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Codes and Frequencies

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HHTYPE records the type of household in which the respondent lived at the time of the survey. This is a household characteristic variable and can take the value of 1, 2, 3, and 4. HHTYPE is computed from a household type variable or a household grid when available and from a combination of marital status and household size when no household type classification was available. Where there is inconsistency in the reporting in the survey, the converter opts for the most logical solution.

One person households have only 1 member and are coded as HHTYPE equal to 1. In instances where a household size variable suggests that there is only one household member, but the person is also a parent and not in a couple and at least one child also lives in the household, then the household type should be coded as 4 ("other household type").

Values 2 and 3 mark instances where a household includes a couple (cohabiting or married). If the couple are the only people in the household (and the household size is equal to 2, then the appropriate code is category 2. If a couple lives in the household with at least one other person, then the code is 3. It does not matter if the couple are lodgers of the household reference person, or the household is a multi-couple household, or the reference person is a widow/widower or divorced person and has a child who has a partner that lives in the same household, or is a couple and children, the appropriate code is 3. If two or more people live in the household, and no household member is in a couple, then the appropriate code is a 4.

See FAMSTAT for more information on individual characteristics of members in the household.

Comparability — Index

United Kingdom
United States


Users should use caution. In some surveys, it is hard to identify cohabiting couples and these people may be miscoded as HHTYPE = 4. Some surveys also make the identification of single parent households difficult.

Comparability — Austria [top]

In 1992, there are 33 cases of people who say that they live alone but who also say that they are married and who report spending time with a spouse or partner.

Comparability — Canada [top]

In 2010, HHTYPE = 1 corresponds to single people living alone (both LIVGARR12 =1 and HSDSIZEC =1 "One household member") and also to single person households with "Other living arrangements." HHTYPE =2 if the respondent is "living with spouse/partner only" (LIVARR12=2) and Household size is "two household members" (HSDSIZEC=2). This type is also assigned to married and common-law respondents who report "Other living arrangements" and the household size is 2 people. HHTYPE=3 if living arrangements (LIVARR12) are "living with spouse/partner with single child(ren) of age lt 25 (=3), "no spouse and non-single child(ren)" (=9), and "living with two parents"(=10). ). This type is also assigned to married and common-law respondents who report "Other living arrangements" and the household size is more than 2 people. HHTYPE=4 includes all other types of living arrangements, including where it was impossible to figure out whether both parents were present in the household. Married or common law respondents that reported living with one parent were recoded as "couple with others." 2 changes were made through this transformation.

In 2015, there were 24 cases that indicated living only in a couple but the household size was more than two. In these cases, they were recoded as “3: Married or cohabiting couple and others.”

Comparability — France [top]

In 1985, there are 16 households including 12 diarists where one person who is listed as legally married but the spouse does not live in the household. These cases are coded in HHTYPE=4 as there are no couples in the household.

Comparability — Netherlands [top]

In 2000, there were 199 cases that have no HHTYPE. 185 of these cases are the child of the main income earner. This adds 155 child diarists into couple + households and 31 children into single parent households. This leaves 13 uncoded HHTYPE cases, of which 8 have 2 people, 3 have 3 people, and 3 have 4 people. The 3-4 person households are single parent households; the others are various combinations of household type all are set to category 4.

In 2005, there were 11 Cases where HHTYPE =4 and CIVSTAT=1. They have 3 or more household members, so we change them to HHTYPE =3

Comparability — United Kingdom [top]

In 1983, if there is only 1 person in the HH, then it is 1. If the first and second respondents are couple and only 2 people in the HH, then it is 2. If the first and second respondents are couple and more than 2 people in the HH, then it is 3. Otherwise, it is 4.

In 1995, there are still a small number of cases of which HHTYPE, HHLDSIZE and SINGPARdo not correspond to one and other. Logical adjustments have been made to correct the discrepancies of the obvious cases but some are left behind without adjustments.

Comparability — United States [top]

In 1975, there are 33 child diarists from household where only the children completed diaries but adults did not complete a diary. These are coded as HHTYPE =3.

In 1992-94, given there was no original marital status variable, HHTYPE could not be computed. Only single person households can be identified.

In 1994-95, as limited information is available on other members of the household, there are cases coded as HHTYPE=4 which should be in HHTYPE=3, but in the absence of the needed information, these could not be correctly coded.


  • All persons.


  • Armenia: 2008
  • Austria: 1992, 2008
  • Bulgaria: 2001
  • Canada: 2005, 2010, 2015
  • Finland: 1979, 2009
  • France: 1985, 2009
  • Hungary: 1999
  • Israel: 1991
  • Italy: 2002, 2008
  • Netherlands: 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000
  • South Africa: 2000, 2010
  • South Korea: 2004, 2009
  • Spain: 2002
  • United Kingdom: 1983, 1987, 1995, 2000, 2005
  • United States: 1965, 1975, 1985, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003-2023