 1995, the original variable indicates the age the respondent completed full-time education.

Comparability — United States [top]

In 1992-94, people aged under 18 were not asked and they are classified in group 1.


  • All persons.


  • Armenia: 2008
  • Austria: 1992, 2008
  • Bulgaria: 2001
  • Canada: 2005, 2010, 2015
  • Finland: 1979, 2009
  • France: 1985, 2009
  • Hungary: 1999, 2009
  • Israel: 1991
  • Italy: 2002, 2008
  • Netherlands: 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000
  • South Africa: 2000, 2010
  • South Korea: 1999, 2004, 2009
  • Spain: 2002
  • United Kingdom: 1983, 1987, 1995, 2000, 2005
  • United States: 1965, 1975, 1985, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003-2023