***************************************************************** *syntax to create the MTUS episode and aggregate files for the * *UK 2000-01 HETUS survey * *written by Dr. Kimberly Fisher, Centre for Time Use Research * *University of Oxford 7 February 2012, updated 30 June 2013 * *****************************************************************. GET FILE='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Documents\MTUS-archive\UK\2000-01\hhld_data_6.sav'. compute countrya = 37. compute survey = 2000. compute swave = 0. compute msamp = 0. freq tenure. recode tenure (sysmis=-8). Do if tenure>0 and tenure<4. compute ownhome=1. *A UK government initiative to encourage home ownership allows for shared *ownership - where people can get a mortgage to part-purchase a property *part-owned by another agency. This arrangement involves payment both of *rent and of a mortgage, though the part-owner accumulates some capital *which, if the housing market goes up, the part-owner can later sell. Else if tenure=4. compute ownhome=2. Else if tenure=5. compute ownhome=3. Else. compute ownhome=-8. End if. freq HQ4B@13 HQ5A HQ6A HQ6B CARAVAIL. cro HQ4B@13 by HQ5A. Do if HQ4B@13=1 or HQ5A=1. compute computer=1. Else if HQ4B@13=2 or HQ5A=2. compute computer=0. Else. compute computer=-8. End if. cro CARAVAIL by HQ6A HQ6B. Do if CARAVAIL=2. compute vehicle=0. Else if HQ6B>1. compute vehicle=4. Else. compute vehicle=3. End if. apply dictionary from 'C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\MTUS database\schema&etc\MTUShafschema.sav'. cro tenure by ownhome. freq countrya survey swave msamp. cro ownhome by tenure. cro vehicle by CARAVAIL HQ6B. cro computer by HQ4B@13 HQ5A. compute hhldsize=hnumb. freq hhldsize. sort cases by sn1 sn2. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\hh.sav' /drop tenure CARAVAIL HQ6A HQ6B hnumb. GET FILE='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Documents\MTUS-archive\UK\2000-01\Individual_Data_5.sav'. sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3. compute student=0. If vq23d1=1 or vq23d2=1 or vq23d3=1 or vq23d4=1 or vq23d5=1 or vq23d6=1 or vq23d7=1 or vq23d8=1 or vq23d9=1 or vq23d10=1 or vq23d11=1 or vq23d12=1 or vq23d13=1 or vq23d14=1 or vq23d15=1 or vq23d16=1 or vq23d17=1 or vq23d18=1 or vq23d19=1 or vq23d20=1 or vq23d21=1 or vq23d22=1 or vq23d23=1 student=1. if iage<16 and student=0 student=1. freq student. freq vq21a4 q21c. *create a marker for retirement based on receipt of retirement pension to *mark people who are retired but still working. compute retmark=0. if vq21a4=1 or q21c=1 retmark=1. freq retmark. cro retmark by vq21a4 q21c. compute carer=0. if PQ45=1 or PQ47=1 or vq27ca3=1 or vq27ca17=1 or vq27cb3=1 or vq27cb17=1 or vq27cc3=1 or vq27cc17=1 or vq27cd3=1 or vq27cd17=1 or vq27ce3=1 or vq27ce17=1 or vq27cf3=1 or vq27cf17=1 or vq27cg3=1 or vq27cg17=1 or vq27ch3=1 or vq27ch17=1 carer=1. recode Q5 (1=2) (2=1) (else=-8) into sector. recode Q34A (4,5=0) (3=1) (2=2) (1=3) (else=-8) INTO health. recode Q36A (1=2) (2=1) (3=0) (else=-8) INTO rushed. recode PQ54 (1=1) (2=0) (else=-8) INTO citizen. cro q7 by Q8A Q16G manage2. cro manage2 by SOC NSSECB. Do if manage2=1 or MANAGE2=2 or (soc>1110 and soc<2110). compute occup=1. Else if (soc>2410 and soc<2425) or (soc>3515 and soc<3542) or soc=3544. compute occup=2. Else if soc=2321 or (soc>2110 and soc<2210) or (soc>3110 and soc<3120) or soc=3131 or soc=3132. compute occup=3. Else if (soc>2430 and soc<2444) or (soc>3120 and soc<3124) or soc=3231 or soc=3232 or (soc>3550 and soc<3562) or (soc>3562 and soc<4100). compute occup=4. Else if soc=2322 or (soc>2310 and soc<2320) or soc=2451 or soc=2452. compute occup=5. Else if (soc>2210 and soc<2310) or (soc>3209 and soc<3230). compute occup=6. Else if soc=2329 or soc=2444 or (soc>2520 and soc<2950) or (soc>3310 and soc<3520) or soc=3542 or soc=3543 or soc=3562. compute occup=7. Else if q7=2. compute occup=14. Else if (soc>5500 and soc<6210) or soc=9221. compute occup=8. Else if (soc>4110 and soc<5110) or soc=9211 or soc=9219. compute occup=9. Else if (soc>9240 and soc<9250). compute occup=10. Else if (soc>5410 and soc<6110) or (soc>6140 and soc<8110) or (soc>9221 and soc<9240) or soc=9251 or soc=9259. compute occup=11. Else if (soc>5110 and soc<5210) or soc=8223 or (soc>9110 and soc<9120). compute occup=12. Else if (soc>5210 and soc<5410) or (soc>8110 and soc<8223) or (soc>8228 and soc<8533) or (soc>9120 and soc<9210). compute occup=13. Else. compute occup=-8. End if. temp. select if occup=-8. freq soc. *initially some mystery codes, 5, 6, 50, 60, 122. As seen from tests below, *many of these people have no education qualifications. Still, these are *left coded as missing. temp. select if soc=122 or soc=5 or soc=6 or soc=50 or soc=60. freq SOC2 NSSECB SIC HIQUAL4. *also a list of codes similar to real codes - *2524, 2822, 2914, 2940 - these put into other professional; *3210 put in health professional; 8511, 8532 put in cat 13. freq q34b q35a q35b q35c q35f. cro q34b by q35b q35c q35f. compute disab=0. if q34b=1 disab=1. apply dictionary from'C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\MTUS database\schema&etc\MTUShafschema.sav'. cro carer by PQ45 PQ47. cro q5 by sector. cro q34a by health. cro q36a by rushed. cro pq54 by citizen. cro disab by q34b. freq disab. cro manage2 by occup. temp. select if occup=1. freq soc. temp. select if occup=2. freq soc. temp. select if occup=3. freq soc. temp. select if occup=4. freq soc. temp. select if occup=5. freq soc. temp. select if occup=6. freq soc. temp. select if occup=7. freq soc. temp. select if occup=8. freq soc. temp. select if occup=9. freq soc. temp. select if occup=10. freq soc. temp. select if occup=11. freq soc. temp. select if occup=12. freq soc. temp. select if occup=13. freq soc. temp. select if occup=14. freq soc. freq occup. *2745 cases with no value. recode occup (sysmis=-8). temp. select if occup=-8. freq PC1 Q17 Q22A Q23A IAGE. cro occup pc1 by student. cro occup by retmark ECONACT. temp. select if iage<18. freq student. temp. select if occup=-8 and retmark=0. cro iage by Q1A. *recode young students and young people who recently left school *who are not working and have missing value for occupation *as no relevant occupation. If iage<20 and ((student=1 and pc1=2) or q1a=2) and occup=-8 occup=-7. *remove retired people who are not working and have no *occupation value as not relevant. If retmark=1 and occup=-8 occup=-7. If iage>64 and q1a=2 and occup=-8 occup=-7. *remove people not in workforce from occupation missing to occupation *not relevant. if econact=3 and occup=-8 occup=-7. freq occup. *now 208 have occupation missing. cro occup by q1a sector. if occup=-7 and sector=-8 sector=-7. freq q17 VQ21D1 VQ21D2 Q21E. compute unmark=0. if q17=1 or VQ21D1=1 or Q21E=1 or q21e=2 unmark=1. freq unmark. *check all new vars have values for all cases. freq student retmark carer sector health rushed citizen occup disab. freq q23a. recode q23a (sysmis=-8). freq q23a. *843 diaries from people who did not complete the person questionaire. *variables on who receives care component saved to identify which of *these people may have a disability. freq IETHNIC. *one system missing case. recode IETHNIC (sysmis=11). recode IETHNIC (1=1) (2 thru 4=2) (5 thru 7=3) (8,9=4) (else=-8) into ethnic. var lab ethnic ethnicity. val lab ethnic -9 not possible to create -8 missing 1 white 2 black 3 "Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi" 4 other and mixed race. freq ethnic. cro iethnic by ethnic. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\ind.sav' /keep sn1 sn2 sn3 NUM0_2 NUM3_4 NUM5_9 NUM10_15 NUM16_17 unmark q23a disab student retmark carer sector health rushed citizen occup ethnic Q21BA01 Q21BA02 Q21BA03 Q21BA04 Q21BA05 Q21BA06 Q21BA07 Q21BA08 Q21BA09 Q21BA10 Q21BB01 Q21BB02 Q21BB03 Q21BB04 Q21BB05 Q21BB06 Q21BB07 Q21BB08 Q21BB09 Q21BB10. GET FILE='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Documents\MTUS-archive\UK\2000-01\Diary_data_8.sav' /keep sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4 ddayofwk dmonth dyear dsex dage hiqual4 hrs_tot hrs_grp totpinc econact3 livarr hhtype4 da@q3 da@q4 mgrppc pop_den gorpaf wtdry_ug dry_ind dtype da@q2 da@q8 da@q9 dk@q1 dk@q2 dk@q3 dk@q5 dethnic gorpaf gorpaf2 gorpaf3 provcare soc manage2 act1_001 act1_002 act1_003 act1_004 act1_005 act1_006 act1_007 act1_008 act1_009 act1_010 act1_011 act1_012 act1_013 act1_014 act1_015 act1_016 act1_017 act1_018 act1_019 act1_020 act1_021 act1_022 act1_023 act1_024 act1_025 act1_026 act1_027 act1_028 act1_029 act1_030 act1_031 act1_032 act1_033 act1_034 act1_035 act1_036 act1_037 act1_038 act1_039 act1_040 act1_041 act1_042 act1_043 act1_044 act1_045 act1_046 act1_047 act1_048 act1_049 act1_050 act1_051 act1_052 act1_053 act1_054 act1_055 act1_056 act1_057 act1_058 act1_059 act1_060 act1_061 act1_062 act1_063 act1_064 act1_065 act1_066 act1_067 act1_068 act1_069 act1_070 act1_071 act1_072 act1_073 act1_074 act1_075 act1_076 act1_077 act1_078 act1_079 act1_080 act1_081 act1_082 act1_083 act1_084 act1_085 act1_086 act1_087 act1_088 act1_089 act1_090 act1_091 act1_092 act1_093 act1_094 act1_095 act1_096 act1_097 act1_098 act1_099 act1_100 act1_101 act1_102 act1_103 act1_104 act1_105 act1_106 act1_107 act1_108 act1_109 act1_110 act1_111 act1_112 act1_113 act1_114 act1_115 act1_116 act1_117 act1_118 act1_119 act1_120 act1_121 act1_122 act1_123 act1_124 act1_125 act1_126 act1_127 act1_128 act1_129 act1_130 act1_131 act1_132 act1_133 act1_134 act1_135 act1_136 act1_137 act1_138 act1_139 act1_140 act1_141 act1_142 act1_143 act1_144 act2_001 act2_002 act2_003 act2_004 act2_005 act2_006 act2_007 act2_008 act2_009 act2_010 act2_011 act2_012 act2_013 act2_014 act2_015 act2_016 act2_017 act2_018 act2_019 act2_020 act2_021 act2_022 act2_023 act2_024 act2_025 act2_026 act2_027 act2_028 act2_029 act2_030 act2_031 act2_032 act2_033 act2_034 act2_035 act2_036 act2_037 act2_038 act2_039 act2_040 act2_041 act2_042 act2_043 act2_044 act2_045 act2_046 act2_047 act2_048 act2_049 act2_050 act2_051 act2_052 act2_053 act2_054 act2_055 act2_056 act2_057 act2_058 act2_059 act2_060 act2_061 act2_062 act2_063 act2_064 act2_065 act2_066 act2_067 act2_068 act2_069 act2_070 act2_071 act2_072 act2_073 act2_074 act2_075 act2_076 act2_077 act2_078 act2_079 act2_080 act2_081 act2_082 act2_083 act2_084 act2_085 act2_086 act2_087 act2_088 act2_089 act2_090 act2_091 act2_092 act2_093 act2_094 act2_095 act2_096 act2_097 act2_098 act2_099 act2_100 act2_101 act2_102 act2_103 act2_104 act2_105 act2_106 act2_107 act2_108 act2_109 act2_110 act2_111 act2_112 act2_113 act2_114 act2_115 act2_116 act2_117 act2_118 act2_119 act2_120 act2_121 act2_122 act2_123 act2_124 act2_125 act2_126 act2_127 act2_128 act2_129 act2_130 act2_131 act2_132 act2_133 act2_134 act2_135 act2_136 act2_137 act2_138 act2_139 act2_140 act2_141 act2_142 act2_143 act2_144 wher_001 wher_002 wher_003 wher_004 wher_005 wher_006 wher_007 wher_008 wher_009 wher_010 wher_011 wher_012 wher_013 wher_014 wher_015 wher_016 wher_017 wher_018 wher_019 wher_020 wher_021 wher_022 wher_023 wher_024 wher_025 wher_026 wher_027 wher_028 wher_029 wher_030 wher_031 wher_032 wher_033 wher_034 wher_035 wher_036 wher_037 wher_038 wher_039 wher_040 wher_041 wher_042 wher_043 wher_044 wher_045 wher_046 wher_047 wher_048 wher_049 wher_050 wher_051 wher_052 wher_053 wher_054 wher_055 wher_056 wher_057 wher_058 wher_059 wher_060 wher_061 wher_062 wher_063 wher_064 wher_065 wher_066 wher_067 wher_068 wher_069 wher_070 wher_071 wher_072 wher_073 wher_074 wher_075 wher_076 wher_077 wher_078 wher_079 wher_080 wher_081 wher_082 wher_083 wher_084 wher_085 wher_086 wher_087 wher_088 wher_089 wher_090 wher_091 wher_092 wher_093 wher_094 wher_095 wher_096 wher_097 wher_098 wher_099 wher_100 wher_101 wher_102 wher_103 wher_104 wher_105 wher_106 wher_107 wher_108 wher_109 wher_110 wher_111 wher_112 wher_113 wher_114 wher_115 wher_116 wher_117 wher_118 wher_119 wher_120 wher_121 wher_122 wher_123 wher_124 wher_125 wher_126 wher_127 wher_128 wher_129 wher_130 wher_131 wher_132 wher_133 wher_134 wher_135 wher_136 wher_137 wher_138 wher_139 wher_140 wher_141 wher_142 wher_143 wher_144. *to facilitate ease of use of vectors in SPSS. rename variables (act1_001 act1_002 act1_003 act1_004 act1_005 act1_006 act1_007 act1_008 act1_009 act1_010 act1_011 act1_012 act1_013 act1_014 act1_015 act1_016 act1_017 act1_018 act1_019 act1_020 act1_021 act1_022 act1_023 act1_024 act1_025 act1_026 act1_027 act1_028 act1_029 act1_030 act1_031 act1_032 act1_033 act1_034 act1_035 act1_036 act1_037 act1_038 act1_039 act1_040 act1_041 act1_042 act1_043 act1_044 act1_045 act1_046 act1_047 act1_048 act1_049 act1_050 act1_051 act1_052 act1_053 act1_054 act1_055 act1_056 act1_057 act1_058 act1_059 act1_060 act1_061 act1_062 act1_063 act1_064 act1_065 act1_066 act1_067 act1_068 act1_069 act1_070 act1_071 act1_072 act1_073 act1_074 act1_075 act1_076 act1_077 act1_078 act1_079 act1_080 act1_081 act1_082 act1_083 act1_084 act1_085 act1_086 act1_087 act1_088 act1_089 act1_090 act1_091 act1_092 act1_093 act1_094 act1_095 act1_096 act1_097 act1_098 act1_099 act1_100 act1_101 act1_102 act1_103 act1_104 act1_105 act1_106 act1_107 act1_108 act1_109 act1_110 act1_111 act1_112 act1_113 act1_114 act1_115 act1_116 act1_117 act1_118 act1_119 act1_120 act1_121 act1_122 act1_123 act1_124 act1_125 act1_126 act1_127 act1_128 act1_129 act1_130 act1_131 act1_132 act1_133 act1_134 act1_135 act1_136 act1_137 act1_138 act1_139 act1_140 act1_141 act1_142 act1_143 act1_144 act2_001 act2_002 act2_003 act2_004 act2_005 act2_006 act2_007 act2_008 act2_009 act2_010 act2_011 act2_012 act2_013 act2_014 act2_015 act2_016 act2_017 act2_018 act2_019 act2_020 act2_021 act2_022 act2_023 act2_024 act2_025 act2_026 act2_027 act2_028 act2_029 act2_030 act2_031 act2_032 act2_033 act2_034 act2_035 act2_036 act2_037 act2_038 act2_039 act2_040 act2_041 act2_042 act2_043 act2_044 act2_045 act2_046 act2_047 act2_048 act2_049 act2_050 act2_051 act2_052 act2_053 act2_054 act2_055 act2_056 act2_057 act2_058 act2_059 act2_060 act2_061 act2_062 act2_063 act2_064 act2_065 act2_066 act2_067 act2_068 act2_069 act2_070 act2_071 act2_072 act2_073 act2_074 act2_075 act2_076 act2_077 act2_078 act2_079 act2_080 act2_081 act2_082 act2_083 act2_084 act2_085 act2_086 act2_087 act2_088 act2_089 act2_090 act2_091 act2_092 act2_093 act2_094 act2_095 act2_096 act2_097 act2_098 act2_099 act2_100 act2_101 act2_102 act2_103 act2_104 act2_105 act2_106 act2_107 act2_108 act2_109 act2_110 act2_111 act2_112 act2_113 act2_114 act2_115 act2_116 act2_117 act2_118 act2_119 act2_120 act2_121 act2_122 act2_123 act2_124 act2_125 act2_126 act2_127 act2_128 act2_129 act2_130 act2_131 act2_132 act2_133 act2_134 act2_135 act2_136 act2_137 act2_138 act2_139 act2_140 act2_141 act2_142 act2_143 act2_144 = acta1 acta2 acta3 acta4 acta5 acta6 acta7 acta8 acta9 acta10 acta11 acta12 acta13 acta14 acta15 acta16 acta17 acta18 acta19 acta20 acta21 acta22 acta23 acta24 acta25 acta26 acta27 acta28 acta29 acta30 acta31 acta32 acta33 acta34 acta35 acta36 acta37 acta38 acta39 acta40 acta41 acta42 acta43 acta44 acta45 acta46 acta47 acta48 acta49 acta50 acta51 acta52 acta53 acta54 acta55 acta56 acta57 acta58 acta59 acta60 acta61 acta62 acta63 acta64 acta65 acta66 acta67 acta68 acta69 acta70 acta71 acta72 acta73 acta74 acta75 acta76 acta77 acta78 acta79 acta80 acta81 acta82 acta83 acta84 acta85 acta86 acta87 acta88 acta89 acta90 acta91 acta92 acta93 acta94 acta95 acta96 acta97 acta98 acta99 acta100 acta101 acta102 acta103 acta104 acta105 acta106 acta107 acta108 acta109 acta110 acta111 acta112 acta113 acta114 acta115 acta116 acta117 acta118 acta119 acta120 acta121 acta122 acta123 acta124 acta125 acta126 acta127 acta128 acta129 acta130 acta131 acta132 acta133 acta134 acta135 acta136 acta137 acta138 acta139 acta140 acta141 acta142 acta143 acta144 actb1 actb2 actb3 actb4 actb5 actb6 actb7 actb8 actb9 actb10 actb11 actb12 actb13 actb14 actb15 actb16 actb17 actb18 actb19 actb20 actb21 actb22 actb23 actb24 actb25 actb26 actb27 actb28 actb29 actb30 actb31 actb32 actb33 actb34 actb35 actb36 actb37 actb38 actb39 actb40 actb41 actb42 actb43 actb44 actb45 actb46 actb47 actb48 actb49 actb50 actb51 actb52 actb53 actb54 actb55 actb56 actb57 actb58 actb59 actb60 actb61 actb62 actb63 actb64 actb65 actb66 actb67 actb68 actb69 actb70 actb71 actb72 actb73 actb74 actb75 actb76 actb77 actb78 actb79 actb80 actb81 actb82 actb83 actb84 actb85 actb86 actb87 actb88 actb89 actb90 actb91 actb92 actb93 actb94 actb95 actb96 actb97 actb98 actb99 actb100 actb101 actb102 actb103 actb104 actb105 actb106 actb107 actb108 actb109 actb110 actb111 actb112 actb113 actb114 actb115 actb116 actb117 actb118 actb119 actb120 actb121 actb122 actb123 actb124 actb125 actb126 actb127 actb128 actb129 actb130 actb131 actb132 actb133 actb134 actb135 actb136 actb137 actb138 actb139 actb140 actb141 actb142 actb143 actb144). Execute. rename variables (wher_001 wher_002 wher_003 wher_004 wher_005 wher_006 wher_007 wher_008 wher_009 wher_010 wher_011 wher_012 wher_013 wher_014 wher_015 wher_016 wher_017 wher_018 wher_019 wher_020 wher_021 wher_022 wher_023 wher_024 wher_025 wher_026 wher_027 wher_028 wher_029 wher_030 wher_031 wher_032 wher_033 wher_034 wher_035 wher_036 wher_037 wher_038 wher_039 wher_040 wher_041 wher_042 wher_043 wher_044 wher_045 wher_046 wher_047 wher_048 wher_049 wher_050 wher_051 wher_052 wher_053 wher_054 wher_055 wher_056 wher_057 wher_058 wher_059 wher_060 wher_061 wher_062 wher_063 wher_064 wher_065 wher_066 wher_067 wher_068 wher_069 wher_070 wher_071 wher_072 wher_073 wher_074 wher_075 wher_076 wher_077 wher_078 wher_079 wher_080 wher_081 wher_082 wher_083 wher_084 wher_085 wher_086 wher_087 wher_088 wher_089 wher_090 wher_091 wher_092 wher_093 wher_094 wher_095 wher_096 wher_097 wher_098 wher_099 wher_100 wher_101 wher_102 wher_103 wher_104 wher_105 wher_106 wher_107 wher_108 wher_109 wher_110 wher_111 wher_112 wher_113 wher_114 wher_115 wher_116 wher_117 wher_118 wher_119 wher_120 wher_121 wher_122 wher_123 wher_124 wher_125 wher_126 wher_127 wher_128 wher_129 wher_130 wher_131 wher_132 wher_133 wher_134 wher_135 wher_136 wher_137 wher_138 wher_139 wher_140 wher_141 wher_142 wher_143 wher_144= wher1 wher2 wher3 wher4 wher5 wher6 wher7 wher8 wher9 wher10 wher11 wher12 wher13 wher14 wher15 wher16 wher17 wher18 wher19 wher20 wher21 wher22 wher23 wher24 wher25 wher26 wher27 wher28 wher29 wher30 wher31 wher32 wher33 wher34 wher35 wher36 wher37 wher38 wher39 wher40 wher41 wher42 wher43 wher44 wher45 wher46 wher47 wher48 wher49 wher50 wher51 wher52 wher53 wher54 wher55 wher56 wher57 wher58 wher59 wher60 wher61 wher62 wher63 wher64 wher65 wher66 wher67 wher68 wher69 wher70 wher71 wher72 wher73 wher74 wher75 wher76 wher77 wher78 wher79 wher80 wher81 wher82 wher83 wher84 wher85 wher86 wher87 wher88 wher89 wher90 wher91 wher92 wher93 wher94 wher95 wher96 wher97 wher98 wher99 wher100 wher101 wher102 wher103 wher104 wher105 wher106 wher107 wher108 wher109 wher110 wher111 wher112 wher113 wher114 wher115 wher116 wher117 wher118 wher119 wher120 wher121 wher122 wher123 wher124 wher125 wher126 wher127 wher128 wher129 wher130 wher131 wher132 wher133 wher134 wher135 wher136 wher137 wher138 wher139 wher140 wher141 wher142 wher143 wher144). execute. *For the do repeat loop to work, all variables must have a real value (even *if it is a meaningless value). We need to eliminate missing cells. We will *not count these cells representing missing information in the categories we *will create, but the loop requires that every cell have a value. recode acta1 to wher144 (sysmis=-9). sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4. match files files=* table='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\hh.sav' /by sn1 sn2. execute. match files files=* table='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\ind.sav' /by sn1 sn2 sn3. execute. missing values all (). *check all variable already made apply to all cases. freq countrya survey swave msamp ownhome computer vehicle hhldsize disab student retmark carer sector health rushed citizen occup ethnic. *843 (4%) cases have no value for disab, student, retmark, carer, sector, health, rushed, citizen, occup, and ethnic. *give these a separate value that must be removed later to see who these people are. recode disab student retmark carer sector health rushed citizen occup ethnic (sysmis=-5). *check that the 843 are the same people. cro disab by student retmark carer sector health rushed citizen occup. *these are all the same cases. *check if the problem occurs for the same people or values are available for *one diary but not the other in any cases. compute test=0. if carer=-5 and (sn1=lag(sn1) and sn2=lag(sn2) and sn3=lag(sn3) and lag(carer)>-5) test=1. freq test. sort cases by sn1(a) sn2(a) sn3(a) sn4(d). compute test=0. if carer=-5 and (sn1=lag(sn1) and sn2=lag(sn2) and sn3=lag(sn3) and lag(carer)>-5) test=1. freq test. sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4. *variables available for two of the 9 missing variables. recode PROVCARE SOC MANAGE2 (sysmis=-5). cro carer by provcare. cro occup by soc. temp. select if student=-5. fre dage q23a ECONACT3 HHTYPE4 LIVARR DTYPE DA@Q2 DA@Q8 DA@Q9 DK@Q1 DK@Q5. *a number of variables have no values in the original file for these cases. *nothing can be done for most of these cases. recode Q21BA01 to Q21BB10 (sysmis=-5). compute test=sum(Q21BA01 to Q21BB10)/20. freq test. temp. select if disab=-5. freq test. *no help from these variables to disentangle the no questionnaire cases *for disability at the individual level. vector dis(10). if Q21BA01=1 or Q21BB01=1 dis1=1. if Q21BA02=1 or Q21BB02=1 dis2=1. if Q21BA03=1 or Q21BB03=1 dis3=1. if Q21BA04=1 or Q21BB04=1 dis4=1. if Q21BA05=1 or Q21BB05=1 dis5=1. if Q21BA06=1 or Q21BB06=1 dis6=1. if Q21BA07=1 or Q21BB07=1 dis7=1. if Q21BA08=1 or Q21BB08=1 dis8=1. if Q21BA09=1 or Q21BB09=1 dis9=1. if Q21BA10=1 or Q21BB10=1 dis10=1. freq dis1 to dis10. temp. select if sn3=1 and disab=-5. freq dis1. temp. select if sn3=2 and disab=-5. freq dis2. temp. select if sn3=3 and disab=-5. freq dis3. temp. select if sn3=4 and disab=-5. freq dis4. temp. select if sn3=5 and disab=-5. freq dis5. *still no help for this variable. recode carer health rushed disab (-5=-8). freq carer health rushed disab. *recode young children below school leaving age as students *and employment variables not relevant. if dage<17 and occup=-5 occup=-7. if dage<17 and student=-5 student=1. if dage<17 and sector=-5 sector=-7. *assume children to younger working aged people not retired. if dage<50 and retmark=-5 retmark=0. *assume people past retirement age are retired and not students. if dage>60 and student=-5 student=0. if dage>69 and occup=-5 occup=-7. if dage>69 and sector=-5 sector=-7. if dage>69 and retmark=-5 retmark=1. recode student occup sector retmark (-5=-8). freq student occup sector retmark. compute hldid = sn1*1000 + sn2. compute persid = sn3. compute id = sn4. recode ddayofwk (1=2) (2=3) (3=4) (4=5) (5=6) (6=7) (7=1) (else=-8) into day. cro ddayofwk by day. compute month=dmonth. freq month. compute year= dyear. compute diary = sn4. compute sex=dsex. cro dsex by sex. compute age = dage. *age cap applied. recode age (80 thru hi=80). freq age. freq rel01@05 rel01@02. compute parntid1=-8. compute parntid2=-8. compute nparent=0. compute cphome=0. compute relrefp=-8. if sn3=1 relrefp=1. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@02,3,4,5). compute cphome=1. compute parntid1=2. compute nparent=nparent+1. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=1 and any (rel01@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=1 and any (rel01@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if any (rel02@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. Do if sn3=8 and any (rel08@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=8 and any (rel08@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=9 and any (rel09@10,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=10. Else if sn3=9 and any (rel09@10,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=10. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@01,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute relrefp=3. compute parntid1=1. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@01,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=1. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@02,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=2. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@02,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=2. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@03,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=3. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@03,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=3. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@04,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=4. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@04,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=4. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@05,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=5. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@05,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=5. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@06,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=6. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@06,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=6. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@07,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=7. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@07,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=7. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@08,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=8. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@08,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=8. End if. Do if sn3=10 and any (rel10@09,3,4,5) and parntid1=-8. compute cphome=1. compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid1=9. Else if sn3=10 and any (rel10@09,3,4,5). compute nparent=nparent+1. compute parntid2=9. End if. freq cphome nparent relrefp parntid1 parntid2. *no person coded as cphome=0 should have any parent id; *if only one parent in the household, there should *be no parent id2. The parent id numbers should not overlap. cro nparent cphome by parntid1 parntid2. cro parntid1 by parntid2. Do if cphome=0. compute parntid1=-7. compute parntid2=-7. End if. freq parntid1 parntid2. *this step to look at the lesbian couple with a child. cro HHTYPE4 by cphome. compute test=0. if hhtype4=12 and cphome=1 test=1. freq test. *reset cases of id of second parent to NA for single parent households. if (hhtype4=9 or hhtype4=10 or hhtype4=15) and parntid2=-8 parntid2=-7. freq parntid2. cro cphome by citizen ethnic. *assume if child living in the parental home and the parents are *British that the children also are British. *also assume that if the parents are of the same ethnic background *that the children share their parents ethnic background. compute cit2=citizen. if cit2<0 cit2=5. compute eth1=ethnic. if eth1<0 eth1=5. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* MODE=ADDVARIABLES /BREAK=hldid /citizen_max = MAX(citizen) /citizen_min = min(cit2) /eth_max = max(ethnic) / eth_min = min(eth1). temp. select if citizen=-5 and cphome=1. freq citizen_max. *if everyone in the household has unknown citizenship, then the whole *household is recoded as missing. if citizen_max=-5 citizen=-8. *at this stage, cphome marks all people who live with their parents, *so the next action will set unknow citizenship of people who don't *live with their parents as missing. if cphome=0 and citizen=-5 citizen=-8. freq citizen. *likewise, if everyone in the household has unknown ethnicity, then *the whole household should have ethnic set to -8. freq eth_max. if eth_max<0 and ethnic=-5 ethnic=-8. if cphome=0 and ethnic=-5 ethnic=-8. freq ethnic. temp. select if citizen=-5. cro citizen_max by citizen_min. *in cases where the child lives in the parental home and the *other people in the household are all British, recode the *children's citizen as British. if citizen=-5 and citizen_max=1 citizen=1. freq citizen. *all that is left are 15 diaries from people living with *parents who are not British citizens. temp. select if citizen=-5. freq age. *these people are all young and may or may not have been born *in the UK and thus may or may not hold British citizenship. recode citizen (-5=-8). freq citizen. temp. select if ethnic=-5. cro eth_max by eth_min. *in all cases, everyone else in the house has one ethnicity, *thus it is highly likely that the children with no ethnicity *have the same ethnicity as their parents. if ethnic=-5 and eth_max=1 ethnic=1. if ethnic=-5 and eth_max=2 ethnic=2. if ethnic=-5 and eth_max=3 ethnic=3. freq ethnic. *check of other people living in households with multiple *members where everyone else is of the same ethnic *group but their own ethnicity is missing. temp. select if ethnic=-8 and hhldsize>1. cro eth_max by eth_min. *are other highly likely cases where everyone else is of the *same ethnic group. Use this information to remove some *missing cases after the relationship the reference person *fully coded. In cases where the person is related to the *reference person or is the reference person, most likely *the person with the missing ethnicity is the same ethnic *group as the rest of the household. There are a few *mixed ethnicity households. The majority of these *households have no information about the ethnicity of *anyone. *finish coding relationship to the reference person. cro relrefp by sn3. *diarists with person numbers 8 9 and 10 are all children *of the reference person - only some cases of person numbers *2 to 7 need adjustment. Do if sn3=2 and any (rel02@01,1,2). compute relrefp=2. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@01,7,8,9). compute relrefp=4. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@01,11,12,13). compute relrefp=5. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@01=6. compute relrefp=6. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@01=10. compute relrefp=7. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@01=14. compute relrefp=8. Else if sn3=2 and any (rel02@01,15,16,17). compute relrefp=9. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@01=18. compute relrefp=10. End if. temp. select if sn3=2. cro rel02@01 by relrefp. Do if sn3=3 and any (rel03@01,1,2). compute relrefp=2. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@01,7,8,9). compute relrefp=4. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@01,11,12,13). compute relrefp=5. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@01=6. compute relrefp=6. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@01=10. compute relrefp=7. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@01=14. compute relrefp=8. Else if sn3=3 and any (rel03@01,15,16,17). compute relrefp=9. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@01=18. compute relrefp=10. End if. temp. select if sn3=3. cro rel03@01 by relrefp. Do if sn3=4 and any (rel04@01,1,2). compute relrefp=2. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@01,7,8,9). compute relrefp=4. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@01,11,12,13). compute relrefp=5. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@01=6. compute relrefp=6. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@01=10. compute relrefp=7. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@01=14. compute relrefp=8. Else if sn3=4 and any (rel04@01,15,16,17). compute relrefp=9. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@01=18. compute relrefp=10. End if. temp. select if sn3=4. cro rel04@01 by relrefp. Do if sn3=5 and any (rel05@01,1,2). compute relrefp=2. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@01,7,8,9). compute relrefp=4. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@01,11,12,13). compute relrefp=5. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@01=6. compute relrefp=6. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@01=10. compute relrefp=7. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@01=14. compute relrefp=8. Else if sn3=5 and any (rel05@01,15,16,17). compute relrefp=9. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@01=18. compute relrefp=10. End if. temp. select if sn3=5. cro rel05@01 by relrefp. Do if sn3=6 and any (rel06@01,1,2). compute relrefp=2. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@01,7,8,9). compute relrefp=4. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@01,11,12,13). compute relrefp=5. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@01=6. compute relrefp=6. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@01=10. compute relrefp=7. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@01=14. compute relrefp=8. Else if sn3=6 and any (rel06@01,15,16,17). compute relrefp=9. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@01=18. compute relrefp=10. End if. temp. select if sn3=6. cro rel06@01 by relrefp. Do if sn3=7 and any (rel07@01,1,2). compute relrefp=2. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@01,7,8,9). compute relrefp=4. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@01,11,12,13). compute relrefp=5. Else if sn3=7 and rel07@01=6. compute relrefp=6. Else if sn3=7 and rel07@01=10. compute relrefp=7. Else if sn3=7 and rel07@01=14. compute relrefp=8. Else if sn3=7 and any (rel07@01,15,16,17). compute relrefp=9. Else if sn3=7 and rel07@01=18. compute relrefp=10. End if. temp. select if sn3=7. cro rel07@01 by relrefp. freq relrefp. *now deal with remaining missing ethnicity cases which can be addressed. Do if ethnic=-8 and relrefp<10 and eth_max=eth_min. compute ethnic=eth_max. end if. freq ethnic. *create couple status and spouse id variables. temp. select if sn3>6. freq age livarr. *no need to run spouse syntax for sn3=7,8,9,10. compute civstat=-5. compute cohab=-5. compute partid=-5. Do if sn3=1 and rel01@02=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@02=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@03=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@03=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@04=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@04=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@05=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@05=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@06=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=6. Else if sn3=1 and rel01@06=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=6. end if. freq civstat cohab partid. Do if sn3=2 and rel02@01=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@01=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@03=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@03=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@04=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@04=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@05=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@05=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@06=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=6. Else if sn3=2 and rel02@06=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=6. end if. freq civstat cohab partid. Do if sn3=3 and rel03@01=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@01=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@02=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@02=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@04=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@04=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@05=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@05=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@06=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=6. Else if sn3=3 and rel03@06=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=6. end if. freq civstat cohab partid. Do if sn3=4 and rel04@01=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@01=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@02=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@02=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@03=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@03=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@05=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@05=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@06=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=6. Else if sn3=4 and rel04@06=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=6. end if. freq civstat cohab partid. Do if sn3=5 and rel05@01=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@01=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@02=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@02=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@03=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@03=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@04=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@04=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@06=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=6. Else if sn3=5 and rel05@06=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=6. end if. freq civstat cohab partid. Do if sn3=6 and rel06@01=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@01=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=1. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@02=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@02=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=2. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@03=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@03=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=3. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@04=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@04=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=4. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@05=1. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=0. compute partid=5. Else if sn3=6 and rel06@05=2. compute civstat=1. compute cohab=1. compute partid=5. end if. freq civstat cohab partid livarr. recode livarr (sysmis=-8). cro civstat cohab by livarr. If civstat=-5 and livarr=1 civstat=1. If cohab=-5 and livarr=1 cohab=0. if civstat=-5 and livarr=2 civstat=1. if cohab=-5 and livarr=2 cohab=1. if civstat=-5 and ((livarr>2 and livarr<7) or livarr=8) civstat=2. if cohab=-5 and ((livarr>2 and livarr<7) or livarr=8) cohab=-7. cro civstat cohab by livarr. recode civstat cohab (-5=-8). if livarr=2 and cohab=0 cohab=1. if livarr=1 and cohab=1 cohab=0. if civstat=2 partid=-7. recode partid (-5=-8). cro civstat cohab by livarr partid. Do if hhtype4=1. compute hhtype=1. Else if hhtype4=3 or hhtype4=6. compute hhtype=2. Else if hhtype4=4 or hhtype4=5 or hhtype4=7 or hhtype4=8 or (hhtype4>10 and hhtype4<15). compute hhtype=3. Else if hhtype4=2 or hhtype4=9 or hhtype4=10 or hhtype4>14. compute hhtype=4. Else if hhldsize>1. compute hhtype=4. End if. freq hhtype. cro hhtype by hhtype4. means hhldsize by hhtype /cells=min max median. temp. select if hhtype4=9 or hhtype4=10 or hhtype4=12. cro cphome by nparent. compute singpid=0. if parntid1>0 and parntid2=-7 singpid=parntid1. freq singpid. aggregate outfile=* mode=addvariables /break=sn1 sn2 /singpid2=max(singpid) /lowpid=min(sn3). freq singpid2 lowpid. compute singpar=0. if singpid2=sn3 singpar=1. cro singpar by nparent hhtype4. *106 cases where the lowest person id in the HH is not 1. *these cases appear to be household with non-responding *diarists, but the household matrix looks complete. *now create the age of the youngest child from the matrix. freq age01 to age10. recode age01 to age10 (sysmis=999) (else=copy). compute youngest=min (age01 to age10). freq youngest. compute cphma=999. if cphome=1 cphma=age. aggregate outfile=* mode=addvariables /break=sn1 sn2 /cphmage 'age youngest child diarist' =min(cphma). freq cphmage. Do if youngest<5. compute agekidx=1. compute agekid2=youngest. Else if youngest>4 and youngest<13. compute agekidx=2. compute agekid2=youngest. Else if youngest>12 and youngest<18. compute agekidx=3. compute agekid2=youngest. Else if cphome=1. compute agekidx=4. compute agekid2=cphmage. Else. compute agekidx=-7. compute agekid2=-7. End if. freq agekidx agekid2. compute nchild=0. do repeat a= age01 to age10. if a<18 nchild = nchild+1. end repeat. freq nchild NUM0_2 NUM3_4 NUM5_9 NUM10_15 NUM16_17. recode NUM0_2 NUM3_4 NUM5_9 NUM10_15 NUM16_17 (sysmis=-8). means nchild by agekidx NUM0_2 NUM3_4 NUM5_9 NUM10_15 NUM16_17 /cells=min max. compute test=0. if (NUM0_2>0 or NUM3_4>0 or NUM5_9>0 or NUM10_15>0 or NUM16_17>0) and nchild=0 test=1. freq test. *no missed out cases. Do if age>17 and age<40 and nchild=0. compute famstat=0. Else if age>39 and nchild=0. compute famstat=3. Else if age<18 and cphome=1. compute famstat=4. Else if age<18. compute famstat=5. Else if age>17 and youngest<5. compute famstat=1. Else if age>17 and youngest<18. compute famstat=2. Else. compute famstat=-8. End if. freq famstat. means youngest agekid2 age by famstat /cells=min max. cro famstat civstat by hhtype. if civstat=-8 and hhtype=1 civstat=2. cro civstat by hhtype. freq econact3. recode econact3 HRS_TOT HRS_GRP (sysmis=-8). freq econact3. means hrs_tot by econact3 /cells=min max mean. *check for discrepancies with coding of disabled and student. cro econact3 by disab student. if econact3=7 and disab=0 disab=1. if econact3=5 and student=0 student=1. freq disab student. recode econact3 (-8=-8) (1=1) (2=2) (3 thru 8=4) into empstat. freq empstat. Do if empstat=-8 and (hrs_tot>29 or (hrs_grp>3 and hrs_grp<9)). compute empstat=1. Else if empstat=-8 and ((hrs_tot>0 and hrs_tot<30) or (hrs_grp>0 and hrs_grp<4)). compute empstat=2. End if. temp. select if empstat=-8. freq occup sector age retmark. if empstat=-8 and (retmark=1 or age<17 or occup=-7) empstat=4. freq empstat. Compute unemp=0. If empstat=-8 unemp=-8. if econact3=3 unemp=1. cro unemp by empstat econact3 unmark. *some people in receipt of unemployment benefit or *looking for new jobs (from individual questionnaire) *not yet coded as unemployed. if unmark=1 unemp=1. cro unemp by empstat. if empstat=-8 and unemp=1 empstat=4. freq empstat. compute retired=0. Do If econact3=4. compute retired=1. Else if empstat=-8. compute retired=-8. end if. cro retmark by retired. *use marker for people who are retired to amend variable. if retired=0 and retmark=1 retired=1. if retired=-8 and retmark=0 retired=0. freq retired. cro retired by econact3 retmark empstat. means age by retired /cells = min max median. if empstat=4 and sector=-8 sector=-7. if empstat=4 and occup=-8 occup=-7. cro sector occup by empstat. recode empstat (1 thru 3=1) (-8=-8) (-7=-7) (4=0) into emp. freq emp. cro empstat by emp. *create employment status of spouse. start by checking that *have partid for rel cases. cro civstat by partid. *354 cases partner status unknown and a further 135 cases *in couples cannot be matched to a partner number. 72 *partid cases wrongly coded as missing. if civstat=2 and partid=-8 partid=-7. compute empsp=-5. compute spemp=-5. if partid=-7 empsp=-7. if partid=-8 empsp=-8. if civstat=1 and partid>-8 spemp=empstat. freq empsp spemp. compute matchid=-5. if civstat=1 and partid>0 matchid=persid. cro matchid by persid. sort cases by hldid matchid. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000.sav'. aggregate outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\spouse.sav' /break=hldid persid /matchid = max(partid) /spemp2 = max(spemp). get file = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\spouse.sav'. cro matchid by spemp2. select if matchid>0. cro persid by matchid. *in main file, matchid = the diarist's id. In this file, for people *whose partner id has been identified matchid= partid. These files *now can be matched back together to create the employment status of *the spouse. sort cases by hldid matchid. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\spouse.sav' /drop persid. match files files='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000.sav' table='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\spouse.sav' /by hldid matchid. execute. If empsp=-5 empsp= spemp2. freq empstat empsp. recode empsp (sysmis=-3). cro empsp by civstat partid. recode empsp (-3=-8). freq empsp. freq hiqual4. rename variables (hiqual4=educa). recode educa (sysmis=13). means age by educa /cells min max median. if age<16 and educa=13 educa=14. means age by educa /cells min max median. recode q23a (sysmis=-8). temp. select if educa=13. freq q23a. *no remaining help from the age left school variable to *fill in education. recode educa (1,2=3) (3 thru 5=2) (6=1) (7 thru 11=2) (12=1) (14=1) (else=-8) into edcat. *** *val lab educa * 1 degree level qual or above * 2 "higher ed below degree (HNC, nurse qual)" * 3 "A level, voc level 3 (AS level, NVQ3)" * 4 O level, GCSE grade A-C, vo level 2 * 5 "GCSE/O-Level below grade C, voc level 1" * 6 "qual below GCSE/O-Level, trade apprentice" * 7 "other qual (foreign professional or voc)" * 8 has qual, dk which * 9 has GCSE, dk grade * 10 "has City & Guilds, dk level" * 11 other qual, dk grade or level * 12 no qualifications * 13 eligible, no answer * 14 Under age 16, not asked question. freq educa edcat. cro educa by edcat. means age by edcat /cells = min max. compute aglftsch=-8. var lab aglftsch age left formal education. val lab aglftsch -8 missing 0 still in school 15 15 or less 21 21 or older. recode q23a (0 thru 15=15) (21 thru hi=21) (-8=-8) (else=copy) into aglftsch. if educa=14 aglftsch=0. cro q23a by aglftsch. means age by aglftsch /cells = min max. freq GORPAF GORPAF2 GORPAF3. compute region=gorpaf2. var lab region country and English region. val lab region -8 missing 1 North of England 2 English Midlands 3 East of England 4 London and South East 5 South & West of England 6 Wales 7 Scotland 8 Northern Ireland. freq region. *change variable unemp so not in all caps. rename variables (unemp=unempx). compute unemp=unempx. freq unemp. weight by wtdry_ug. freq hq10b. weight off. *the banded income marks bottom 30% and top 22%. rename variables hq10b=incorig. recode incorig (sysmis=-8). recode incorig (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 6=2) (7 thru 11=3) (-8=-8) into income. freq income incorig. freq totpinc. recode totpinc (sysmis=-7). cro totpinc by empstat. if totpinc=-7 and (empstat>-7 and empstat<4) totpinc=12. rename variables (totpinc=empinclm). freq hrs_tot hrs_grp. compute workhrs =hrs_tot. recode workhrs (sysmis=-8). if workhrs=-8 and (dage<16 or empstat=4) workhrs=-7. temp. select if workhrs<1. freq hrs_grp. *not possible to use this variable to estimate missing work hours. freq workhrs. desc pop_den. means pop_den by mgrppc /cells = min max median. *note here that some people in all categories live in *low population density areas. I investigated this matter. *the mgrppc code 99 (4 cases with a population density code) *includes two people in rural areas and two in urban areas - *not terribly revealing. the 10 percentile mark of population *density for the other categories except for "11 - countrya *dwellers" - that is the point at which 10% have a lower value *and 90% have a higher value - is above the rural threshold of *60. While some "countrya dwellers" actually live in urban *density areas, the median for this group is below the urban/ *rural threshold, so this group is coded rural if mgrppc has *a code but the population density variable does not have a *valid code. compute test=0. recode pop_den (sysmis=-8). if pop_den=-8 and mgrppc>-1 test=1. freq test. temp. select if test=1. freq mgrppc. weight by wtdry_ug. freq pop_den. weight off. *according to the ONS web site, less than 10% of British households *were in rural areas in 2001. Do If pop_den>60. compute urban=1. Else If pop_den>0 and pop_den<60.1. compute urban=2. Else if pop_den=-8 and mgrppc=11. compute urban=2. Else if pop_den=-8 and mgrppc~=11. compute urban=1. Else. compute urban=-8. End if. recode urban (sysmis=-8). freq urban. temp. select if urban=-8. freq hldid persid id. *a joint project with the RERC at Birkbeck college *and CTUR invetigated rural time use. The RERC had *prepared a post code matrix for categories of rurality *and urbanicity. The single case where urbanicity could *not be coded fromthe ONS public file variables lives in *a post code that the RERC defines as urban. This cases *recoded accordingly. recode urban (-8=1). cro urban by gorpaf. *no urban/rural or population density information is *available for the diaries from Northern Ireland - as these *cases are not likely to all be urban, these cases are reset *to missing. if gorpaf=12 urban=-7. freq urban. means pop_den by urban /cells=min max. weight by wtdry_ug. freq ddayofwk. weight off. desc wtdry_ug. *note there are 1083 missing cases. *wtdry_ug is a population and day/season weight. *the ONS also includes a grossing day/season/population *weight, but we use only the ungrossed weight for the MTUS. freq dry_ind. compute ocombwt = wtdry_ug. recode ocombwt (sysmis=0). desc ocombwt. temp. select if ocombwt=0. freq dry_ind. *26 of the excluded diaries have fewer than 4 episodes. The 0 weight *is fine in these cases. The 1057 excluded for missing >90 minutes will *be rechecked after the time use variable conversions. *these codes do not include location for sleep, education and paid work *activities. The location is needed to distinguish paid work at the *workplace from paid work at home, so variables marking the activity *at the beginning of the day and the end of the day are now used to fill *in some of the location gaps. freq da@q3 da@q4 wher1 wher144 acta1 acta144 actb1 actb144. recode acta1 to wher144 (sysmis=-9) (9999=-9) (0=-9). recode wher1 to wher144 (32=-9) (1=-9). recode da@q3 da@q4 dk@q1 dk@q2 (sysmis=-8). freq wher1 wher87 wher100. compute alt1st=-5. var lab alt1st location of first reported activity if 1st location missing. val lab alt1st -9 first 59 or more time slots missing -5 first main activity not missing. if wher1=-9 alt1st=-9. Do if wher1=-9 and wher2>0. compute alt1st=wher2. Else if wher1=-9 and wher3>0. compute alt1st=wher3. Else if wher1=-9 and wher4>0. compute alt1st=wher4. Else if wher1=-9 and wher5>0. compute alt1st=wher5. Else if wher1=-9 and wher6>0. compute alt1st=wher6. Else if wher1=-9 and wher7>0. compute alt1st=wher7. Else if wher1=-9 and wher8>0. compute alt1st=wher8. Else if wher1=-9 and wher9>0. compute alt1st=wher9. Else if wher1=-9 and wher10>0. compute alt1st=wher10. Else if wher1=-9 and wher11>0. compute alt1st=wher11. Else if wher1=-9 and wher12>0. compute alt1st=wher12. Else if wher1=-9 and wher13>0. compute alt1st=wher13. Else if wher1=-9 and wher14>0. compute alt1st=wher14. Else if wher1=-9 and wher15>0. compute alt1st=wher15. Else if wher1=-9 and wher16>0. compute alt1st=wher16. Else if wher1=-9 and wher17>0. compute alt1st=wher17. Else if wher1=-9 and wher18>0. compute alt1st=wher18. Else if wher1=-9 and wher19>0. compute alt1st=wher19. Else if wher1=-9 and wher20>0. compute alt1st=wher20. Else if wher1=-9 and wher21>0. compute alt1st=wher21. Else if wher1=-9 and wher22>0. compute alt1st=wher22. Else if wher1=-9 and wher23>0. compute alt1st=wher23. Else if wher1=-9 and wher24>0. compute alt1st=wher24. Else if wher1=-9 and wher25>0. compute alt1st=wher25. Else if wher1=-9 and wher26>0. compute alt1st=wher26. Else if wher1=-9 and wher27>0. compute alt1st=wher27. Else if wher1=-9 and wher28>0. compute alt1st=wher28. Else if wher1=-9 and wher29>0. compute alt1st=wher29. Else if wher1=-9 and wher30>0. compute alt1st=wher30. Else if wher1=-9 and wher31>0. compute alt1st=wher31. Else if wher1=-9 and wher32>0. compute alt1st=wher32. Else if wher1=-9 and wher33>0. compute alt1st=wher33. Else if wher1=-9 and wher34>0. compute alt1st=wher34. Else if wher1=-9 and wher35>0. compute alt1st=wher35. Else if wher1=-9 and wher36>0. compute alt1st=wher36. Else if wher1=-9 and wher37>0. compute alt1st=wher37. Else if wher1=-9 and wher38>0. compute alt1st=wher38. Else if wher1=-9 and wher39>0. compute alt1st=wher39. Else if wher1=-9 and wher40>0. compute alt1st=wher40. Else if wher1=-9 and wher41>0. compute alt1st=wher41. Else if wher1=-9 and wher42>0. compute alt1st=wher42. Else if wher1=-9 and wher43>0. compute alt1st=wher43. Else if wher1=-9 and wher44>0. compute alt1st=wher44. Else if wher1=-9 and wher45>0. compute alt1st=wher45. Else if wher1=-9 and wher46>0. compute alt1st=wher46. Else if wher1=-9 and wher47>0. compute alt1st=wher47. Else if wher1=-9 and wher48>0. compute alt1st=wher48. Else if wher1=-9 and wher49>0. compute alt1st=wher49. Else if wher1=-9 and wher50>0. compute alt1st=wher50. Else if wher1=-9 and wher51>0. compute alt1st=wher51. Else if wher1=-9 and wher52>0. compute alt1st=wher52. Else if wher1=-9 and wher53>0. compute alt1st=wher53. Else if wher1=-9 and wher54>0. compute alt1st=wher54. Else if wher1=-9 and wher55>0. compute alt1st=wher55. Else if wher1=-9 and wher56>0. compute alt1st=wher56. Else if wher1=-9 and wher57>0. compute alt1st=wher57. Else if wher1=-9 and wher58>0. compute alt1st=wher58. Else if wher1=-9 and wher59>0. compute alt1st=wher59. End if. freq alt1st. cro alt1st by da@q3 dk@q2. Do if wher1<0 and da@q3=0 or dk@q2=0. compute wher1=2. Else if wher1<0 and ((da@q3=1 or dk@q2=1) and (alt1st>-5 and alt1st<11)). compute wher1=alt1st. Else if wher1<0 and (da@q3=1 or dk@q2=1). compute wher1=10. Else if wher1<0 and (alt1st>-5 and alt1st<11). compute wher1=alt1st. end if. freq wher1. temp. select if wher1=-9. freq acta1 alt1st. *there are 19 cases left with an unknown location at the beginning *of the day. 12 are asleep, 6 main job, 1 no activity. *look at these cases. sort cases by wher1 acta1. *15 start and end day at home. *1 appears to be at a second home, 1 at another place, one has unknown *location and 1 is a non-diary (24 hours of no record) - this one *will be removed from the file later. Check the other three against *accounts from the same household. sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4. *the other location is confirmed for a single elderly woman. do if sn1=298 and sn2=513 and sn3=1. compute wher1=10. compute wher144=10. end if. *unknown location is another single diary from one person, no other *household members. *the 14-year-old seems to have a very different day in a different *place from the rest of the household. do if sn1=403 and sn2=721 and sn3=2. compute wher1=3. compute wher144=3. end if. *the 46-year-old male only returned one diary and is the only person in *his household to have returned a diary, thus there is no confirmation *of his location, though he is most likely at home. Do if wher1<0 and sn1~=319 and sn2~=782. compute wher1=2. end if. freq wher1. *for cases where location is not recorded but the activity is travel, *code location as unspecified travel. Do repeat a=acta1 to acta144 / b=actb1 to actb144 / c=wher1 to wher144. if c<1 and ((a>8999 and a<9940) or (b>8999 and b<9940)) c=31. End repeat. freq wher80. *two travel codes include explicit location - travel to work from home *and travel to work, not from home. Use these to fill in gaps of unrecorded *location. 9130 is travel to work from home; 9140 is travel to work from *somewhere else that is not home. Start with at home - use not at home only *if have to do so later. Look for sequences of unknown location, followed *by travel to work from home, followed by work, code unknown as home. *if work, followed by travel to home, followed by unknown location, *code unknown location as home. Also use same code to identify time at the *workplace. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 142. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and (acta(k)>900 and acta(k)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(k)<2 wher(k)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and wher(k)<2. compute wher(k)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. *the first loop addressed 10 minute commutes. Repeat for longer commutes *up to 1 hour 30 min. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 141. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and (acta(l)>900 and acta(l)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(l)<2 wher(l)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and wher(l)<2. compute wher(l)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 140. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and (acta(m)>900 and acta(m)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(m)<2 wher(m)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and wher(m)<2. compute wher(m)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 139. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. compute n=i+5. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and (acta(n)>900 and acta(n)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(n)<2 wher(n)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and wher(n)<2. compute wher(n)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 138. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. compute n=i+5. compute o=i+6. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and (acta(o)>900 and acta(o)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(o)<2 wher(o)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and wher(o)<2. compute wher(o)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 137. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. compute n=i+5. compute o=i+6. compute p=i+7. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and (acta(p)>900 and acta(p)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(p)<2 wher(p)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and wher(p)<2. compute wher(p)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 136. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. compute n=i+5. compute o=i+6. compute p=i+7. compute q=i+8. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and acta(p)=9130 and (acta(q)>900 and acta(q)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(q)<2 wher(q)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and acta(p)=9130 and wher(q)<2. compute wher(q)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 135. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. compute n=i+5. compute o=i+6. compute p=i+7. compute q=i+8. compute r=i+9. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and acta(p)=9130 and acta(q)=9130 and (acta(r)>900 and acta(r)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(r)<2 wher(r)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and acta(p)=9130 and acta(q)=9130 and wher(r)<2. compute wher(r)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 134. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. compute n=i+5. compute o=i+6. compute p=i+7. compute q=i+8. compute r=i+9. compute s=i+10. Do if wher(i)<2 and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and acta(p)=9130 and acta(q)=9130 and acta(r)=9130 and (acta(s)>900 and acta(s)<2000). compute wher(i)=2. if wher(s)<2 wher(s)=4. Else if (acta(i)>900 and acta(i)<2000) and acta(j)=9130 and acta(k)=9130 and acta(l)=9130 and acta(m)=9130 and acta(n)=9130 and acta(o)=9130 and acta(p)=9130 and acta(q)=9130 and acta(r)=9130 and wher(s)<2. compute wher(s)=2. if wher(i)<2 wher(i)=4. End if. End loop. execute. *use reported location at end of diary day to fill in some missing cases. Do if wher144=-9 and (da@q4=0 or DK@Q3=0). compute wher144=2. Else if wher144=-9 and (da@q4=1 or DK@Q3=1). compute wher144=10. End if. freq wher80 wher144. *now fill in missing location time slots during the day based on the *information from the previous slot. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher = wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. *when the activity does not change and the location before is known *but the location after is missing, set the missing location to the *location in the previous 10 minutes. This mainly fills in the beginning *of the diary day where da@q3=1 or dk@q2=1 marking the sleep at home. Do if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 and acta(i)=acta(j). compute wher(j)=wher(i). *if other travel then working or studying or if at workplace then location unknown but *activity is study or work, change location to workplace or school. Else if ((wher(i)>10 and wher(i)<32) or wher(i)=4) and wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)>999 and acta(j)<3000). compute wher(j)=4. *if the location changes to sleep or remains sleep, change the missing location to *the previous location. Else if (wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2) and (acta(j)>0 and acta(j)<210). compute wher(j)=wher(i). End if. End loop. freq wher80 wher144. sort cases by wher144 acta144. *visually examine 51 missing final activity cases. 14 asleep at home (4 others asleep *elsewhere or at unknown location). If (sn1~=369 and sn1~=443 and sn1~=752 and sn1~=986) and acta144=110 and wher144<2 wher144=2. *one case starts home, goes to work, visits at lunch, goes back to work, goes home. *code end of day as at home. Do repeat a=wher97 to wher144. If sn1=393 and sn2=226 and sn3=3 and sn4=1 a=2. end repeat. *17 cases working at the end of the diary day. Many of these cases are taxi/limo drivers. *all are at workplace. Do repeat a=wher103 to wher144. if sn1=1 and sn2=341 and sn3=1 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher85 to wher144. if sn1=40 and sn2=144 and sn3=1 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher100 to wher144. if sn1=257 and sn2=354 and sn3=3 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher91 to wher144. if sn1=268 and sn2=40 and sn3=1 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher39 to wher50. if sn1=296 and sn2=66 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher94 to wher144. if sn1=296 and sn2=66 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher90 to wher144. if sn1=302 and sn2=501 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher25 to wher144. if sn1=412 and sn2=73 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher98 to wher144. if sn1=442 and sn2=433 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher85 to wher144. if sn1=442 and sn2=433 and sn3=2 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher30 to wher72. if sn1=443 and sn2=763 and sn3=3 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher104 to wher144. if sn1=443 and sn2=763 and sn3=3 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher134 to wher144. if sn1=508 and sn2=194 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher105 to wher144. if sn1=709 and sn2=395 and sn3=1 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher126 to wher144. if sn1=814 and sn2=420 and sn3=3 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher21. if sn1=966 and sn2=425 and sn3=1 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher102 to wher144. if sn1=966 and sn2=425 and sn3=1 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher23. if sn1=969 and sn2=291 and sn3=1 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher115 to wher144. if sn1=969 and sn2=291 and sn3=1 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher28. if sn1=969 and sn2=291 and sn3=1 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher108 to wher144. if sn1=969 and sn2=291 and sn3=1 and sn4=2 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher84 to wher129. if sn1=982 and sn2=583 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher136 to wher144. if sn1=982 and sn2=583 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=4. End repeat. execute. *last 15 cases end with no main activity. 5 of these likely asleep *at home at the end of the diary day - the rest appear to have given *up on keeping the diary half-way through. Do repeat a=acta102 to acta144. if sn1=204 and sn2=179 and sn3=2 and sn4=2 a=111. End repeat. Do repeat a=acta91 to acta144. if sn1=211 and sn2=667 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=111. End repeat. Do repeat a=acta88 to acta144. if sn1=501 and sn2=404 and sn3=3 and sn4=1 a=111. End repeat. Do repeat a=acta98 to acta144. if sn1=505 and sn2=306 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=111. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher98 to wher144. if sn1=986 and sn2=543 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=5. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher102 to wher144. if sn1=204 and sn2=179 and sn3=2 and sn4=2 a=2. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher91 to wher144. if sn1=211 and sn2=667 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=2. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher88 to wher144. if sn1=501 and sn2=404 and sn3=3 and sn4=1 a=2. End repeat. Do repeat a=wher98 to wher144. if sn1=505 and sn2=306 and sn3=2 and sn4=1 a=2. End repeat. execute. sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4. Freq wher1 wher29 wher48 wher76 wher104 wher132 wher144. *first and last location variables filled in as best as *possible. still a fair bit missing mid-diary. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\interim.sav' /drop i j k l m n o p q r s. get file ='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\interim.sav'. compute misloc=0. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher144. if a<2 misloc=misloc+10. End repeat. var lab misloc minutes of missing location. freq misloc. *82.2% have no missing location + 1 non-diary. Deal with remaining *problematic cases. temp. select if misloc>0. freq student. compute misact=0. var lab misact activity code where location missing. *about a 3rd of these cases are students. When they are taking classes, *code as at school. Do repeat a=acta1 to acta144 / b=wher1 to wher144. if a=2110 and b<2 b=4. if b<2 misact=a. End repeat. freq misact. *these cases are disproportionately among young students. blocks of missing *location during sleep (169 act=110, 120); eating (163 act=210); personal *care (23 act=300, 310, 390); paid work (1353 act=1110, 1210); acts related *to work (82 act=1300, 1310, 1391, 1399); education (215 act=2000, 2100, 2190, *2210); homework (1041 act=2120); other social life (124 act=5190); and missing *main activity (285 act>9930). Can't do much with missing activity. *look at where people are prior to missing location homework. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 and acta(j)=2120 test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *homework mostly done at home, but some cases where homework done *elsewhere - all locations prior to homework known and not travel. *look at where people are prior to missing location other education. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(i)>1 and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=2000 or acta(j)=2100 or acta(j)=2190 or acta(j)=2210)) test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *same situation as for homework. *set homework + other education with location unknown = to previous location. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. *where previous location known and not travel and next location *missing and activity is homework, set homework location to *previous location. if (wher(i)>1 and wher(i)<11) and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=2000 or acta(j)=2100 or acta(j)=2120 or acta(j)=2190 or acta(j)=2210)) wher(j)=wher(i). *where homework continues from the previous act and the previous homework *location has been identified, copy the same location to the next act of homework. Do if wher(j)<2 and (acta(i)=2000 or acta(i)=2100 or acta(i)=2120 or acta(i)=2190 or acta(i)=2210) and (acta(j)=2000 or acta(j)=2100 or acta(j)=2120 or acta(j)=2190 or acta(j)=2210). compute wher(j)=wher(i). End if. End loop. *now deal with the paid work and missing location cases. compute test=0. loop i=1 to 143. if wher(i)>1 and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=1110 or acta(j)=1210)) test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *much of this activity is paid work at home, but some paid work elsewhere *but not following travel. *now look at activity related to paid work and missing location cases. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(i)>1 and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=1300 or acta(j)=1310 or acta(j)=1391 or acta(j)=1399)) test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *much of this activity is paid work at home, but some paid work elsewhere *but not following travel. *set paid work + activity related to paid work with location unknown = *to previous location. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. *where previous location known and not travel and next location *missing and activity is paid work or activity related to work location *to previous location. if (wher(i)>1 and wher(i)<11) and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=1110 or acta(j)=1210 or acta(j)=1300 or acta(j)=1310 or acta(j)=1391 or acta(j)=1399)) wher(j)=wher(i). *where work continues from the previous act and the previous work *location has been identified, copy the same location to the next act of homework. Do if wher(j)<2 and (acta(i)=1110 or acta(i)=1210 or acta(i)=1300 or acta(i)=1310 or acta(i)=1391 or acta(i)=1399) and (acta(j)=1110 or acta(j)=1210 or acta(j)=1300 or acta(j)=1310 or acta(j)=1391 or acta(j)=1399). compute wher(j)=wher(i). End if. End loop. *now deal with sleep and missing location cases. compute test=0. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(i)>1 and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=110 or acta(j)=120)) test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *much of this activity is at home, but some elsewhere but not following travel. *now deal with eat and personal care and missing location cases. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(i)>1 and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=210 or acta(j)=300 or acta(j)=310 or acta(j)=390)) test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *much of this activity is at home, but some elsewhere including following travel. *set sleep, eating and personal care with location unknown = to previous *location unless the previous location is travel. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. *where previous location known and not travel and next location missing *and activity is sleep, eat or personal care to previous location. if (wher(i)>1 and wher(i)<11) and (wher(j)<2 and (acta(j)=110 or acta(j)=120 or acta(j)=210 or acta(j)=300 or acta(j)=310 or acta(j)=390)) wher(j)=wher(i). *where sleep, eat or personal care continues from the previous act and the previous *location has been identified, copy the same location to the next act. Do if wher(j)<2 and (acta(i)=110 or acta(i)=120 or acta(i)=210 or acta(i)=300 or acta(i)=310 or acta(i)=390) and (acta(j)=110 or acta(j)=120 or acta(j)=210 or acta(j)=300 or acta(j)=310 or acta(j)=390). compute wher(j)=wher(i). End if. End loop. *recheck missing location cases. compute misloc=0. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher144. if a<2 misloc=misloc+10. End repeat. freq misloc. *94.7% have no missing location + 1 non-diary. Deal with remaining *problematic cases. temp. select if misloc>0. freq student. *student presence still disproportionately high but now not as high. compute misact=0. *about a 3rd of these cases are students. When they are taking classes, *code as at school. Do repeat a=acta1 to acta144 / b=wher1 to wher144. if b<2 misact=a. End repeat. freq misact. *check where people are before remaining missing location time. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 test=wher(i). End loop. freq test. *3% in a location that in not travel prior to the activity. *check where people are before remaining missing location time. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if wher(j)>1 and wher(i)<2 test=wher(j). End loop. freq test. *2.7% in a location that in not travel after the activity. *set location to continue if there is no travel - note that all missing *location cases now are not travel activities. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. *where previous location known and not travel and next location missing *code location to previous location. if (wher(i)>1 and wher(i)<11) and wher(j)<2 wher(j)=wher(i). *where the location of the following activity is known and the previous activity *is not travel but the location is unknown, set the previous location to the following. if (wher(j)>1 and wher(j)<11) and wher(i)<2 wher(i)=wher(j). End loop. compute misloc=0. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher144. if a<2 misloc=misloc+10. End repeat. freq misloc. *97.8% have no missing location + 1 non-diary; look at these cases for further patterns. *the bulk of the remaining cases have 1 hour 20 minutes of missing time or less, 60 diaries *have only 10 minutes missing location. Look at what happens on either side of these gaps. compute pre=0. compute post=0. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 142. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)>1 pre=wher(i). if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)>1 post=wher(k). if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)>10 test=acta(j). End loop. freq test. cro pre by post. *one case of pet care in between travel - this examined, consistent with other cases, *which all are consitent with taking a break during travel. code these situations as other *location away from home. vector wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 142. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)>10 wher(j)=10. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<11 wher(j)=wher(k). End loop. *repeat process for 20 minute missing location gaps. compute pre=0. compute post=0. compute test=0. vector acta=acta1 to acta144. loop i=1 to 141. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)>1 pre=wher(i). if wher(i)>1 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)>1 post=wher(k). if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)>10 test=acta(j). End loop. freq test. cro pre by post. *consistent with taking a break during travel. code these situations as other *location away from home. vector wher=wher1 to wher144 / acta=acta1 to acta144. loop i=1 to 141. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)>10 wher(j)=10. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)>10 wher(k)=10. End loop. compute test=0. loop i=1 to 140. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)<2 and wher(m)>10 test=acta(j). End loop. freq test. *consistent with taking a break during travel. code these situations as other *location away from home. vector wher=wher1 to wher144. loop i=1 to 140. compute j=i+1. compute k=i+2. compute l=i+3. compute m=i+4. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)<2 and wher(m)>10 wher(j)=10. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)<2 and wher(m)>10 wher(k)=10. if wher(i)>10 and wher(j)<2 and wher(k)<2 and wher(l)<2 and wher(m)>10 wher(l)=10. End loop. compute misloc=0. Do repeat a=wher1 to wher144. if a<2 misloc=misloc+10. End repeat. freq misloc. *98.1% have no missing location + 1 non-diary; treat rest as missing. recode wher1 to wher144 (-9=0). freq acta1 acta29 acta57 acta131. *use information of diary to fill in gaps. Do repeat a=acta1 to acta144 / b=actb1 to actb144 / c=wher1 to wher144. *the fill in the diary could be significant in this survey - set this time *to voluntary activity. Do if a=9950. compute a=4001. *if the location is travel and the main activity is missing, set the main *activity to unspecified travel. Else if a>9899 or a=-9. Do if c>10 and c<32. compute a=9850. *else if main activity is missing but there is a secondary activity reported - *set the main activity to the secondary activity and the secondary activity *to no secondary activity. Else if b>0 and b<9940. compute a=b. compute b=-1. *else if the location is recorded as away from home, code as imputed time *away from home. Else if c>3 and c<11. compute a=5105. End if. End if. End repeat. freq acta1 acta29 acta57 acta131. recode acta1 to acta144 (9940 thru high=-9). freq acta1. *there are 16 cases with missing time at the *beginning of the diary day. In 15 cases, it is *safe to impute sleep as the people are at home, *then are asleep or are doing mellow at home *activities then asleep or after the gap do waking *up activities. The 16th case is a non-diary - that *is 24 hours of no reported activity or location. *remove this case. compute test=0. If sn1=814 and sn2=453 and sn3=2 and sn4=2 test=1. freq test. select if test=0. freq test. do if sn1=376 and sn2=123 and sn3=1 and sn4=1. recode acta1 to acta54 (-9=111). Else if acta1=-9. recode acta1 to acta22 (-9=111). End if. freq acta1 acta4 acta22. *In cases where someone has been travelling and arrives *home to a missing time slot, set the slot to unknown *personal care. Vector acta=acta1 to acta144 / wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. Do if (acta(j)=-9 or acta(j)>9890) and (acta(i)>8320 and acta(i)<9940) and wher(j)=2. compute acta(j)=301. End if. End loop. freq acta140 acta144. *if the activity before the last time slot is valid and the *location is valid and unchanged and the last slot is *missing, code the last slot as the previous activity. Do if (acta144=-9 or acta144>9890) and wher144>0 and wher143=wher144 and (acta143>-9 and acta143<9891). compute acta144=acta143. End if. freq acta144. *if the string of activity at the end of the diary is *missing but the location is at home and the person *did pre-sleep activities before, recode the missing *final string as sleep. compute presleep=0. Do if acta144=-9 and ((acta142>-1 and acta142<1000) or acta142=2120 or acta142=3420 or acta142=3430 or (acta142>3729 and acta142<3840) or (acta142>3840 and acta142<3914) or acta142=3919 or acta142=4320 or (acta142>4999 and acta142<5130) or acta142=5140 or acta142=5310 or (acta142>7200 and acta142<7290) or (acta142>7999 and acta142<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta141>-1 and acta141<1000) or acta141=2120 or acta141=3420 or acta141=3430 or (acta141>3729 and acta141<3840) or (acta141>3840 and acta141<3914) or acta141=3919 or acta141=4320 or (acta141>4999 and acta141<5130) or acta141=5140 or acta141=5310 or (acta141>7200 and acta141<7290) or (acta141>7999 and acta141<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta140>-1 and acta140<1000) or acta140=2120 or acta140=3420 or acta140=3430 or (acta140>3729 and acta140<3840) or (acta140>3840 and acta140<3914) or acta140=3919 or acta140=4320 or (acta140>4999 and acta140<5130) or acta140=5140 or acta140=5310 or (acta140>7200 and acta140<7290) or (acta140>7999 and acta140<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta139>-1 and acta139<1000) or acta139=2120 or acta139=3420 or acta139=3430 or (acta139>3729 and acta139<3840) or (acta139>3840 and acta139<3914) or acta139=3919 or acta139=4320 or (acta139>4999 and acta139<5130) or acta139=5140 or acta139=5310 or (acta139>7200 and acta139<7290) or (acta139>7999 and acta139<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta138>-1 and acta138<1000) or acta138=2120 or acta138=3420 or acta138=3430 or (acta138>3729 and acta138<3840) or (acta138>3840 and acta138<3914) or acta138=3919 or acta138=4320 or (acta138>4999 and acta138<5130) or acta138=5140 or acta138=5310 or (acta138>7200 and acta138<7290) or (acta138>7999 and acta138<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta137>-1 and acta137<1000) or acta137=2120 or acta137=3420 or acta137=3430 or (acta137>3729 and acta137<3840) or (acta137>3840 and acta137<3914) or acta137=3919 or acta137=4320 or (acta137>4999 and acta137<5130) or acta137=5140 or acta137=5310 or (acta137>7200 and acta137<7290) or (acta137>7999 and acta137<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta136>-1 and acta136<1000) or acta136=2120 or acta136=3420 or acta136=3430 or (acta136>3729 and acta136<3840) or (acta136>3840 and acta136<3914) or acta136=3919 or acta136=4320 or (acta136>4999 and acta136<5130) or acta136=5140 or acta136=5310 or (acta136>7200 and acta136<7290) or (acta136>7999 and acta136<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta135>-1 and acta135<1000) or acta135=2120 or acta135=3420 or acta135=3430 or (acta135>3729 and acta135<3840) or (acta135>3840 and acta135<3914) or acta135=3919 or acta135=4320 or (acta135>4999 and acta135<5130) or acta135=5140 or acta135=5310 or (acta135>7200 and acta135<7290) or (acta135>7999 and acta135<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta134>-1 and acta134<1000) or acta134=2120 or acta134=3420 or acta134=3430 or (acta134>3729 and acta134<3840) or (acta134>3840 and acta134<3914) or acta134=3919 or acta134=4320 or (acta134>4999 and acta134<5130) or acta134=5140 or acta134=5310 or (acta134>7200 and acta134<7290) or (acta134>7999 and acta134<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta133>-1 and acta133<1000) or acta133=2120 or acta133=3420 or acta133=3430 or (acta133>3729 and acta133<3840) or (acta133>3840 and acta133<3914) or acta133=3919 or acta133=4320 or (acta133>4999 and acta133<5130) or acta133=5140 or acta133=5310 or (acta133>7200 and acta133<7290) or (acta133>7999 and acta133<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta132>-1 and acta132<1000) or acta132=2120 or acta132=3420 or acta132=3430 or (acta132>3729 and acta132<3840) or (acta132>3840 and acta132<3914) or acta132=3919 or acta132=4320 or (acta132>4999 and acta132<5130) or acta132=5140 or acta132=5310 or (acta132>7200 and acta132<7290) or (acta132>7999 and acta132<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta131>-1 and acta131<1000) or acta131=2120 or acta131=3420 or acta131=3430 or (acta131>3729 and acta131<3840) or (acta131>3840 and acta131<3914) or acta131=3919 or acta131=4320 or (acta131>4999 and acta131<5130) or acta131=5140 or acta131=5310 or (acta131>7200 and acta131<7290) or (acta131>7999 and acta131<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta130>-1 and acta130<1000) or acta130=2120 or acta130=3420 or acta130=3430 or (acta130>3729 and acta130<3840) or (acta130>3840 and acta130<3914) or acta130=3919 or acta130=4320 or (acta130>4999 and acta130<5130) or acta130=5140 or acta130=5310 or (acta130>7200 and acta130<7290) or (acta130>7999 and acta130<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta129>-1 and acta129<1000) or acta129=2120 or acta129=3420 or acta129=3430 or (acta129>3729 and acta129<3840) or (acta129>3840 and acta129<3914) or acta129=3919 or acta129=4320 or (acta129>4999 and acta129<5130) or acta129=5140 or acta129=5310 or (acta129>7200 and acta129<7290) or (acta129>7999 and acta129<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta128>-1 and acta128<1000) or acta128=2120 or acta128=3420 or acta128=3430 or (acta128>3729 and acta128<3840) or (acta128>3840 and acta128<3914) or acta128=3919 or acta128=4320 or (acta128>4999 and acta128<5130) or acta128=5140 or acta128=5310 or (acta128>7200 and acta128<7290) or (acta128>7999 and acta128<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta127>-1 and acta127<1000) or acta127=2120 or acta127=3420 or acta127=3430 or (acta127>3729 and acta127<3840) or (acta127>3840 and acta127<3914) or acta127=3919 or acta127=4320 or (acta127>4999 and acta127<5130) or acta127=5140 or acta127=5310 or (acta127>7200 and acta127<7290) or (acta127>7999 and acta127<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta126>-1 and acta126<1000) or acta126=2120 or acta126=3420 or acta126=3430 or (acta126>3729 and acta126<3840) or (acta126>3840 and acta126<3914) or acta126=3919 or acta126=4320 or (acta126>4999 and acta126<5130) or acta126=5140 or acta126=5310 or (acta126>7200 and acta126<7290) or (acta126>7999 and acta126<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta125>-1 and acta125<1000) or acta125=2120 or acta125=3420 or acta125=3430 or (acta125>3729 and acta125<3840) or (acta125>3840 and acta125<3914) or acta125=3919 or acta125=4320 or (acta125>4999 and acta125<5130) or acta125=5140 or acta125=5310 or (acta125>7200 and acta125<7290) or (acta125>7999 and acta125<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta124>-1 and acta124<1000) or acta124=2120 or acta124=3420 or acta124=3430 or (acta124>3729 and acta124<3840) or (acta124>3840 and acta124<3914) or acta124=3919 or acta124=4320 or (acta124>4999 and acta124<5130) or acta124=5140 or acta124=5310 or (acta124>7200 and acta124<7290) or (acta124>7999 and acta124<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta123>-1 and acta123<1000) or acta123=2120 or acta123=3420 or acta123=3430 or (acta123>3729 and acta123<3840) or (acta123>3840 and acta123<3914) or acta123=3919 or acta123=4320 or (acta123>4999 and acta123<5130) or acta123=5140 or acta123=5310 or (acta123>7200 and acta123<7290) or (acta123>7999 and acta123<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta122>-1 and acta122<1000) or acta122=2120 or acta122=3420 or acta122=3430 or (acta122>3729 and acta122<3840) or (acta122>3840 and acta122<3914) or acta122=3919 or acta122=4320 or (acta122>4999 and acta122<5130) or acta122=5140 or acta122=5310 or (acta122>7200 and acta122<7290) or (acta122>7999 and acta122<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta121>-1 and acta121<1000) or acta121=2120 or acta121=3420 or acta121=3430 or (acta121>3729 and acta121<3840) or (acta121>3840 and acta121<3914) or acta121=3919 or acta121=4320 or (acta121>4999 and acta121<5130) or acta121=5140 or acta121=5310 or (acta121>7200 and acta121<7290) or (acta121>7999 and acta121<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta120>-1 and acta120<1000) or acta120=2120 or acta120=3420 or acta120=3430 or (acta120>3729 and acta120<3840) or (acta120>3840 and acta120<3914) or acta120=3919 or acta120=4320 or (acta120>4999 and acta120<5130) or acta120=5140 or acta120=5310 or (acta120>7200 and acta120<7290) or (acta120>7999 and acta120<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta119>-1 and acta119<1000) or acta119=2120 or acta119=3420 or acta119=3430 or (acta119>3729 and acta119<3840) or (acta119>3840 and acta119<3914) or acta119=3919 or acta119=4320 or (acta119>4999 and acta119<5130) or acta119=5140 or acta119=5310 or (acta119>7200 and acta119<7290) or (acta119>7999 and acta119<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta118>-1 and acta118<1000) or acta118=2120 or acta118=3420 or acta118=3430 or (acta118>3729 and acta118<3840) or (acta118>3840 and acta118<3914) or acta118=3919 or acta118=4320 or (acta118>4999 and acta118<5130) or acta118=5140 or acta118=5310 or (acta118>7200 and acta118<7290) or (acta118>7999 and acta118<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta117>-1 and acta117<1000) or acta117=2120 or acta117=3420 or acta117=3430 or (acta117>3729 and acta117<3840) or (acta117>3840 and acta117<3914) or acta117=3919 or acta117=4320 or (acta117>4999 and acta117<5130) or acta117=5140 or acta117=5310 or (acta117>7200 and acta117<7290) or (acta117>7999 and acta117<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta116>-1 and acta116<1000) or acta116=2120 or acta116=3420 or acta116=3430 or (acta116>3729 and acta116<3840) or (acta116>3840 and acta116<3914) or acta116=3919 or acta116=4320 or (acta116>4999 and acta116<5130) or acta116=5140 or acta116=5310 or (acta116>7200 and acta116<7290) or (acta116>7999 and acta116<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta115>-1 and acta115<1000) or acta115=2120 or acta115=3420 or acta115=3430 or (acta115>3729 and acta115<3840) or (acta115>3840 and acta115<3914) or acta115=3919 or acta115=4320 or (acta115>4999 and acta115<5130) or acta115=5140 or acta115=5310 or (acta115>7200 and acta115<7290) or (acta115>7999 and acta115<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta114>-1 and acta114<1000) or acta114=2120 or acta114=3420 or acta114=3430 or (acta114>3729 and acta114<3840) or (acta114>3840 and acta114<3914) or acta114=3919 or acta114=4320 or (acta114>4999 and acta114<5130) or acta114=5140 or acta114=5310 or (acta114>7200 and acta114<7290) or (acta114>7999 and acta114<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta113>-1 and acta113<1000) or acta113=2120 or acta113=3420 or acta113=3430 or (acta113>3729 and acta113<3840) or (acta113>3840 and acta113<3914) or acta113=3919 or acta113=4320 or (acta113>4999 and acta113<5130) or acta113=5140 or acta113=5310 or (acta113>7200 and acta113<7290) or (acta113>7999 and acta113<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta112>-1 and acta112<1000) or acta112=2120 or acta112=3420 or acta112=3430 or (acta112>3729 and acta112<3840) or (acta112>3840 and acta112<3914) or acta112=3919 or acta112=4320 or (acta112>4999 and acta112<5130) or acta112=5140 or acta112=5310 or (acta112>7200 and acta112<7290) or (acta112>7999 and acta112<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta111>-1 and acta111<1000) or acta111=2120 or acta111=3420 or acta111=3430 or (acta111>3729 and acta111<3840) or (acta111>3840 and acta111<3914) or acta111=3919 or acta111=4320 or (acta111>4999 and acta111<5130) or acta111=5140 or acta111=5310 or (acta111>7200 and acta111<7290) or (acta111>7999 and acta111<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta110>-1 and acta110<1000) or acta110=2120 or acta110=3420 or acta110=3430 or (acta110=3729 and acta110<3840) or (acta110>3840 and acta110<3914) or acta110=3919 or acta110=4320 or (acta110>4999 and acta110<5130) or acta110=5140 or acta110=5310 or (acta110>7200 and acta110<7290) or (acta110>7999 and acta110<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta109>-1 and acta109<1000) or acta109=2120 or acta109=3420 or acta109=3430 or (acta109>3729 and acta109<3840) or (acta109>3840 and acta109<3914) or acta109=3919 or acta109=4320 or (acta109>4999 and acta109<5130) or acta109=5140 or acta109=5310 or (acta109>7200 and acta109<7290) or (acta109>7999 and acta109<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta108>-1 and acta108<1000) or acta108=2120 or acta108=3420 or acta108=3430 or (acta108>3729 and acta108<3840) or (acta108>3840 and acta108<3914) or acta108=3919 or acta108=4320 or (acta108>4999 and acta108<5130) or acta108=5140 or acta108=5310 or (acta108>7200 and acta108<7290) or (acta108>7999 and acta108<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta107>-1 and acta107<1000) or acta107=2120 or acta107=3420 or acta107=3430 or (acta107>3729 and acta107<3840) or (acta107>3840 and acta107<3914) or acta107=3919 or acta107=4320 or (acta107>4999 and acta107<5130) or acta107=5140 or acta107=5310 or (acta107>7200 and acta107<7290) or (acta107>7999 and acta107<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta106>-1 and acta106<1000) or acta106=2120 or acta106=3420 or acta106=3430 or (acta106>3729 and acta106<3840) or (acta106>3840 and acta106<3914) or acta106=3919 or acta106=4320 or (acta106>4999 and acta106<5130) or acta106=5140 or acta106=5310 or (acta106>7200 and acta106<7290) or (acta106>7999 and acta106<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta105>-1 and acta105<1000) or acta105=2120 or acta105=3420 or acta105=3430 or (acta105>3729 and acta105<3840) or (acta105>3840 and acta105<3914) or acta105=3919 or acta105=4320 or (acta105>4999 and acta105<5130) or acta105=5140 or acta105=5310 or (acta105>7200 and acta105<7290) or (acta105>7999 and acta105<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta104>-1 and acta104<1000) or acta104=2120 or acta104=3420 or acta104=3430 or (acta104>3729 and acta104<3840) or (acta104>3840 and acta104<3914) or acta104=3919 or acta104=4320 or (acta104>4999 and acta104<5130) or acta104=5140 or acta104=5310 or (acta104>7200 and acta104<7290) or (acta104>7999 and acta104<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta103>-1 and acta103<1000) or acta103=2120 or acta103=3420 or acta103=3430 or (acta103>3729 and acta103<3840) or (acta103>3840 and acta103<3914) or acta103=3919 or acta103=4320 or (acta103>4999 and acta103<5130) or acta103=5140 or acta103=5310 or (acta103>7200 and acta103<7290) or (acta103>7999 and acta103<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta102>-1 and acta102<1000) or acta102=2120 or acta102=3420 or acta102=3430 or (acta102>3729 and acta102<3840) or (acta102>3840 and acta102<3914) or acta102=3919 or acta102=4320 or (acta102>4999 and acta102<5130) or acta102=5140 or acta102=5310 or (acta102>7200 and acta102<7290) or (acta102>7999 and acta102<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta101>-1 and acta101<1000) or acta101=2120 or acta101=3420 or acta101=3430 or (acta101>3729 and acta101<3840) or (acta101>3840 and acta101<3914) or acta101=3919 or acta101=4320 or (acta101>4999 and acta101<5130) or acta101=5140 or acta101=5310 or (acta101>7200 and acta101<7290) or (acta101>7999 and acta101<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta100>-1 and acta100<1000) or acta100=2120 or acta100=3420 or acta100=3430 or (acta100>3729 and acta100<3840) or (acta100>3840 and acta100<3914) or acta100=3919 or acta100=4320 or (acta100>4999 and acta100<5130) or acta100=5140 or acta100=5310 or (acta100>7200 and acta100<7290) or (acta100>7999 and acta100<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta99>-1 and acta99<1000) or acta99=2120 or acta99=3420 or acta99=3430 or (acta99>3729 and acta99<3840) or (acta99>3840 and acta99<3914) or acta99=3919 or acta99=4320 or (acta99>4999 and acta99<5130) or acta99=5140 or acta99=5310 or (acta99>7200 and acta99<7290) or (acta99>7999 and acta99<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta98>-1 and acta98<1000) or acta98=2120 or acta98=3420 or acta98=3430 or (acta98>3729 and acta98<3840) or (acta98>3840 and acta98<3914) or acta98=3919 or acta98=4320 or (acta98>4999 and acta98<5130) or acta98=5140 or acta98=5310 or (acta98>7200 and acta98<7290) or (acta98>7999 and acta98<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. Else if acta144=-9 and ((acta97>-1 and acta97<1000) or acta97=2120 or acta97=3420 or acta97=3430 or (acta97>3729 and acta97<3840) or (acta97>3840 and acta97<3914) or acta97=3919 or acta97=4320 or (acta97>4999 and acta97<5130) or acta97=5140 or acta97=5310 or (acta97>7200 and acta97<7290) or (acta97>7999 and acta97<9000)) and (wher144=2 or wher144=3 or wher144=5). compute presleep=1. end if. freq presleep. Do if acta144=-9 and presleep=1. recode acta97 to acta144 (-9=111). End if. Do If sn1=226 and sn2=540 and sn3=3. recode acta119 to acta141 (-9=111). End if. freq acta120 acta144. ****************************************** *Examine the secondary activity variables* *for harmonisation * ******************************************. freq actb1 actb25 actb48 actb79. Do repeat b=actb1 to actb144. *some filling in time diary in the secondary activity. *Reset this time into the voluntary activity range. Do if b=9950. compute b=4001. *some activity coded in the missing activity. Treat as *no reported secondary activity. Else if b>9900. compute b=-9. End if. End repeat. freq actb1 actb25 actb48 actb79. ************************************************** *Examine the location variables for harmonisation* **************************************************. freq wher4 wher47 wher92 wher138. *get rid of some no longer needed variables. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000a.sav' /drop SN1 SN2 SN3 SN4 DDAYOFWK DMONTH DYEAR DSEX DAGE HRS_TOT HRS_GRP ECONACT3 LIVARR HHTYPE4 DA@Q3 DA@Q4 MGRPPC POP_DEN GORPAF WTDRY_UG DRY_IND DA@Q2 DA@Q8 DA@Q9 DK@Q1 DK@Q2 DK@Q3 DK@Q5 DETHNIC GORPAF2 GORPAF3 PROVCARE SOC MANAGE2 REL01@02 REL01@03 REL01@04 REL01@05 REL01@06 REL01@07 REL01@08 REL01@09 REL01@10 REL02@01 REL02@03 REL02@04 REL02@05 REL02@06 REL02@07 REL02@08 REL02@09 REL02@10 REL03@01 REL03@02 REL03@04 REL03@05 REL03@06 REL03@07 REL03@08 REL03@09 REL03@10 REL04@01 REL04@02 REL04@03 REL04@05 REL04@06 REL04@07 REL04@08 REL04@09 REL04@10 REL05@01 REL05@02 REL05@03 REL05@04 REL05@06 REL05@07 REL05@08 REL05@09 REL05@10 REL06@01 REL06@02 REL06@03 REL06@04 REL06@05 REL06@07 REL06@08 REL06@09 REL06@10 REL07@01 REL07@02 REL07@03 REL07@04 REL07@05 REL07@06 REL07@08 REL07@09 REL07@10 REL08@01 REL08@02 REL08@03 REL08@04 REL08@05 REL08@06 REL08@07 REL08@09 REL08@10 REL09@01 REL09@02 REL09@03 REL09@04 REL09@05 REL09@06 REL09@07 REL09@08 REL09@10 REL10@01 REL10@02 REL10@03 REL10@04 REL10@05 REL10@06 REL10@07 REL10@08 REL10@09 AGE01 AGE02 AGE03 AGE04 AGE05 AGE06 AGE07 AGE08 AGE09 AGE10 HQ4B@13 HQ5A NUM0_2 NUM3_4 NUM5_9 NUM10_15 NUM16_17 unmark Q23A test cit2 citizen_max citizen_min singpid singpid2 lowpid youngest cphma cphmage spemp matchid spemp2 alt1st i j presleep dis1 dis2 dis3 dis4 dis5 dis6 dis7 dis8 dis9 dis10 Q21BA01 Q21BA02 Q21BA03 Q21BA04 Q21BA05 Q21BA06 Q21BA07 Q21BA08 Q21BA09 Q21BA10 Q21BB01 Q21BB02 Q21BB03 Q21BB04 Q21BB05 Q21BB06 Q21BB07 Q21BB08 Q21BB09 Q21BB10 pre post k l m. get file='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000a.sav'. *************************** *set up harmonised columns* ***************************. vector main(144) /av(144) /sec(144) /inout(144) /eloc(144) /ict(144) /mtrav(144) /alone(144) /child(144) /sppart(144) /oad(144) /acta=acta1 to acta144 /actb=actb1 to actb144 /wher=wher1 to wher144 /kid0x(144) /kid10(144) /paren(144) /othhh(144) /othkn(144). Loop i=1 to 144. compute main(i)=69. compute av(i)=41. compute sec(i)=69. compute inout(i)=-8. compute eloc(i)=-8. compute ict(i)=0. compute mtrav(i)=-8. compute alone(i)=0. compute child(i)=0. compute sppart(i)=0. compute oad(i)=0. compute kid0x(i)=0. compute kid10(i)=0. compute paren(i)=0. compute othhh(i)=0. compute othkn(i)=0. End loop. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if (acta(i)>3710 and acta(i)<3800) or acta(i)=5243 or acta(i)=5244 or (acta(i)>7210 and acta(i)<7260) or acta(i)=7330 or (actb(i)>3710 and actb(i)<3800) or actb(i)=5243 or actb(i)=5244 or (actb(i)>7210 and actb(i)<7260) or actb(i)=7330. compute ict(i)=1. End if. End loop. temp. select if ict75=1. cro acta75 by actb75. vector inout=inout1 to inout144 /acta=acta1 to acta144 /actb=actb1 to actb144 /wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if acta(i)=3220 or acta(i)=3410 or acta(i)=3440 or (acta(i)>5290 and acta(i)<5299) or acta(i)=6000 or (acta(i)>6100 and acta(i)<6141) or (acta(i)>6142 and acta(i)<6150) or (acta(i)>6190 and acta(i)<6311) or actb(i)=3220 or actb(i)=3410 or actb(i)=3440 or (actb(i)>5290 and actb(i)<5299) or actb(i)=6000 or (actb(i)>6100 and actb(i)<6141) or (actb(i)>6142 and actb(i)<6150) or (actb(i)>6190 and actb(i)<6311) or wher(i)=9 or wher(i)=12 or wher(i)=13. compute inout(i)=2. Else if (acta(i)>8999 and acta(i)<9940) or (actb(i)>8999 and actb(i)<9940) or wher(i)=11 or (wher(i)>13 and wher(i)<32). compute inout(i)=3. Else if acta(i)=120 or acta(i)=6141 or acta(i)=6142 or actb(i)=120 or acta(i)=6141 or acta(i)=6142 or (wher(i)>1 and wher(i)<9). compute inout(i)=1. End if. End loop. temp. select if inout75=1. freq acta75 actb75 wher75. temp. select if inout75=2. freq acta75 actb75 wher75. temp. select if inout75=3. freq acta75 actb75 wher75. temp. select if inout75=-8. freq acta75 actb75 wher75. vector eloc=eloc1 to eloc144 /acta=acta1 to acta144 /actb=actb1 to actb144 /wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if wher(i)=2 or wher(i)=3. compute eloc(i)=1. Else if wher(i)=5. compute eloc(i)=2. *note that may miss some time at education facility as this *category is merged with the workplace. Else if wher(i)=4 and (acta(i)>1999 and acta(i)<3000). compute eloc(i)=4. Else if wher(i)=4. compute eloc(i)=3. Else if wher(i)=6. compute eloc(i)=6. Else if wher(i)>10 and wher(i)<32. compute eloc(i)=8. Else if (wher(i)=0 or wher(i)=8 or wher(i)=9 or wher(i)=10) and acta(i)=4320. compute eloc(i)=7. Else if wher(i)=7 or ((wher(i)=0 or wher(i)=8 or wher(i)=9 or wher(i)=10) and ((acta(i)>3599 and acta(i)<3720) or (acta(i)>5199 and acta(i)<5310))). compute eloc(i)=5. Else if wher(i)>0 and wher(i)<32. compute eloc(i)=9. End if. End loop. cro eloc75 by wher75. temp. select if eloc75=7. freq acta75 actb75. temp. select if eloc75=5. freq acta75 actb75. vector mtrav=mtrav1 to mtrav144 /acta=acta1 to acta144 /actb=actb1 to actb144 /wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if wher(i)>0 and wher(i)<11. compute mtrav(i)=-7. End if. Do if wher(i)=11 or (wher(i)>13 and wher(i)<20) or wher(i)=22. compute mtrav(i)=1. Else if wher(i)=21 or (wher(i)>22 and wher(i)<31). compute mtrav(i)=2. Else if wher(i)=12 or acta(i)=3440 or actb(i)=3440 or (acta(i)>6100 and acta(i)<6130) or (actb(i)>6100 and actb(i)<6130). compute mtrav(i)=3. Else if wher(i)=20 or wher(i)=13 or (acta(i)>6120 and acta(i)<6140) or (actb(i)>6120 and actb(i)<6140). compute mtrav(i)=4. Else if wher(i)=31 or (acta(i)>8999 and acta(i)<9940) or (actb(i)>8999 and actb(i)<9940). compute mtrav(i)=5. End if. End loop. freq mtrav90. cro mtrav75 by wher75 acta75 actb75. compute animal=0. var lab animal minutes interacting with an animal. vector child=child1 to child144 /acta=acta1 to acta144 /actb=actb1 to actb144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if (acta(i)>3809 and acta(i)<3890) or (acta(i)>4270 and acta(i)<4279) or (actb(i)>3809 and actb(i)<3890) or (actb(i)>4270 and actb(i)<4279). compute child(i)=1. End if. Do if acta(i)=3420 or acta(i)=3430 or acta(i)=3440 or acta(i)=4230 or actb(i)=3420 or actb(i)=3430 or actb(i)=3440 or actb(i)=4230. compute animal=animal+10. End if. End loop. temp. select if child85=1. cro acta85 by actb85. desc animal. vector av=av1 to av144 /acta=acta1 to acta144 /wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if (wher(i)=2 or wher(i)=3) and (acta(i)=1000 or acta(i)=1110 or acta(i)=1120 or acta(i)=1300 or acta(i)=1310 or acta(i)=1390 or acta(i)=1391 or acta(i)=1399). compute av(i)=2. Else if acta(i)=1000 or acta(i)=1110 or acta(i)=1120 or acta(i)=1300 or acta(i)=1310 or acta(i)=1390 or acta(i)=1391 or acta(i)=1399. compute av(i)=1. Else if acta(i)=1210 or acta(i)=1220. compute av(i)=3. Else if acta(i)=2000 or acta(i)=2100 or acta(i)=2110 or acta(i)=2190. compute av(i)=4. Else if acta(i)=9110 or acta(i)=9130 or acta(i)=9140 or acta(i)=9210 or acta(i)=9230. compute av(i)=5. Else if acta(i)>3000 and acta(i)<3200. compute av(i)=6. Else if acta(i)=3000 or (acta(i)>3190 and acta(i)<3230) or (acta(i)>3230 and acta(i)<3330) or acta(i)=3390 or acta(i)=3710 or acta(i)=3720 or acta(i)=3727 or acta(i)=3729. compute av(i)=7. Else if acta(i)=3230 or acta(i)=3300 or (acta(i)>3410 and acta(i)<3440) or (acta(i)>3490 and acta(i)<3531) or (acta(i)>3531 and acta(i)<3600) or (acta(i)>3890 and acta(i)<4000) or (acta(i)>4190 and acta(i)<4300). compute av(i)=8. Else if acta(i)=3400 or acta(i)=3410 or acta(i)=3490 or acta(i)=6220 or acta(i)=6290. compute av(i)=9. Else if (acta(i)>3599 and acta(i)<3630) or acta(i)=3690 or (acta(i)>3720 and acta(i)<3727). compute av(i)=10. Else if (acta(i)>3799 and acta(i)<3900). compute av(i)=11. Else if acta(i)>9299 and acta(i)<9410. compute av(i)=12. Else if acta(i)=0 or (acta(i)>290 and acta(i)<400). compute av(i)=13. Else if acta(i)=3630. compute av(i)=14. Else if wher(i)=6. compute av(i)=28. Else if (acta(i)=210 or acta(i)=5120) and wher(i)=5. compute av(i)=29. Else if acta(i)=210 and (wher(i)>-1 and wher(i)<5). compute av(i)=15. Else if acta(i)=210. compute av(i)=28. Else if acta(i)>9 and acta(i)<210. compute av(i)=16. Else if (acta(i)>6100 and acta(i)<6120) or acta(i)=3440 or (acta(i)=9000 or acta(i)=9010 or (acta(i)>9400 and acta(i)<9900) and wher(i)=12). compute av(i)=21. Else if acta(i)=9000 or acta(i)=9010 or (acta(i)>9400 and acta(i)<9900). compute av(i)=17. Else if (acta(i)>5229 and acta(i)<5250) or (acta(i)>5250 and acta(i)<5310). compute av(i)=18. Else if acta(i)=6000 or acta(i)=6100 or (acta(i)>6119 and acta(i)<6220) or (acta(i)>6290 and acta(i)<7000). compute av(i)=19. Else if acta(i)=5250. compute av(i)=20. Else if acta(i)=4320. compute av(i)=22. Else if (acta(i)>3999 and acta(i)<4200) or acta(i)=4300 or acta(i)=4310 or acta(i)=4390. compute av(i)=23. Else if acta(i)>5190 and acta(i)<5230. compute av(i)=24. Else if acta(i)=5000 or acta(i)=5105 or acta(i)=5100 or acta(i)=5130 or acta(i)=5190 or acta(i)=7340. compute av(i)=25. Else if acta(i)>8300 and acta(i)<8320. compute av(i)=30. Else if (acta(i)>8190 and acta(i)<8300) or acta(i)=8000. compute av(i)=31. Else if acta(i)=8300 or acta(i)=8320. compute av(i)=32. Else if acta(i)=2120 or acta(i)=2210 or (acta(i)>7210 and acta(i)<7240) or (acta(i)>7249 and acta(i)<7260). compute av(i)=33. Else if acta(i)=8100 or acta(i)=8120. compute av(i)=34. Else if acta(i)=8110 or acta(i)=8190. compute av(i)=35. Else if acta(i)=5310. compute av(i)=36. Else if acta(i)=5140 or acta(i)=5110. compute av(i)=37. Else if acta(i)=5120 and wher(i)~=5. compute av(i)=38. Else if acta(i)=3330. compute av(i)=39. Else if acta(i)=3531 or (acta(i)>6999 and acta(i)<7220) or (acta(i)>7239 and acta(i)<7250) or (acta(i)>7259 and acta(i)<7340) or acta(i)=7390 or acta(i)=8000. compute av(i)=40. *note here that filling in the time diary already reclassified to voluntary activity. Else if acta(i)>9890 or acta(i)=-9. compute av(i)=41. Else. compute residual=acta(i). End if. End loop. freq residual. *as residual has no values, no need to reset the variable to test the creation of main. vector main=main1 to main144 /acta=acta1 to acta144 /wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if acta(i)=301. compute main(i)=1. Else if acta(i)=10 or acta(i)=110 or acta(i)=120. compute main(i)=2. Else if acta(i)=111. compute main(i)=3. Else if acta(i)=0 or acta(i)=300 or acta(i)=310 or acta(i)=390. compute main(i)=4. Else if (acta(i)=210 and wher(i)=4) or acta(i)=1310. compute main(i)=5. Else if (acta(i)=210 or (acta(i)>4999 and acta(i)<5121)) and wher(i)=6. compute main(i)=39. Else if acta(i)=210. compute main(i)=6. Else if (acta(i)=1000 or acta(i)=1110 or acta(i)=1210 or acta(i)=1300 or acta(i)=1390 or acta(i)=1399) and (wher(i)=2 or wher(i)=3). compute main(i)=8. Else if acta(i)=1000 or acta(i)=1110 or acta(i)=1300. compute main(i)=7. Else if acta(i)=1210. compute main(i)=9. *not possible to create unpaid for for income. * compute main(i)=10. Else if acta(i)=9110. compute main(i)=11. Else if acta(i)=1120 or acta(i)=1220. compute main(i)=12. Else if acta(i)=1390 or acta(i)=1399. compute main(i)=13. Else if acta(i)=1391. compute main(i)=14. Else if acta(i)=2000 or acta(i)=2100 or acta(i)=2110. compute main(i)=15. Else if acta(i)=2120. compute main(i)=16. Else if acta(i)=2190 or acta(i)=2210. compute main(i)=17. Else if acta(i)=3100 or acta(i)=3110 or acta(i)=3120 or acta(i)=3140. compute main(i)=18. Else if acta(i)=3130 or acta(i)=3190. compute main(i)=19. Else if acta(i)=3210 or acta(i)=3220 or acta(i)=3250. compute main(i)=20. Else if (acta(i)>3290 and acta(i)<3330) or acta(i)=3390. compute main(i)=21. Else if acta(i)=3290 or acta(i)=3200 or acta(i)=3230 or acta(i)=3420 or (acta(i)>3499 and acta(i)<3531) or (acta(i)>3531 and acta(i)<3600). compute main(i)=22. Else if acta(i)=3000 or acta(i)=3240 or acta(i)=3710 or acta(i)=3720 or acta(i)=3727 or acta(i)=3729. compute main(i)=23. Else if (acta(i)>3599 and acta(i)<3620) or acta(i)=3690 or (acta(i)>3720 and acta(i)<3727). compute main(i)=24. Else if acta(i)=3630. compute main(i)=25. Else if acta(i)=3620. compute main(i)=26. Else if acta(i)=3430. compute main(i)=27. Else if (acta(i)>3799 and acta(i)<3820) or acta(i)=4270 or acta(i)=4271. compute main(i)=28. Else if acta(i)=3820 or acta(i)=4272. compute main(i)=29. Else if acta(i)=3830 or acta(i)=4273. compute main(i)=30. Else if acta(i)=3840 or acta(i)=3890 or acta(i)=4274 or acta(i)=4279. compute main(i)=31. Else if (acta(i)>3900 and acta(i)<4000) or (acta(i)>4279 and acta(i)<4290). compute main(i)=32. Else if (acta(i)>3999 and acta(i)<4270) or acta(i)=4290 or acta(i)=4300 or acta(i)=4310 or acta(i)=4390. compute main(i)=33. Else if acta(i)=4320. compute main(i)=34. Else if acta(i)=5000 or acta(i)=5200 or acta(i)=5299. compute main(i)=35. Else if acta(i)=5250. compute main(i)=36. Else if (acta(i)>5200 and acta(i)<5230). compute main(i)=37. Else if (acta(i)>5229 and acta(i)<5250) or (acta(i)>5250 and acta(i)<5299). compute main(i)=38. Else if acta(i)=5130 or acta(i)=7340. compute main(i)=40. Else if acta(i)=5105. compute main(i)=41. Else if acta(i)=6000 or acta(i)=6100 or acta(i)=6120 or (acta(i)>6131 and acta(i)<6200). compute main(i)=42. Else if (acta(i)>6100 and acta(i)<6120) or ((acta(i)=9000 or acta(i)=9010 or (acta(i)>9499 and acta(i)<9850) or acta(i)=9890) and wher(i)=12). compute main(i)=43. Else if (acta(i)=6130 or acta(i)=6131) or ((acta(i)=9000 or acta(i)=9010 or (acta(i)>9499 and acta(i)<9850) or acta(i)=9890) and wher(i)=13). compute main(i)=44. Else if acta(i)=6310 or acta(i)=6311 or acta(i)=6312. compute main(i)=45. Else if acta(i)=3400 or acta(i)=3410 or acta(i)=3490 or (acta(i)>6199 and acta(i)<6291). compute main(i)=46. Else if acta(i)=3440. compute main(i)=47. Else if acta(i)=5100 or acta(i)=5120 or acta(i)=5190. compute main(i)=48. Else if acta(i)=5140 or acta(i)=5110. compute main(i)=49. Else if (acta(i)>7290 and acta(i)<7330) or acta(i)=7390. compute main(i)=50. Else if acta(i)=7000. compute main(i)=51. Else if acta(i)>7000 and acta(i)<7200. compute main(i)=52. Else if acta(i)=7260. compute main(i)=53. Else if acta(i)=3330 or acta(i)=3531 or acta(i)=7200 or acta(i)=7210 or acta(i)=7290. compute main(i)=54. Else if acta(i)=5310. compute main(i)=55. Else if acta(i)>8000 and acta(i)<8210. compute main(i)=56. Else if acta(i)=8300 or acta(i)=8320. compute main(i)=57. Else if acta(i)>8300 and acta(i)<8320. compute main(i)=58. Else if acta(i)=8000 or (acta(i)>8190 and acta(i)<8300). compute main(i)=59. Else if acta(i)=7330. compute main(i)=60. Else if acta(i)>7210 and acta(i)<7260. compute main(i)=61. Else if acta(i)=9850. compute main(i)=62. Else if acta(i)=9130 or acta(i)=9140. compute main(i)=63. Else if acta(i)=9210. compute main(i)=64. Else if acta(i)>9390 and acta(i)<9441. compute main(i)=65. Else if acta(i)=9230 or acta(i)=9380 or acta(i)=9390. compute main(i)=66. Else if acta(i)>9230 and acta(i)<9380. compute main(i)=67. Else if acta(i)=9000 or acta(i)=9010 or (acta(i)>9499 and acta(i)<9850) or acta(i)=9890. compute main(i)=68. Else if acta(i)>9890 or acta(i)=-9. compute main(i)=69. Else. compute residual=acta(i). End if. End loop. freq residual. temp. select if main85=1. freq acta85. temp. select if main15=2. freq acta15. temp. select if main15=3. freq acta15. temp. select if main25=4. freq acta25. temp. select if main55=5. freq acta55. temp. select if main25=6. freq acta25. temp. select if main45=7. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=8. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=9. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=11. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=12. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=13. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=14. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=15. freq acta45. temp. select if main85=16. freq acta85. temp. select if main45=17. freq acta45. temp. select if main85=18. freq acta85. temp. select if main85=19. freq acta85. temp. select if main35=20. freq acta35. temp. select if main35=21. freq acta35. temp. select if main45=22. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=23. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=24. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=25. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=26. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=27. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=28. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=29. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=30. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=31. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=32. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=33. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=34. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=35. freq acta45. temp. select if main45=36. freq acta45. temp. select if main90=37. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=38. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=39. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=40. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=41. freq acta90. temp. select if main55=42. freq acta55. temp. select if main55=43. freq acta55. temp. select if main55=44. freq acta55. temp. select if main55=45. freq acta55. temp. select if main55=46. freq acta55. temp. select if main55=47. freq acta55. temp. select if main90=48. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=49. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=50. freq acta90. temp. select if main65=51. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=52. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=53. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=54. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=55. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=56. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=57. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=58. freq acta65. temp. select if main65=59. freq acta65. temp. select if main90=60. freq acta90. temp. select if main90=61. freq acta90. temp. select if main75=62. freq acta75. temp. select if main75=63. freq acta75. temp. select if main35=64. freq acta35. temp. select if main35=65. freq acta35. temp. select if main35=66. freq acta35. temp. select if main35=67. freq acta35. temp. select if main35=68. freq acta35. temp. select if main90=69. freq acta90. vector sec=sec1 to sec144 /actb=actb1 to actb144 /wher=wher1 to wher144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if actb(i)=301. compute sec(i)=1. Else if actb(i)=10 or actb(i)=110 or actb(i)=120. compute sec(i)=2. Else if actb(i)=111. compute sec(i)=3. Else if actb(i)=0 or actb(i)=300 or actb(i)=310 or actb(i)=390. compute sec(i)=4. Else if (actb(i)=210 and wher(i)=4) or actb(i)=1310. compute sec(i)=5. Else if (actb(i)=210 or (actb(i)>4999 and actb(i)<5121)) and wher(i)=6. compute sec(i)=39. Else if actb(i)=210. compute sec(i)=6. Else if (actb(i)=1000 or actb(i)=1110 or actb(i)=1210 or actb(i)=1300 or actb(i)=1390 or actb(i)=1399) and (wher(i)=2 or wher(i)=3). compute sec(i)=8. Else if actb(i)=1000 or actb(i)=1110 or actb(i)=1300. compute sec(i)=7. Else if actb(i)=1210. compute sec(i)=9. *not possible to create unpaid for for income. * compute sec(i)=10. Else if actb(i)=9110. compute sec(i)=11. Else if actb(i)=1120 or actb(i)=1220. compute sec(i)=12. Else if actb(i)=1390 or actb(i)=1399. compute sec(i)=13. Else if actb(i)=1391. compute sec(i)=14. Else if actb(i)=2000 or actb(i)=2100 or actb(i)=2110. compute sec(i)=15. Else if actb(i)=2120. compute sec(i)=16. Else if actb(i)=2190 or actb(i)=2210. compute sec(i)=17. Else if actb(i)=3100 or actb(i)=3110 or actb(i)=3120 or actb(i)=3140. compute sec(i)=18. Else if actb(i)=3130 or actb(i)=3190. compute sec(i)=19. Else if actb(i)=3210 or actb(i)=3220 or actb(i)=3250. compute sec(i)=20. Else if (actb(i)>3290 and actb(i)<3330) or actb(i)=3390. compute sec(i)=21. Else if actb(i)=3290 or actb(i)=3200 or actb(i)=3230 or actb(i)=3420 or (actb(i)>3499 and actb(i)<3531) or (actb(i)>3531 and actb(i)<3600). compute sec(i)=22. Else if actb(i)=3000 or actb(i)=3240 or actb(i)=3710 or actb(i)=3720 or actb(i)=3727 or actb(i)=3729. compute sec(i)=23. Else if (actb(i)>3599 and actb(i)<3620) or actb(i)=3690 or (actb(i)>3720 and actb(i)<3727). compute sec(i)=24. Else if actb(i)=3630. compute sec(i)=25. Else if actb(i)=3620. compute sec(i)=26. Else if actb(i)=3430. compute sec(i)=27. Else if (actb(i)>3799 and actb(i)<3820) or actb(i)=4270 or actb(i)=4271. compute sec(i)=28. Else if actb(i)=3820 or actb(i)=4272. compute sec(i)=29. Else if actb(i)=3830 or actb(i)=4273. compute sec(i)=30. Else if actb(i)=3840 or actb(i)=3890 or actb(i)=4274 or actb(i)=4279. compute sec(i)=31. Else if (actb(i)>3900 and actb(i)<4000) or (actb(i)>4279 and actb(i)<4290). compute sec(i)=32. Else if (actb(i)>3999 and actb(i)<4270) or actb(i)=4290 or actb(i)=4300 or actb(i)=4310 or actb(i)=4390. compute sec(i)=33. Else if actb(i)=4320. compute sec(i)=34. Else if actb(i)=5000 or actb(i)=5200 or actb(i)=5299. compute sec(i)=35. Else if actb(i)=5250. compute sec(i)=36. Else if (actb(i)>5200 and actb(i)<5230). compute sec(i)=37. Else if (actb(i)>5229 and actb(i)<5250) or (actb(i)>5250 and actb(i)<5299). compute sec(i)=38. Else if actb(i)=5130 or actb(i)=7340. compute sec(i)=40. Else if actb(i)=5105. compute sec(i)=41. Else if actb(i)=6000 or actb(i)=6100 or actb(i)=6120 or (actb(i)>6131 and actb(i)<6200). compute sec(i)=42. Else if (actb(i)>6100 and actb(i)<6120) or ((actb(i)=9000 or actb(i)=9010 or (actb(i)>9499 and actb(i)<9850) or actb(i)=9890) and wher(i)=12). compute sec(i)=43. Else if (actb(i)=6130 or actb(i)=6131) or ((actb(i)=9000 or actb(i)=9010 or (actb(i)>9499 and actb(i)<9850) or actb(i)=9890) and wher(i)=13). compute sec(i)=44. Else if actb(i)=6310 or actb(i)=6311 or actb(i)=6312. compute sec(i)=45. Else if actb(i)=3400 or actb(i)=3410 or actb(i)=3490 or (actb(i)>6199 and actb(i)<6291). compute sec(i)=46. Else if actb(i)=3440. compute sec(i)=47. Else if actb(i)=5100 or actb(i)=5120 or actb(i)=5190. compute sec(i)=48. Else if actb(i)=5140 or actb(i)=5110. compute sec(i)=49. Else if (actb(i)>7290 and actb(i)<7330) or actb(i)=7390. compute sec(i)=50. Else if actb(i)=7000. compute sec(i)=51. Else if actb(i)>7000 and actb(i)<7200. compute sec(i)=52. Else if actb(i)=7260. compute sec(i)=53. Else if actb(i)=3330 or actb(i)=3531 or actb(i)=7200 or actb(i)=7210 or actb(i)=7290. compute sec(i)=54. Else if actb(i)=5310. compute sec(i)=55. Else if actb(i)>8000 and actb(i)<8210. compute sec(i)=56. Else if actb(i)=8300 or actb(i)=8320. compute sec(i)=57. Else if actb(i)>8300 and actb(i)<8320. compute sec(i)=58. Else if actb(i)=8000 or (actb(i)>8190 and actb(i)<8300). compute sec(i)=59. Else if actb(i)=7330. compute sec(i)=60. Else if actb(i)>7210 and actb(i)<7260. compute sec(i)=61. Else if actb(i)=9850. compute sec(i)=62. Else if actb(i)=9130 or actb(i)=9140. compute sec(i)=63. Else if actb(i)=9210. compute sec(i)=64. Else if actb(i)>9390 and actb(i)<9441. compute sec(i)=65. Else if actb(i)=9230 or actb(i)=9380 or actb(i)=9390. compute sec(i)=66. Else if actb(i)>9230 and actb(i)<9380. compute sec(i)=67. Else if actb(i)=9000 or actb(i)=9010 or (actb(i)>9499 and actb(i)<9850) or actb(i)=9890. compute sec(i)=68. Else if actb(i)>9890 or actb(i)=-1 or actb(i)=-9. compute sec(i)=69. Else. compute residual=actb(i). End if. End loop. freq residual. sort cases hldid persid id. *fix cases of married children living in the parental home. cro cphome by civstat. if civstat=1 cphome=0. freq cphome. *save the file, dropping the variables no longer needed. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000.sav' /keep=countrya survey swave msamp hldid persid id parntid1 parntid2 partid day month year diary hhtype hhldsize nchild agekidx agekid2 incorig income ownhome urban computer vehicle sex age famstat cphome singpar relrefp civstat cohab citizen empstat emp unemp student retired empsp workhrs empinclm occup sector educa edcat rushed health carer disab ocombwt region aglftsch ethnic animal dtype main1 main2 main3 main4 main5 main6 main7 main8 main9 main10 main11 main12 main13 main14 main15 main16 main17 main18 main19 main20 main21 main22 main23 main24 main25 main26 main27 main28 main29 main30 main31 main32 main33 main34 main35 main36 main37 main38 main39 main40 main41 main42 main43 main44 main45 main46 main47 main48 main49 main50 main51 main52 main53 main54 main55 main56 main57 main58 main59 main60 main61 main62 main63 main64 main65 main66 main67 main68 main69 main70 main71 main72 main73 main74 main75 main76 main77 main78 main79 main80 main81 main82 main83 main84 main85 main86 main87 main88 main89 main90 main91 main92 main93 main94 main95 main96 main97 main98 main99 main100 main101 main102 main103 main104 main105 main106 main107 main108 main109 main110 main111 main112 main113 main114 main115 main116 main117 main118 main119 main120 main121 main122 main123 main124 main125 main126 main127 main128 main129 main130 main131 main132 main133 main134 main135 main136 main137 main138 main139 main140 main141 main142 main143 main144 av1 av2 av3 av4 av5 av6 av7 av8 av9 av10 av11 av12 av13 av14 av15 av16 av17 av18 av19 av20 av21 av22 av23 av24 av25 av26 av27 av28 av29 av30 av31 av32 av33 av34 av35 av36 av37 av38 av39 av40 av41 av42 av43 av44 av45 av46 av47 av48 av49 av50 av51 av52 av53 av54 av55 av56 av57 av58 av59 av60 av61 av62 av63 av64 av65 av66 av67 av68 av69 av70 av71 av72 av73 av74 av75 av76 av77 av78 av79 av80 av81 av82 av83 av84 av85 av86 av87 av88 av89 av90 av91 av92 av93 av94 av95 av96 av97 av98 av99 av100 av101 av102 av103 av104 av105 av106 av107 av108 av109 av110 av111 av112 av113 av114 av115 av116 av117 av118 av119 av120 av121 av122 av123 av124 av125 av126 av127 av128 av129 av130 av131 av132 av133 av134 av135 av136 av137 av138 av139 av140 av141 av142 av143 av144 sec1 sec2 sec3 sec4 sec5 sec6 sec7 sec8 sec9 sec10 sec11 sec12 sec13 sec14 sec15 sec16 sec17 sec18 sec19 sec20 sec21 sec22 sec23 sec24 sec25 sec26 sec27 sec28 sec29 sec30 sec31 sec32 sec33 sec34 sec35 sec36 sec37 sec38 sec39 sec40 sec41 sec42 sec43 sec44 sec45 sec46 sec47 sec48 sec49 sec50 sec51 sec52 sec53 sec54 sec55 sec56 sec57 sec58 sec59 sec60 sec61 sec62 sec63 sec64 sec65 sec66 sec67 sec68 sec69 sec70 sec71 sec72 sec73 sec74 sec75 sec76 sec77 sec78 sec79 sec80 sec81 sec82 sec83 sec84 sec85 sec86 sec87 sec88 sec89 sec90 sec91 sec92 sec93 sec94 sec95 sec96 sec97 sec98 sec99 sec100 sec101 sec102 sec103 sec104 sec105 sec106 sec107 sec108 sec109 sec110 sec111 sec112 sec113 sec114 sec115 sec116 sec117 sec118 sec119 sec120 sec121 sec122 sec123 sec124 sec125 sec126 sec127 sec128 sec129 sec130 sec131 sec132 sec133 sec134 sec135 sec136 sec137 sec138 sec139 sec140 sec141 sec142 sec143 sec144 inout1 inout2 inout3 inout4 inout5 inout6 inout7 inout8 inout9 inout10 inout11 inout12 inout13 inout14 inout15 inout16 inout17 inout18 inout19 inout20 inout21 inout22 inout23 inout24 inout25 inout26 inout27 inout28 inout29 inout30 inout31 inout32 inout33 inout34 inout35 inout36 inout37 inout38 inout39 inout40 inout41 inout42 inout43 inout44 inout45 inout46 inout47 inout48 inout49 inout50 inout51 inout52 inout53 inout54 inout55 inout56 inout57 inout58 inout59 inout60 inout61 inout62 inout63 inout64 inout65 inout66 inout67 inout68 inout69 inout70 inout71 inout72 inout73 inout74 inout75 inout76 inout77 inout78 inout79 inout80 inout81 inout82 inout83 inout84 inout85 inout86 inout87 inout88 inout89 inout90 inout91 inout92 inout93 inout94 inout95 inout96 inout97 inout98 inout99 inout100 inout101 inout102 inout103 inout104 inout105 inout106 inout107 inout108 inout109 inout110 inout111 inout112 inout113 inout114 inout115 inout116 inout117 inout118 inout119 inout120 inout121 inout122 inout123 inout124 inout125 inout126 inout127 inout128 inout129 inout130 inout131 inout132 inout133 inout134 inout135 inout136 inout137 inout138 inout139 inout140 inout141 inout142 inout143 inout144 eloc1 eloc2 eloc3 eloc4 eloc5 eloc6 eloc7 eloc8 eloc9 eloc10 eloc11 eloc12 eloc13 eloc14 eloc15 eloc16 eloc17 eloc18 eloc19 eloc20 eloc21 eloc22 eloc23 eloc24 eloc25 eloc26 eloc27 eloc28 eloc29 eloc30 eloc31 eloc32 eloc33 eloc34 eloc35 eloc36 eloc37 eloc38 eloc39 eloc40 eloc41 eloc42 eloc43 eloc44 eloc45 eloc46 eloc47 eloc48 eloc49 eloc50 eloc51 eloc52 eloc53 eloc54 eloc55 eloc56 eloc57 eloc58 eloc59 eloc60 eloc61 eloc62 eloc63 eloc64 eloc65 eloc66 eloc67 eloc68 eloc69 eloc70 eloc71 eloc72 eloc73 eloc74 eloc75 eloc76 eloc77 eloc78 eloc79 eloc80 eloc81 eloc82 eloc83 eloc84 eloc85 eloc86 eloc87 eloc88 eloc89 eloc90 eloc91 eloc92 eloc93 eloc94 eloc95 eloc96 eloc97 eloc98 eloc99 eloc100 eloc101 eloc102 eloc103 eloc104 eloc105 eloc106 eloc107 eloc108 eloc109 eloc110 eloc111 eloc112 eloc113 eloc114 eloc115 eloc116 eloc117 eloc118 eloc119 eloc120 eloc121 eloc122 eloc123 eloc124 eloc125 eloc126 eloc127 eloc128 eloc129 eloc130 eloc131 eloc132 eloc133 eloc134 eloc135 eloc136 eloc137 eloc138 eloc139 eloc140 eloc141 eloc142 eloc143 eloc144 ict1 ict2 ict3 ict4 ict5 ict6 ict7 ict8 ict9 ict10 ict11 ict12 ict13 ict14 ict15 ict16 ict17 ict18 ict19 ict20 ict21 ict22 ict23 ict24 ict25 ict26 ict27 ict28 ict29 ict30 ict31 ict32 ict33 ict34 ict35 ict36 ict37 ict38 ict39 ict40 ict41 ict42 ict43 ict44 ict45 ict46 ict47 ict48 ict49 ict50 ict51 ict52 ict53 ict54 ict55 ict56 ict57 ict58 ict59 ict60 ict61 ict62 ict63 ict64 ict65 ict66 ict67 ict68 ict69 ict70 ict71 ict72 ict73 ict74 ict75 ict76 ict77 ict78 ict79 ict80 ict81 ict82 ict83 ict84 ict85 ict86 ict87 ict88 ict89 ict90 ict91 ict92 ict93 ict94 ict95 ict96 ict97 ict98 ict99 ict100 ict101 ict102 ict103 ict104 ict105 ict106 ict107 ict108 ict109 ict110 ict111 ict112 ict113 ict114 ict115 ict116 ict117 ict118 ict119 ict120 ict121 ict122 ict123 ict124 ict125 ict126 ict127 ict128 ict129 ict130 ict131 ict132 ict133 ict134 ict135 ict136 ict137 ict138 ict139 ict140 ict141 ict142 ict143 ict144 mtrav1 mtrav2 mtrav3 mtrav4 mtrav5 mtrav6 mtrav7 mtrav8 mtrav9 mtrav10 mtrav11 mtrav12 mtrav13 mtrav14 mtrav15 mtrav16 mtrav17 mtrav18 mtrav19 mtrav20 mtrav21 mtrav22 mtrav23 mtrav24 mtrav25 mtrav26 mtrav27 mtrav28 mtrav29 mtrav30 mtrav31 mtrav32 mtrav33 mtrav34 mtrav35 mtrav36 mtrav37 mtrav38 mtrav39 mtrav40 mtrav41 mtrav42 mtrav43 mtrav44 mtrav45 mtrav46 mtrav47 mtrav48 mtrav49 mtrav50 mtrav51 mtrav52 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alone29 alone30 alone31 alone32 alone33 alone34 alone35 alone36 alone37 alone38 alone39 alone40 alone41 alone42 alone43 alone44 alone45 alone46 alone47 alone48 alone49 alone50 alone51 alone52 alone53 alone54 alone55 alone56 alone57 alone58 alone59 alone60 alone61 alone62 alone63 alone64 alone65 alone66 alone67 alone68 alone69 alone70 alone71 alone72 alone73 alone74 alone75 alone76 alone77 alone78 alone79 alone80 alone81 alone82 alone83 alone84 alone85 alone86 alone87 alone88 alone89 alone90 alone91 alone92 alone93 alone94 alone95 alone96 alone97 alone98 alone99 alone100 alone101 alone102 alone103 alone104 alone105 alone106 alone107 alone108 alone109 alone110 alone111 alone112 alone113 alone114 alone115 alone116 alone117 alone118 alone119 alone120 alone121 alone122 alone123 alone124 alone125 alone126 alone127 alone128 alone129 alone130 alone131 alone132 alone133 alone134 alone135 alone136 alone137 alone138 alone139 alone140 alone141 alone142 alone143 alone144 child1 child2 child3 child4 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WITa101 WITa102 WITa103 WITa104 WITa105 WITa106 WITa107 WITa108 WITa109 WITa110 WITa111 WITa112 WITa113 WITa114 WITa115 WITa116 WITa117 WITa118 WITa119 WITa120 WITa121 WITa122 WITa123 WITa124 WITa125 WITa126 WITa127 WITa128 WITa129 WITa130 WITa131 WITa132 WITa133 WITa134 WITa135 WITa136 WITa137 WITa138 WITa139 WITa140 WITa141 WITa142 WITa143 WITa144 WITb1 WITb2 WITb3 WITb4 WITb5 WITb6 WITb7 WITb8 WITb9 WITb10 WITb11 WITb12 WITb13 WITb14 WITb15 WITb16 WITb17 WITb18 WITb19 WITb20 WITb21 WITb22 WITb23 WITb24 WITb25 WITb26 WITb27 WITb28 WITb29 WITb30 WITb31 WITb32 WITb33 WITb34 WITb35 WITb36 WITb37 WITb38 WITb39 WITb40 WITb41 WITb42 WITb43 WITb44 WITb45 WITb46 WITb47 WITb48 WITb49 WITb50 WITb51 WITb52 WITb53 WITb54 WITb55 WITb56 WITb57 WITb58 WITb59 WITb60 WITb61 WITb62 WITb63 WITb64 WITb65 WITb66 WITb67 WITb68 WITb69 WITb70 WITb71 WITb72 WITb73 WITb74 WITb75 WITb76 WITb77 WITb78 WITb79 WITb80 WITb81 WITb82 WITb83 WITb84 WITb85 WITb86 WITb87 WITb88 WITb89 WITb90 WITb91 WITb92 WITb93 WITb94 WITb95 WITb96 WITb97 WITb98 WITb99 WITb100 WITb101 WITb102 WITb103 WITb104 WITb105 WITb106 WITb107 WITb108 WITb109 WITb110 WITb111 WITb112 WITb113 WITb114 WITb115 WITb116 WITb117 WITb118 WITb119 WITb120 WITb121 WITb122 WITb123 WITb124 WITb125 WITb126 WITb127 WITb128 WITb129 WITb130 WITb131 WITb132 WITb133 WITb134 WITb135 WITb136 WITb137 WITb138 WITb139 WITb140 WITb141 WITb142 WITb143 WITb144 WITc1 WITc2 WITc3 WITc4 WITc5 WITc6 WITc7 WITc8 WITc9 WITc10 WITc11 WITc12 WITc13 WITc14 WITc15 WITc16 WITc17 WITc18 WITc19 WITc20 WITc21 WITc22 WITc23 WITc24 WITc25 WITc26 WITc27 WITc28 WITc29 WITc30 WITc31 WITc32 WITc33 WITc34 WITc35 WITc36 WITc37 WITc38 WITc39 WITc40 WITc41 WITc42 WITc43 WITc44 WITc45 WITc46 WITc47 WITc48 WITc49 WITc50 WITc51 WITc52 WITc53 WITc54 WITc55 WITc56 WITc57 WITc58 WITc59 WITc60 WITc61 WITc62 WITc63 WITc64 WITc65 WITc66 WITc67 WITc68 WITc69 WITc70 WITc71 WITc72 WITc73 WITc74 WITc75 WITc76 WITc77 WITc78 WITc79 WITc80 WITc81 WITc82 WITc83 WITc84 WITc85 WITc86 WITc87 WITc88 WITc89 WITc90 WITc91 WITc92 WITc93 WITc94 WITc95 WITc96 WITc97 WITc98 WITc99 WITc100 WITc101 WITc102 WITc103 WITc104 WITc105 WITc106 WITc107 WITc108 WITc109 WITc110 WITc111 WITc112 WITc113 WITc114 WITc115 WITc116 WITc117 WITc118 WITc119 WITc120 WITc121 WITc122 WITc123 WITc124 WITc125 WITc126 WITc127 WITc128 WITc129 WITc130 WITc131 WITc132 WITc133 WITc134 WITc135 WITc136 WITc137 WITc138 WITc139 WITc140 WITc141 WITc142 WITc143 WITc144 WITd1 WITd2 WITd3 WITd4 WITd5 WITd6 WITd7 WITd8 WITd9 WITd10 WITd11 WITd12 WITd13 WITd14 WITd15 WITd16 WITd17 WITd18 WITd19 WITd20 WITd21 WITd22 WITd23 WITd24 WITd25 WITd26 WITd27 WITd28 WITd29 WITd30 WITd31 WITd32 WITd33 WITd34 WITd35 WITd36 WITd37 WITd38 WITd39 WITd40 WITd41 WITd42 WITd43 WITd44 WITd45 WITd46 WITd47 WITd48 WITd49 WITd50 WITd51 WITd52 WITd53 WITd54 WITd55 WITd56 WITd57 WITd58 WITd59 WITd60 WITd61 WITd62 WITd63 WITd64 WITd65 WITd66 WITd67 WITd68 WITd69 WITd70 WITd71 WITd72 WITd73 WITd74 WITd75 WITd76 WITd77 WITd78 WITd79 WITd80 WITd81 WITd82 WITd83 WITd84 WITd85 WITd86 WITd87 WITd88 WITd89 WITd90 WITd91 WITd92 WITd93 WITd94 WITd95 WITd96 WITd97 WITd98 WITd99 WITd100 WITd101 WITd102 WITd103 WITd104 WITd105 WITd106 WITd107 WITd108 WITd109 WITd110 WITd111 WITd112 WITd113 WITd114 WITd115 WITd116 WITd117 WITd118 WITd119 WITd120 WITd121 WITd122 WITd123 WITd124 WITd125 WITd126 WITd127 WITd128 WITd129 WITd130 WITd131 WITd132 WITd133 WITd134 WITd135 WITd136 WITd137 WITd138 WITd139 WITd140 WITd141 WITd142 WITd143 WITd144 WITe1 WITe2 WITe3 WITe4 WITe5 WITe6 WITe7 WITe8 WITe9 WITe10 WITe11 WITe12 WITe13 WITe14 WITe15 WITe16 WITe17 WITe18 WITe19 WITe20 WITe21 WITe22 WITe23 WITe24 WITe25 WITe26 WITe27 WITe28 WITe29 WITe30 WITe31 WITe32 WITe33 WITe34 WITe35 WITe36 WITe37 WITe38 WITe39 WITe40 WITe41 WITe42 WITe43 WITe44 WITe45 WITe46 WITe47 WITe48 WITe49 WITe50 WITe51 WITe52 WITe53 WITe54 WITe55 WITe56 WITe57 WITe58 WITe59 WITe60 WITe61 WITe62 WITe63 WITe64 WITe65 WITe66 WITe67 WITe68 WITe69 WITe70 WITe71 WITe72 WITe73 WITe74 WITe75 WITe76 WITe77 WITe78 WITe79 WITe80 WITe81 WITe82 WITe83 WITe84 WITe85 WITe86 WITe87 WITe88 WITe89 WITe90 WITe91 WITe92 WITe93 WITe94 WITe95 WITe96 WITe97 WITe98 WITe99 WITe100 WITe101 WITe102 WITe103 WITe104 WITe105 WITe106 WITe107 WITe108 WITe109 WITe110 WITe111 WITe112 WITe113 WITe114 WITe115 WITe116 WITe117 WITe118 WITe119 WITe120 WITe121 WITe122 WITe123 WITe124 WITe125 WITe126 WITe127 WITe128 WITe129 WITe130 WITe131 WITe132 WITe133 WITe134 WITe135 WITe136 WITe137 WITe138 WITe139 WITe140 WITe141 WITe142 WITe143 WITe144). rename variables (KID01 KID02 KID03 KID04 KID05 KID06 KID07 KID08 KID09 KID010 KID011 KID012 KID013 KID014 KID015 KID016 KID017 KID018 KID019 KID020 KID021 KID022 KID023 KID024 KID025 KID026 KID027 KID028 KID029 KID030 KID031 KID032 KID033 KID034 KID035 KID036 KID037 KID038 KID039 KID040 KID041 KID042 KID043 KID044 KID045 KID046 KID047 KID048 KID049 KID050 KID051 KID052 KID053 KID054 KID055 KID056 KID057 KID058 KID059 KID060 KID061 KID062 KID063 KID064 KID065 KID066 KID067 KID068 KID069 KID070 KID071 KID072 KID073 KID074 KID075 KID076 KID077 KID078 KID079 KID080 KID081 KID082 KID083 KID084 KID085 KID086 KID087 KID088 KID089 KID090 KID091 KID092 KID093 KID094 KID095 KID096 KID097 KID098 KID099 KID0100 KID0101 KID0102 KID0103 KID0104 KID0105 KID0106 KID0107 KID0108 KID0109 KID0110 KID0111 KID0112 KID0113 KID0114 KID0115 KID0116 KID0117 KID0118 KID0119 KID0120 KID0121 KID0122 KID0123 KID0124 KID0125 KID0126 KID0127 KID0128 KID0129 KID0130 KID0131 KID0132 KID0133 KID0134 KID0135 KID0136 KID0137 KID0138 KID0139 KID0140 KID0141 KID0142 KID0143 KID0144 KID11 KID12 KID13 KID14 KID15 KID16 KID17 KID18 KID19 KID110 KID111 KID112 KID113 KID114 KID115 KID116 KID117 KID118 KID119 KID120 KID121 KID122 KID123 KID124 KID125 KID126 KID127 KID128 KID129 KID130 KID131 KID132 KID133 KID134 KID135 KID136 KID137 KID138 KID139 KID140 KID141 KID142 KID143 KID144 KID145 KID146 KID147 KID148 KID149 KID150 KID151 KID152 KID153 KID154 KID155 KID156 KID157 KID158 KID159 KID160 KID161 KID162 KID163 KID164 KID165 KID166 KID167 KID168 KID169 KID170 KID171 KID172 KID173 KID174 KID175 KID176 KID177 KID178 KID179 KID180 KID181 KID182 KID183 KID184 KID185 KID186 KID187 KID188 KID189 KID190 KID191 KID192 KID193 KID194 KID195 KID196 KID197 KID198 KID199 KID1100 KID1101 KID1102 KID1103 KID1104 KID1105 KID1106 KID1107 KID1108 KID1109 KID1110 KID1111 KID1112 KID1113 KID1114 KID1115 KID1116 KID1117 KID1118 KID1119 KID1120 KID1121 KID1122 KID1123 KID1124 KID1125 KID1126 KID1127 KID1128 KID1129 KID1130 KID1131 KID1132 KID1133 KID1134 KID1135 KID1136 KID1137 KID1138 KID1139 KID1140 KID1141 KID1142 KID1143 KID1144 KID21 KID22 KID23 KID24 KID25 KID26 KID27 KID28 KID29 KID210 KID211 KID212 KID213 KID214 KID215 KID216 KID217 KID218 KID219 KID220 KID221 KID222 KID223 KID224 KID225 KID226 KID227 KID228 KID229 KID230 KID231 KID232 KID233 KID234 KID235 KID236 KID237 KID238 KID239 KID240 KID241 KID242 KID243 KID244 KID245 KID246 KID247 KID248 KID249 KID250 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KID344 KID345 KID346 KID347 KID348 KID349 KID350 KID351 KID352 KID353 KID354 KID355 KID356 KID357 KID358 KID359 KID360 KID361 KID362 KID363 KID364 KID365 KID366 KID367 KID368 KID369 KID370 KID371 KID372 KID373 KID374 KID375 KID376 KID377 KID378 KID379 KID380 KID381 KID382 KID383 KID384 KID385 KID386 KID387 KID388 KID389 KID390 KID391 KID392 KID393 KID394 KID395 KID396 KID397 KID398 KID399 KID3100 KID3101 KID3102 KID3103 KID3104 KID3105 KID3106 KID3107 KID3108 KID3109 KID3110 KID3111 KID3112 KID3113 KID3114 KID3115 KID3116 KID3117 KID3118 KID3119 KID3120 KID3121 KID3122 KID3123 KID3124 KID3125 KID3126 KID3127 KID3128 KID3129 KID3130 KID3131 KID3132 KID3133 KID3134 KID3135 KID3136 KID3137 KID3138 KID3139 KID3140 KID3141 KID3142 KID3143 KID3144 = KIDa1 KIDa2 KIDa3 KIDa4 KIDa5 KIDa6 KIDa7 KIDa8 KIDa9 KIDa10 KIDa11 KIDa12 KIDa13 KIDa14 KIDa15 KIDa16 KIDa17 KIDa18 KIDa19 KIDa20 KIDa21 KIDa22 KIDa23 KIDa24 KIDa25 KIDa26 KIDa27 KIDa28 KIDa29 KIDa30 KIDa31 KIDa32 KIDa33 KIDa34 KIDa35 KIDa36 KIDa37 KIDa38 KIDa39 KIDa40 KIDa41 KIDa42 KIDa43 KIDa44 KIDa45 KIDa46 KIDa47 KIDa48 KIDa49 KIDa50 KIDa51 KIDa52 KIDa53 KIDa54 KIDa55 KIDa56 KIDa57 KIDa58 KIDa59 KIDa60 KIDa61 KIDa62 KIDa63 KIDa64 KIDa65 KIDa66 KIDa67 KIDa68 KIDa69 KIDa70 KIDa71 KIDa72 KIDa73 KIDa74 KIDa75 KIDa76 KIDa77 KIDa78 KIDa79 KIDa80 KIDa81 KIDa82 KIDa83 KIDa84 KIDa85 KIDa86 KIDa87 KIDa88 KIDa89 KIDa90 KIDa91 KIDa92 KIDa93 KIDa94 KIDa95 KIDa96 KIDa97 KIDa98 KIDa99 KIDa100 KIDa101 KIDa102 KIDa103 KIDa104 KIDa105 KIDa106 KIDa107 KIDa108 KIDa109 KIDa110 KIDa111 KIDa112 KIDa113 KIDa114 KIDa115 KIDa116 KIDa117 KIDa118 KIDa119 KIDa120 KIDa121 KIDa122 KIDa123 KIDa124 KIDa125 KIDa126 KIDa127 KIDa128 KIDa129 KIDa130 KIDa131 KIDa132 KIDa133 KIDa134 KIDa135 KIDa136 KIDa137 KIDa138 KIDa139 KIDa140 KIDa141 KIDa142 KIDa143 KIDa144 KIDb1 KIDb2 KIDb3 KIDb4 KIDb5 KIDb6 KIDb7 KIDb8 KIDb9 KIDb10 KIDb11 KIDb12 KIDb13 KIDb14 KIDb15 KIDb16 KIDb17 KIDb18 KIDb19 KIDb20 KIDb21 KIDb22 KIDb23 KIDb24 KIDb25 KIDb26 KIDb27 KIDb28 KIDb29 KIDb30 KIDb31 KIDb32 KIDb33 KIDb34 KIDb35 KIDb36 KIDb37 KIDb38 KIDb39 KIDb40 KIDb41 KIDb42 KIDb43 KIDb44 KIDb45 KIDb46 KIDb47 KIDb48 KIDb49 KIDb50 KIDb51 KIDb52 KIDb53 KIDb54 KIDb55 KIDb56 KIDb57 KIDb58 KIDb59 KIDb60 KIDb61 KIDb62 KIDb63 KIDb64 KIDb65 KIDb66 KIDb67 KIDb68 KIDb69 KIDb70 KIDb71 KIDb72 KIDb73 KIDb74 KIDb75 KIDb76 KIDb77 KIDb78 KIDb79 KIDb80 KIDb81 KIDb82 KIDb83 KIDb84 KIDb85 KIDb86 KIDb87 KIDb88 KIDb89 KIDb90 KIDb91 KIDb92 KIDb93 KIDb94 KIDb95 KIDb96 KIDb97 KIDb98 KIDb99 KIDb100 KIDb101 KIDb102 KIDb103 KIDb104 KIDb105 KIDb106 KIDb107 KIDb108 KIDb109 KIDb110 KIDb111 KIDb112 KIDb113 KIDb114 KIDb115 KIDb116 KIDb117 KIDb118 KIDb119 KIDb120 KIDb121 KIDb122 KIDb123 KIDb124 KIDb125 KIDb126 KIDb127 KIDb128 KIDb129 KIDb130 KIDb131 KIDb132 KIDb133 KIDb134 KIDb135 KIDb136 KIDb137 KIDb138 KIDb139 KIDb140 KIDb141 KIDb142 KIDb143 KIDb144 KIDc1 KIDc2 KIDc3 KIDc4 KIDc5 KIDc6 KIDc7 KIDc8 KIDc9 KIDc10 KIDc11 KIDc12 KIDc13 KIDc14 KIDc15 KIDc16 KIDc17 KIDc18 KIDc19 KIDc20 KIDc21 KIDc22 KIDc23 KIDc24 KIDc25 KIDc26 KIDc27 KIDc28 KIDc29 KIDc30 KIDc31 KIDc32 KIDc33 KIDc34 KIDc35 KIDc36 KIDc37 KIDc38 KIDc39 KIDc40 KIDc41 KIDc42 KIDc43 KIDc44 KIDc45 KIDc46 KIDc47 KIDc48 KIDc49 KIDc50 KIDc51 KIDc52 KIDc53 KIDc54 KIDc55 KIDc56 KIDc57 KIDc58 KIDc59 KIDc60 KIDc61 KIDc62 KIDc63 KIDc64 KIDc65 KIDc66 KIDc67 KIDc68 KIDc69 KIDc70 KIDc71 KIDc72 KIDc73 KIDc74 KIDc75 KIDc76 KIDc77 KIDc78 KIDc79 KIDc80 KIDc81 KIDc82 KIDc83 KIDc84 KIDc85 KIDc86 KIDc87 KIDc88 KIDc89 KIDc90 KIDc91 KIDc92 KIDc93 KIDc94 KIDc95 KIDc96 KIDc97 KIDc98 KIDc99 KIDc100 KIDc101 KIDc102 KIDc103 KIDc104 KIDc105 KIDc106 KIDc107 KIDc108 KIDc109 KIDc110 KIDc111 KIDc112 KIDc113 KIDc114 KIDc115 KIDc116 KIDc117 KIDc118 KIDc119 KIDc120 KIDc121 KIDc122 KIDc123 KIDc124 KIDc125 KIDc126 KIDc127 KIDc128 KIDc129 KIDc130 KIDc131 KIDc132 KIDc133 KIDc134 KIDc135 KIDc136 KIDc137 KIDc138 KIDc139 KIDc140 KIDc141 KIDc142 KIDc143 KIDc144 KIDd1 KIDd2 KIDd3 KIDd4 KIDd5 KIDd6 KIDd7 KIDd8 KIDd9 KIDd10 KIDd11 KIDd12 KIDd13 KIDd14 KIDd15 KIDd16 KIDd17 KIDd18 KIDd19 KIDd20 KIDd21 KIDd22 KIDd23 KIDd24 KIDd25 KIDd26 KIDd27 KIDd28 KIDd29 KIDd30 KIDd31 KIDd32 KIDd33 KIDd34 KIDd35 KIDd36 KIDd37 KIDd38 KIDd39 KIDd40 KIDd41 KIDd42 KIDd43 KIDd44 KIDd45 KIDd46 KIDd47 KIDd48 KIDd49 KIDd50 KIDd51 KIDd52 KIDd53 KIDd54 KIDd55 KIDd56 KIDd57 KIDd58 KIDd59 KIDd60 KIDd61 KIDd62 KIDd63 KIDd64 KIDd65 KIDd66 KIDd67 KIDd68 KIDd69 KIDd70 KIDd71 KIDd72 KIDd73 KIDd74 KIDd75 KIDd76 KIDd77 KIDd78 KIDd79 KIDd80 KIDd81 KIDd82 KIDd83 KIDd84 KIDd85 KIDd86 KIDd87 KIDd88 KIDd89 KIDd90 KIDd91 KIDd92 KIDd93 KIDd94 KIDd95 KIDd96 KIDd97 KIDd98 KIDd99 KIDd100 KIDd101 KIDd102 KIDd103 KIDd104 KIDd105 KIDd106 KIDd107 KIDd108 KIDd109 KIDd110 KIDd111 KIDd112 KIDd113 KIDd114 KIDd115 KIDd116 KIDd117 KIDd118 KIDd119 KIDd120 KIDd121 KIDd122 KIDd123 KIDd124 KIDd125 KIDd126 KIDd127 KIDd128 KIDd129 KIDd130 KIDd131 KIDd132 KIDd133 KIDd134 KIDd135 KIDd136 KIDd137 KIDd138 KIDd139 KIDd140 KIDd141 KIDd142 KIDd143 KIDd144). recode WITa1 to kidd144 (sysmis=-9). sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4. compute hldid = sn1*1000 + sn2. compute persid = sn3. compute id = sn4. match files files=* files='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000.sav' /by hldid persid id. recode main1 (sysmis=-9). freq wita58 witb58 witc58 witd58 wite58 kida58 kidb57 kidc58 kidd58 main1. *the missing main activity case is the non-diary case. *there is 1 case missing time at the beginning of the *diary day. This is a non-diary - that is 24 hours of *no reported activity or location. remove this case. compute test=0. If sn1=814 and sn2=453 and sn3=2 and sn4=2 test=1. freq test. select if test=0. freq test. *the child diaries, completed by those diarists aged <14 and 3 adults *in couple households with children who completed child diaries have no *secondary activity information - set these secondary activity variables *to -7. temp. select if dtype=0 or dtype=2. freq sec1 to sec144. do repeat a=sec1 to sec144. if dtype=0 or dtype=2 a=-7. End repeat. cro sec25 by dtype. formats wita1 to kidd144 (f4.0). vector wita=wita1 to wita144 / kida=kida1 to kida144 /alone=alone1 to alone144. Loop i=1 to 144. if (wita(i)=1 or kida(i)=1) alone(i)=1. End loop. cro wita10 kida10 by alone10. cro wita50 kida50 dtype by alone50. cro wita90 kida90 by alone90. vector witb=witb1 to witb144 / witc=witc1 to witc144 /child=child1 to child144 /kid0x=kid0x1 to kid0x144 /kid10=kid101 to kid10144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if child(i)=0 and witb(i)=-9. compute child(i)=-7. Else if witb(i)=1 or witc(i)=1. compute child(i)=1. End if. if witb(i)=1 kid0x(i)=1. if witc(i)=1 kid10(i)=1. End loop. cro witb10 witc10 by child10 kid0x10 kid1010. cro witb50 witc50 by child50 kid0x50 kid1050. cro witb90 witc90 by child90 kid0x90 kid1090. *note that children who themselves perform child care of another child *still coded as with a child, otherwise the people who completed child *diaries coded as this variable is not relevant. *note that cannot identify spouse present, as the variable only covers *other household members present. *also identified cases of two men who filled in child diaries and used *parent column to mark time with spouse. Do repeat a=witd1 to witd144 /b=kidb1 to kidb144. do if ((hldid=317406 and persid=1) or (hldid=373302 and persid=1)) and b=1. compute a=1. End if. End repeat. execute. vector witd=witd1 to witd144 /sppart=sppart1 to sppart144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if witd(i)=-9 or civstat=2. compute sppart(i)=-7. Else if witd(i)=1. compute sppart(i)=1. End if. End loop. cro witd10 by sppart10. cro witd50 by sppart50. cro witd90 by sppart90. vector witd=witd1 to witd144 / wite=wite1 to wite144 /kidb=kidb1 to kidb144 /kidc=kidc1 to kidc144 /kidd=kidd1 to kidd144 /oad=oad1 to oad144 /paren=paren1 to paren144 /othhh=othhh1 to othhh144 /othkn=othkn1 to othkn144. Loop i=1 to 144. if (witd(i)=1 or wite(i)=1 or kidb(i)=1 or kidc(i)=1 or kidd(i)=1) oad(i)=1. if kidb(i)=1 paren(i)=1. if (witd(i)=1 or kidc(i)=1) othhh(i)=1. if (wite(i)=1 or kidd(i)=1) othkn(i)=1. End loop. cro witd10 wite10 kidb10 kidc10 kidd10 by oad10. cro witd50 wite50 kidb50 kidc50 kidd50 by oad50. cro witd90 wite90 kidb90 kidc90 kidd90 by oad90. cro kidb10 by paren10. cro kidb50 by paren50. cro kidb90 by paren90. cro witd10 kidc10 by othhh10. cro witd50 kidc50 by othhh50. cro witd90 kidc90 by othhh90. cro wite10 kidd10 by othkn10. cro wite50 kidd50 by othkn50. cro wite90 kidd90 by othkn90. compute miss=0. compute carflag=0. compute eatdrk=0. compute trav=0. compute rst=0. compute pcare=0. do repeat a=main1 to main144 / b=sec1 to sec144 / c=eloc1 to eloc144. If a=69 miss=miss+10. if (a>26 and a<33) or (b>26 and b<33) carflag=1. if a=5 or b=5 or a=6 or b=6 or a=18 or b=18 or a=19 or b=19 or a=39 or b=39 eatdrk=1. if c=8 or (a>41 and a<45) or (b>41 and b<45) or a=46 or b=46 or a=47 or b=47 trav=1. if a=2 or b=2 or a=3 or b=3 or a=12 or b=12 or a=55 or b=55 rst=1. if a=1 or b=1 or a=4 or b=4 or a=25 or b=25 pcare=1. end repeat. cro carflag by carer. freq miss carflag eatdrk trav rst pcare. desc miss. *1689 diaries are missing travel/exercise; 1 diary has no rest; 883 *diaries are missing personal care, 168 diaries are missing eating *or drinking. 95.5% are complete or missing modest amounts of time, *but 4.5% are missing significant amounts of time. compute misbasic=0. If eatdrk=0 misbasic=misbasic+1. If trav=0 misbasic=misbasic+1. If rst=0 misbasic=misbasic+1. If pcare=0 misbasic=misbasic+1. freq misbasic. *98.8% of diaries not missing basic information; *251 diaries missing basic information. cro carer by misbasic by carflag. *53 cases carers missing 2 activities, no carers missing *more than 2 basic activities. A further 15 people who *provide adult care missing 2 or 3 basic activities. temp. select if misbasic>1 and (carflag=1 or carer=1). freq eatdrk trav rst pcare miss. *all 68 carers missing 2+ activities recorded rest, all but 5 *recorded eating. Only 2 recorded travel, and none of these *cases include personal care. 7 of these diaries missing *too much activity time to count as good diaries. compute ep1=1. compute ep2=1. compute ep3=1. compute ep4=1. compute ep5=1. compute ep6=1. var lab ep1 episodes, change main act only, exclude missing. var lab ep2 episodes, change main act only, include missing. var lab ep3 episodes, change main or 2nd act only, exclude missing. var lab ep4 episodes, change main or 2nd act only, include missing. var lab ep5 episodes, change main, 2nd act, location, exclude missing. var lab ep6 episodes, change main, 2nd act, location, include missing. vector main=main1 to main144 / sec=sec1 to sec144 / eloc=eloc1 to eloc144. Loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. Do if main(i)<69 and main(j)<69 and main(i)~=main(j). compute ep1=ep1+1. End if. Do if main(i)~= main(j). compute ep2=ep2+1. End if. Do if (main(i)<69 and main(j)<69 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j))). compute ep3=ep3+1. End if. Do if main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j). compute ep4=ep4+1. End if. Do if (main(i)<69 and main(j)<69 and eloc(i)>-8 and eloc(j)>-8 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j))). compute ep5=ep5+1. End if. Do if main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j). compute ep6=ep6+1. End if. End loop. desc ep1 ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6. temp. select if ep6<7. freq ep1 ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6. freq ep1 ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 /format=notable /percentiles= 5 90 /statistics=median /order=analysis. *all six measures produce 70 cases that will be excluded - no change *at the bottom apart from minor changes in the number of bad episodes. *the top end of episodes goes up. Including secondary and location *information in the episode count increases the episode volume, *but the missing material makes a difference of a median of 1 episode. *Opt for the maximum change in episodes as this option available in the *alternative collect episodes rather than the time slot format. compute numep=ep6. freq numep. temp. select if misbasic>1 and (carflag=1 or carer=1). freq numep miss. temp. select if carflag=1 or carer=1. freq numep miss misbasic. *only 68 diarists who performed care and are missing 2 basic activities *7 are missing too much time for analysis, 7 have <7 episodes. temp. select if misbasic>1. freq numep miss age sex. compute athome=0. do repeat a= eloc1 to eloc144. if a=1 or a=2 athome=athome+10. End repeat. freq athome. compute baddiary=0. if miss>90 or numep<7 or misbasic>1 baddiary=1. if misbasic>1 and (carflag=1 or carer=1) and numep>6 and miss<91 baddiary=0. if misbasic=2 and numep>12 and miss<91 and athome>999 and trav=0 baddiary=0. if misbasic=2 and numep>14 and miss<91 baddiary=0. freq baddiary. *1069 - 5.1% bad diaries. recode miss (0 thru 90=0) (91 thru hi=1). recode numep (0 thru 6=1) (7 thru hi=0) into nep. recode misbasic (0,1=0) (2,3,4=1). if misbasic=1 and baddiary=0 misbasic=0. freq miss nep misbasic. cro miss by nep by misbasic. *19911 (94.9%) of diaries of quality; * 2 diaries bad on all three criteria (and one blank marker * removed from the original data that had no entries, * and thus also would have been a bad diary on all * diary characteristics hldid 814453, persid 2 id 2 * 75 bad on 2 criteria * 992 bad on 1 criteria (907 missing 91+ minutes, * 20 have 6 or fewer episodes; 65 missing 2+ basic acts). *As no sex or age missing, only the diary quality variables *determine bad case in this case. Do If baddiary=0 and sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8. compute badcase=0. Else if baddiary=0 and (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8. compute badcase=1. Else if baddiary=0 and sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8. compute badcase=2. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=3. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=4. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=0 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=5. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=0 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=6. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=7. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=8. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=0 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=9. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=10. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=11. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=12. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=13. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=14. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=15. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=16. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=17. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=18. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=19. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=20. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=21. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=22. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=23. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=24. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=25. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=0. compute badcase=26. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=0 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=27. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=0 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=28. Else if (sex=-8 or age=-8) and day>-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=29. Else if sex>-8 and age>-8 and day=-8 and nep=1 and miss=1 and misbasic=1. compute badcase=30. Else. compute badcase=31. End if. val lab badcase 0 good case 1 miss age or sex only 2 miss day of week only 3 "miss 91+ minutes only" 4 "<7 episodes only" 5 "miss 2+ basic acts only" 6 "miss age/sex + day of week" 7 "miss age/sex + 91+ min" 8 "miss age/sex + <7 episodes" 9 "miss age/sex + 2+ basic acts" 10 "miss day of week + 91+ min" 11 "miss day of week + <7 episodes" 12 "miss day of week + 2+ basic acts" 13 "miss 91+ min + <7 episodes" 14 "miss 91+ min + 2+ basic acts" 15 "<7 ep & miss 2+ basic acts" 16 "miss age/sex + day or week + 91+ min" 17 "miss age/sex + day or week + <7 episodes" 18 "miss age/sex + day or week + 2+ basic acts" 19 "miss age/sex + 91+ min + <7 eps" 20 "miss age/sex + 91+ min + 2+ basic acts" 21 "miss age/sex + 2+ basic acts + <7 eps" 22 "miss day or week + 91+ min + <7 eps" 23 "miss day or week + 91+ min + 2+ basic acts" 24 "miss day or week + 2+ basic acts + <7 eps" 25 "miss 91+ min + 2+ basic acts + <7 eps" 26 "miss age/sex + day or week + 91+ min + <7 episodes" 27 "miss age/sex + day or week + 91+ min + 2+ basic acts" 28 "miss age/sex + day or week + <7 episodes + 2+ basic acts" 29 "miss age/sex + 91+ min + <7 episodes + 2+ basic acts" 30 "day or week + 91+ min + <7 episodes + 2+ basic acts" 31 bad on all five points. *check that all cases have a code. freq badcase. *double check that all correctly coded. cro badcase by sex day nep miss misbasic. *drop some variables no longer required. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000a.sav' /drop WITa1 WITa2 WITa3 WITa4 WITa5 WITa6 WITa7 WITa8 WITa9 WITa10 WITa11 WITa12 WITa13 WITa14 WITa15 WITa16 WITa17 WITa18 WITa19 WITa20 WITa21 WITa22 WITa23 WITa24 WITa25 WITa26 WITa27 WITa28 WITa29 WITa30 WITa31 WITa32 WITa33 WITa34 WITa35 WITa36 WITa37 WITa38 WITa39 WITa40 WITa41 WITa42 WITa43 WITa44 WITa45 WITa46 WITa47 WITa48 WITa49 WITa50 WITa51 WITa52 WITa53 WITa54 WITa55 WITa56 WITa57 WITa58 WITa59 WITa60 WITa61 WITa62 WITa63 WITa64 WITa65 WITa66 WITa67 WITa68 WITa69 WITa70 WITa71 WITa72 WITa73 WITa74 WITa75 WITa76 WITa77 WITa78 WITa79 WITa80 WITa81 WITa82 WITa83 WITa84 WITa85 WITa86 WITa87 WITa88 WITa89 WITa90 WITa91 WITa92 WITa93 WITa94 WITa95 WITa96 WITa97 WITa98 WITa99 WITa100 WITa101 WITa102 WITa103 WITa104 WITa105 WITa106 WITa107 WITa108 WITa109 WITa110 WITa111 WITa112 WITa113 WITa114 WITa115 WITa116 WITa117 WITa118 WITa119 WITa120 WITa121 WITa122 WITa123 WITa124 WITa125 WITa126 WITa127 WITa128 WITa129 WITa130 WITa131 WITa132 WITa133 WITa134 WITa135 WITa136 WITa137 WITa138 WITa139 WITa140 WITa141 WITa142 WITa143 WITa144 WITb1 WITb2 WITb3 WITb4 WITb5 WITb6 WITb7 WITb8 WITb9 WITb10 WITb11 WITb12 WITb13 WITb14 WITb15 WITb16 WITb17 WITb18 WITb19 WITb20 WITb21 WITb22 WITb23 WITb24 WITb25 WITb26 WITb27 WITb28 WITb29 WITb30 WITb31 WITb32 WITb33 WITb34 WITb35 WITb36 WITb37 WITb38 WITb39 WITb40 WITb41 WITb42 WITb43 WITb44 WITb45 WITb46 WITb47 WITb48 WITb49 WITb50 WITb51 WITb52 WITb53 WITb54 WITb55 WITb56 WITb57 WITb58 WITb59 WITb60 WITb61 WITb62 WITb63 WITb64 WITb65 WITb66 WITb67 WITb68 WITb69 WITb70 WITb71 WITb72 WITb73 WITb74 WITb75 WITb76 WITb77 WITb78 WITb79 WITb80 WITb81 WITb82 WITb83 WITb84 WITb85 WITb86 WITb87 WITb88 WITb89 WITb90 WITb91 WITb92 WITb93 WITb94 WITb95 WITb96 WITb97 WITb98 WITb99 WITb100 WITb101 WITb102 WITb103 WITb104 WITb105 WITb106 WITb107 WITb108 WITb109 WITb110 WITb111 WITb112 WITb113 WITb114 WITb115 WITb116 WITb117 WITb118 WITb119 WITb120 WITb121 WITb122 WITb123 WITb124 WITb125 WITb126 WITb127 WITb128 WITb129 WITb130 WITb131 WITb132 WITb133 WITb134 WITb135 WITb136 WITb137 WITb138 WITb139 WITb140 WITb141 WITb142 WITb143 WITb144 WITc1 WITc2 WITc3 WITc4 WITc5 WITc6 WITc7 WITc8 WITc9 WITc10 WITc11 WITc12 WITc13 WITc14 WITc15 WITc16 WITc17 WITc18 WITc19 WITc20 WITc21 WITc22 WITc23 WITc24 WITc25 WITc26 WITc27 WITc28 WITc29 WITc30 WITc31 WITc32 WITc33 WITc34 WITc35 WITc36 WITc37 WITc38 WITc39 WITc40 WITc41 WITc42 WITc43 WITc44 WITc45 WITc46 WITc47 WITc48 WITc49 WITc50 WITc51 WITc52 WITc53 WITc54 WITc55 WITc56 WITc57 WITc58 WITc59 WITc60 WITc61 WITc62 WITc63 WITc64 WITc65 WITc66 WITc67 WITc68 WITc69 WITc70 WITc71 WITc72 WITc73 WITc74 WITc75 WITc76 WITc77 WITc78 WITc79 WITc80 WITc81 WITc82 WITc83 WITc84 WITc85 WITc86 WITc87 WITc88 WITc89 WITc90 WITc91 WITc92 WITc93 WITc94 WITc95 WITc96 WITc97 WITc98 WITc99 WITc100 WITc101 WITc102 WITc103 WITc104 WITc105 WITc106 WITc107 WITc108 WITc109 WITc110 WITc111 WITc112 WITc113 WITc114 WITc115 WITc116 WITc117 WITc118 WITc119 WITc120 WITc121 WITc122 WITc123 WITc124 WITc125 WITc126 WITc127 WITc128 WITc129 WITc130 WITc131 WITc132 WITc133 WITc134 WITc135 WITc136 WITc137 WITc138 WITc139 WITc140 WITc141 WITc142 WITc143 WITc144 WITd1 WITd2 WITd3 WITd4 WITd5 WITd6 WITd7 WITd8 WITd9 WITd10 WITd11 WITd12 WITd13 WITd14 WITd15 WITd16 WITd17 WITd18 WITd19 WITd20 WITd21 WITd22 WITd23 WITd24 WITd25 WITd26 WITd27 WITd28 WITd29 WITd30 WITd31 WITd32 WITd33 WITd34 WITd35 WITd36 WITd37 WITd38 WITd39 WITd40 WITd41 WITd42 WITd43 WITd44 WITd45 WITd46 WITd47 WITd48 WITd49 WITd50 WITd51 WITd52 WITd53 WITd54 WITd55 WITd56 WITd57 WITd58 WITd59 WITd60 WITd61 WITd62 WITd63 WITd64 WITd65 WITd66 WITd67 WITd68 WITd69 WITd70 WITd71 WITd72 WITd73 WITd74 WITd75 WITd76 WITd77 WITd78 WITd79 WITd80 WITd81 WITd82 WITd83 WITd84 WITd85 WITd86 WITd87 WITd88 WITd89 WITd90 WITd91 WITd92 WITd93 WITd94 WITd95 WITd96 WITd97 WITd98 WITd99 WITd100 WITd101 WITd102 WITd103 WITd104 WITd105 WITd106 WITd107 WITd108 WITd109 WITd110 WITd111 WITd112 WITd113 WITd114 WITd115 WITd116 WITd117 WITd118 WITd119 WITd120 WITd121 WITd122 WITd123 WITd124 WITd125 WITd126 WITd127 WITd128 WITd129 WITd130 WITd131 WITd132 WITd133 WITd134 WITd135 WITd136 WITd137 WITd138 WITd139 WITd140 WITd141 WITd142 WITd143 WITd144 WITe1 WITe2 WITe3 WITe4 WITe5 WITe6 WITe7 WITe8 WITe9 WITe10 WITe11 WITe12 WITe13 WITe14 WITe15 WITe16 WITe17 WITe18 WITe19 WITe20 WITe21 WITe22 WITe23 WITe24 WITe25 WITe26 WITe27 WITe28 WITe29 WITe30 WITe31 WITe32 WITe33 WITe34 WITe35 WITe36 WITe37 WITe38 WITe39 WITe40 WITe41 WITe42 WITe43 WITe44 WITe45 WITe46 WITe47 WITe48 WITe49 WITe50 WITe51 WITe52 WITe53 WITe54 WITe55 WITe56 WITe57 WITe58 WITe59 WITe60 WITe61 WITe62 WITe63 WITe64 WITe65 WITe66 WITe67 WITe68 WITe69 WITe70 WITe71 WITe72 WITe73 WITe74 WITe75 WITe76 WITe77 WITe78 WITe79 WITe80 WITe81 WITe82 WITe83 WITe84 WITe85 WITe86 WITe87 WITe88 WITe89 WITe90 WITe91 WITe92 WITe93 WITe94 WITe95 WITe96 WITe97 WITe98 WITe99 WITe100 WITe101 WITe102 WITe103 WITe104 WITe105 WITe106 WITe107 WITe108 WITe109 WITe110 WITe111 WITe112 WITe113 WITe114 WITe115 WITe116 WITe117 WITe118 WITe119 WITe120 WITe121 WITe122 WITe123 WITe124 WITe125 WITe126 WITe127 WITe128 WITe129 WITe130 WITe131 WITe132 WITe133 WITe134 WITe135 WITe136 WITe137 WITe138 WITe139 WITe140 WITe141 WITe142 WITe143 WITe144 KIDa1 KIDa2 KIDa3 KIDa4 KIDa5 KIDa6 KIDa7 KIDa8 KIDa9 KIDa10 KIDa11 KIDa12 KIDa13 KIDa14 KIDa15 KIDa16 KIDa17 KIDa18 KIDa19 KIDa20 KIDa21 KIDa22 KIDa23 KIDa24 KIDa25 KIDa26 KIDa27 KIDa28 KIDa29 KIDa30 KIDa31 KIDa32 KIDa33 KIDa34 KIDa35 KIDa36 KIDa37 KIDa38 KIDa39 KIDa40 KIDa41 KIDa42 KIDa43 KIDa44 KIDa45 KIDa46 KIDa47 KIDa48 KIDa49 KIDa50 KIDa51 KIDa52 KIDa53 KIDa54 KIDa55 KIDa56 KIDa57 KIDa58 KIDa59 KIDa60 KIDa61 KIDa62 KIDa63 KIDa64 KIDa65 KIDa66 KIDa67 KIDa68 KIDa69 KIDa70 KIDa71 KIDa72 KIDa73 KIDa74 KIDa75 KIDa76 KIDa77 KIDa78 KIDa79 KIDa80 KIDa81 KIDa82 KIDa83 KIDa84 KIDa85 KIDa86 KIDa87 KIDa88 KIDa89 KIDa90 KIDa91 KIDa92 KIDa93 KIDa94 KIDa95 KIDa96 KIDa97 KIDa98 KIDa99 KIDa100 KIDa101 KIDa102 KIDa103 KIDa104 KIDa105 KIDa106 KIDa107 KIDa108 KIDa109 KIDa110 KIDa111 KIDa112 KIDa113 KIDa114 KIDa115 KIDa116 KIDa117 KIDa118 KIDa119 KIDa120 KIDa121 KIDa122 KIDa123 KIDa124 KIDa125 KIDa126 KIDa127 KIDa128 KIDa129 KIDa130 KIDa131 KIDa132 KIDa133 KIDa134 KIDa135 KIDa136 KIDa137 KIDa138 KIDa139 KIDa140 KIDa141 KIDa142 KIDa143 KIDa144 KIDb1 KIDb2 KIDb3 KIDb4 KIDb5 KIDb6 KIDb7 KIDb8 KIDb9 KIDb10 KIDb11 KIDb12 KIDb13 KIDb14 KIDb15 KIDb16 KIDb17 KIDb18 KIDb19 KIDb20 KIDb21 KIDb22 KIDb23 KIDb24 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file='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000a.sav'. *variables to identify adult children in the household now - double check *consistently coded throughout household. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* MODE=ADDVARIABLES /BREAK=hldid /akmin = MIN(agekidx) /akmax = MAX(agekidx) /agekid2min = MIN(agekid2) /agekid2max = MAX(agekid2). cro akmin by akmax. cro agekid2min by agekid2max. freq agekidx agekid2. if akmin=-7 and akmax=4 agekidx=4. if agekid2min=-7 and agekid2max>17 agekid2=agekid2max. freq agekidx agekid2. freq badcase. *check for lost weights. temp. select if badcase=0. freq dry_ind. *there are 176 cases where the weights need to be recovered. These *cases were 0-weighted on the grounds of missing too much time, but *these are cases where the diarist did not record some main activity *information but did account for their time in other areas of the diary. *All cases list in the table below. compute test=0. if dry_ind=2 and badcase=0 test=1. freq test. sort cases by test(d). *SN1 SN2 SN3 SN4 SN1 SN2 SN3 SN4 * 1 307 3 1 436 60 3 1 * 6 573 1 1 437 390 1 1 * 9 327 1 2 *441 374 1 1* * 9 327 3 2 *441 374 1 2* * 9 394 2 2 442 546 2 2 * 18 475 4 2 443 763 5 1 * 27 614 2 1 443 774 3 1 * 38 559 1 2 451 672 1 1 *102 447 2 2 451 752 1 1 *102 561 1 2 452 60 2 1 *106 441 2 2 501 404 3 1 *106 532 5 1 505 306 2 1 *111 766 3 2 *505 328 1 1* *111 766 4 2 *505 328 1 2* *114 576 1 2 506 523 2 2 *122 598 2 2 513 362 2 2 *128 50 2 1 516 69 2 2 *205 261 1 2 525 253 6 1 *211 667 2 1 527 733 4 1 *218 415 1 1* 529 291 3 1 *218 415 2 2* 606 468 1 1 *222 502 1 2 607 732 1 2 *227 778 3 2 611 625 2 1 *228 75 1 1 612 115 2 1 *233 312 2 2 616 131 1 2 *236 111 3 2 703 775 1 2 *236 111 4 2 *707 779 1 1* *236 111 5 2 *707 779 1 2* *242 471 3 1 708 167 2 1 *243 701 3 1 711 651 2 2 *249 310 4 1 711 662 5 2 *250 528 2 1 712 27 4 2 *254 599 5 1 713 288 2 2 *265 263 1 1 714 529 3 2 *266 560 1 2 715 779 1 2 *267 630 1 1 719 739 3 1 *273 401 1 1* 720 50 1 2 *273 401 2 1* 720 50 2 1 *277 223 3 2 729 231 2 2 *287 770 1 1 729 311 1 1 *291 798 2 2 732 98 1 2 *292 164 1 1 733 339 2 2 *296 33 4 1 735 739 1 2 *296 88 1 2 736 81 2 2 *298 513 1 1 738 561 3 2 *302 410 2 1 738 594 2 1 *307 620 1 1 745 253 1 2 *307 700 2 1 745 311 1 1 *311 671 5 2 746 550 1 1 *311 706 3 2 752 138 1 2 *313 242 4 2 752 149 4 1 *315 802 1 2 801 243 3 1 *317 359 1 1 803 687 3 1 *317 360 4 2 805 247 3 2 *318 509 4 1 805 292 1 2 *318 521 3 1 809 309 1 1 *319 737 4 2 811 665 4 2 *322 561 1 1 820 20 1 1 *326 452 2 1 820 20 3 1 *326 576 1 1 826 424 1 1 *328 45 1 1 826 593 2 1 *333 360 2 2 834 537 1 2 *335 759 2 2 843 641 1 1 *338 434 3 2 845 212 1 2 *345 342 2 1 846 440 3 2 *350 430 1 1 901 280 1 1 *350 441 1 2 *904 12 1 1* *355 742 1 2 *904 12 1 2* *356 185 1 1 905 239 2 1 *357 266 1 2 905 342 1 1 *357 266 2 2 905 353 1 1 *358 541 4 1 905 353 2 1 *369 328 4 2 906 569 1 1 *376 123 1 1 913 342 2 2 *401 365 1 1 915 640 1 2 *404 95 4 1 *917 277 1 1* *405 314 1 1 *917 277 1 2* *405 392 2 2 919 688 3 1 *410 504 2 1 923 800 1 1 *417 238 1 1 932 107 2 1 *419 763 1 2 940 94 2 1 *427 661 1 2 948 127 3 2 *427 774 1 1 948 138 1 2 *429 378 2 1 965 344 5 2 *432 102 1 2 969 291 3 1 *432 135 5 1 986 543 2 1. *in most of these cases, the excluded diary is one of *two diaries for one person; in some cases the excluded *diary is the only diary for that person, and in seven *cases, both diaries from one person were excluded. *person level weights are available for all diarists *in a separate file - use these weights to fill in *the base weights, then adjust the day weighting. sort cases by sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4. Match files files=* table='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Documents\MTUS-archive\UK\2000-01\weight_diary_person.sav' /by sn1 sn2 sn3. execute. *reset the weight to the ONS person level weight, then adjust *to reflect distribution by day. desc wtdt_ug ocombwt. means wtdt_ug by dry_ind /cells = min max mean. *COMPUTATION OF THE PROPOSED WEIGHT. weight off. compute anywork=0. do repeat a=av1 to av144. if a=1 or a=2 or a=3 anywork=anywork+10. end repeat. freq anywork. cro emp by badcase. compute emp2=emp. temp. select if emp2=-8. freq anywork age income sex nchild. *all these cases are of working age, about a third *record paid work in the diary, so have some attachement *to employment, most in in middle to high income *households. Recode people with high income and *paid work in the diary as working, and others as not. if emp2=-8 and anywork>0 or income=3 emp2=1. execute. recode emp2 (-8=0). freq emp2. if age<16 and sex=1 agesexgp=0. if age>15 and age<26 and sex=1 and emp2=1 agesexgp=1. if age>15 and age<26 and sex=1 and emp2=0 agesexgp=2. if age>25 and age<40 and sex=1 and emp2=1 agesexgp=3. if age>25 and age<40 and sex=1 and emp2=0 agesexgp=4. if age>39 and age<60 and sex=1 and emp2=1 agesexgp=5. if age>39 and age<60 and sex=1 and emp2=0 agesexgp=6. if age>59 and age<71 and sex=1 and emp2=1 agesexgp=7. if age>59 and age<71 and sex=1 and emp2=0 agesexgp=8. if age>70 and sex=1 agesexgp=9. if age<16 and sex=2 agesexgp=10. if age>15 and age<26 and sex=2 and emp2=1 agesexgp=11. if age>15 and age<26 and sex=2 and emp2=0 agesexgp=12. if age>25 and age<40 and sex=2 and emp2=1 agesexgp=13. if age>25 and age<40 and sex=2 and emp2=0 agesexgp=14. if age>39 and age<60 and sex=2 and emp2=1 agesexgp=15. if age>39 and age<60 and sex=2 and emp2=0 agesexgp=16. if age>59 and age<71 and sex=2 and emp2=1 agesexgp=17. if age>59 and age<71 and sex=2 and emp2=0 agesexgp=18. if age>70 and sex=2 agesexgp=19. cro agesexgp by sex emp2. freq agesexgp. weight by wtdt_ug. freq agesexgp. weight off. temp. select if badcase=0. freq agesexgp. **************************************************************** * Value Label No weight % of all wtdt_ug % * * men aged 8-15 (1593)1499 7.5% 1259 1247 6.0% * * men 16-25 working ( 866) 827 4.2% 965 954 4.6% * * men 16-25 no job ( 345) 330 1.7% 399 399 1.9% * * men 26-39 working (1900)1834 9.2% 2098 2054 10.0% * * men 26-39 no job ( 248) 222 1.1% 315 300 1.5% * * men 40-59 working (2384)2288 11.5% 2455 2422 11.7% * * men 40-59 no job ( 496) 457 2.3% 545 526 2.6% * * men 60-70 working ( 342) 329 1.7% 378 371 1.8% * * men 60-70 no job ( 736) 707 3.6% 776 760 3.7% * * men 71+ ( 787) 723 3.6% 944 926 4.5% * * women aged 8-15 (1521)1436 7.2% 1217 1194 5.8% * * women 16-25 working ( 966) 938 4.7% 902 886 4.3% * * women 16-25 no job ( 535) 511 2.6% 504 492 2.4% * * women 26-39 working (1888)1824 9.2% 1804 1765 8.6% * * women 26-39 no job ( 758) 716 3.6% 713 702 3.4% * * women 40-59 working (2443)2346 11.8% 2224 2190 10.6% * * women 40-59 no job ( 889) 829 4.2% 860 838 4.1% * * women 60-70 working ( 219) 212 1.1% 252 245 1.2% * * women 60-70 no job ( 967) 897 4.5% 1007 988 4.8% * * women 71+ (1097) 986 5.0% 1385 1368 6.6% * * ------ ------ ------ * * Total good diaries-> 19911 sample-> 20980 20625 100.0% * ****************************************************************. *constructed population weight =expected/actual inflated up to the number of diaries. if agesexgp=0 agesexwt =(1259 / 1593)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=1 agesexwt =(965 / 866)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=2 agesexwt =(399 / 345)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=3 agesexwt =(2098 / 1900)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=4 agesexwt =(315 / 248)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=5 agesexwt =(2455 / 2384)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=6 agesexwt =(545 / 496)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=7 agesexwt =(378 / 342)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=8 agesexwt =(776 / 736)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=9 agesexwt =(944 / 787)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=10 agesexwt =(1217 / 1521)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=11 agesexwt =(902 / 966)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=12 agesexwt =(504 / 535)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=13 agesexwt =(1804 / 1888)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=14 agesexwt =(713 / 758)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=15 agesexwt =(2224 / 2443)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=16 agesexwt =(860 / 889)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=17 agesexwt =(252 / 219)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=18 agesexwt =(1007 / 967)*(20980/19911). if agesexgp=19 agesexwt =(1385 / 1097)*(20980/19911). if badcase>0 agesexwt=0. if badcase>0 agesexgp=99. desc agesexwt. freq agesexgp. sort cases by agesexgp day. aggregate out='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\group.sav' /break=agesexgp /grouptot=sum(agesexwt)/ groupn=nu. execute. aggregate out='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\day.sav' /break= agesexgp day /daytot=sum(agesexwt) /dayn=nu. execute. match files file=* table='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\group.sav' /by agesexgp. execute. match files file=* table='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\day.sav' /by agesexgp day. execute. compute exptot=(grouptot/7). Do if badcase=0. compute propwt=(exptot/daytot)/(dayn/daytot). Else if badcase>0. compute propwt=0. End if. desc propwt ocombwt wtdt_ug. weight by propwt. cro day by sex /cel=col. freq agesexgp day. weight off. *children aged 14 and older completed adult diaries, which mark the presence of *a spouse but not a parent. In households where there is only 1 child and parents, the other *household nember present must be the parent. Add these cases to the parent is present. temp. select if nchild=1 and (age>13 and age<18). freq parntid1 parntid2 hhldsize. vector othhh=othhh1 to othhh144 /paren=paren1 to paren144. Loop i=1 to 144. Do if (age>13 and age<18) and parntid1>-7 and hhldsize=2. if othhh(i)=1 paren(i)=1. Else if (age>13 and age<18) and parntid1>-7 and parntid2>-7 and hhldsize=3. if othhh(i)=1 paren(i)=1. End if. End loop. temp. select if (age>13 and age<18) and parntid1>-7 and hhldsize=2. cro othhh50 by paren50. temp. select if (age>13 and age<18) and parntid1>-7 and hhldsize=2. cro othhh90 by paren90. *problems identified in the episode data - diaries marked as the second in the sequence reflect *a date before the date of the supposedly first diary to be completed. Checking these cases *revealed both errors in the assignment of the diary identifier, and also cases where date *information has been miscoded. Correct these problem. *compute error=0. *if countrya=lag(countrya) and survey=lag(survey) and swave=lag(swave) and msamp=lag(msamp) and * hldid=lag(hldid) and persid=lag(persid) and month=lag(month) and id>lag(id) and diary=id and * cdaylag(id) error=1. * *freq error. *72 cases checked - 4 are legitimate late December 2000 to January 2001, but others are *a variety of errors. *correct errors identified with diary order. Do if (hldid=10422 and persid=4) or (hldid=27716 and persid=1) or (hldid=41372 and persid=2) or (hldid=132181 and persid=1) or (hldid=148156 and persid=2) or (hldid=148156 and persid=3) or (hldid=205330 and persid=1) or (hldid=209301 and persid=1) or (hldid=209356 and persid=1) or (hldid=209367 and persid=3) or (hldid=209403 and persid=1) or (hldid=218460 and persid=2) or hldid=222579 or (hldid=236111 and persid=1) or hldid=237292 or hldid=237383 or (hldid=238566 and (persid=1 or persid=4)) or (hldid=244111 and persid=1) or (hldid=272035 and persid=1) or (hldid=278575 and persid=1) or (hldid=283641 and persid=1) or (hldid=310556 and persid=1) or (hldid=362467 and persid=3) or (hldid=368123 and persid=1) or (hldid=372141 and persid=1) or (hldid=384123 and persid=2) or (hldid=384189 and persid=2) or hldid=417272 or (hldid=423736 and persid=1) or (hldid=437323 and persid=1) or (hldid=516069 and persid=2) or (hldid=519675 and persid=1) or (hldid=526469 and persid=4) or (hldid=538509 and persid=1) or (hldid=608108 and persid=1) or (hldid=708101 and persid=1) or (hldid=713380 and persid=1) or (hldid=722438 and persid=1) or (hldid=826593 and persid=3). If id=1 diary=2. if id=2 diary=1. End if. *fix errors in miscoding of month or day of the week - verified against other household member *diaries or other survey documentation. Do if hldid=107760 and persid=3 and id=2. compute day=2. compute month=4. Else if hldid=132023 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=3. Else if hldid=144083 and persid=1 and id=2. compute cday=18. Else if hldid=146450 and persid=2 and id=2. compute day=2. compute month=4. Else if hldid=203769 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=3. Else if hldid=216173 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=2. Else if hldid=225345 and persid=2 and id=1. compute cday=23. Else if hldid=244042 and persid=2 and id=2. compute day=2. compute month=12. compute year=2000. Else if hldid=249365 and persid=1 and id=1. compute month=1. Else if hldid=255794 and persid=4 and id=1. compute cday=14. Else if hldid=261269 and persid=2 and id=2. compute month=2. Else if (hldid=275732 or hldid=277370 or hldid=367702) and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=3. Else if hldid=278451 and persid=2 and id=2. compute month=3. Else if hldid=302410 and persid=1 and id=2. compute cday=19. Else if hldid=320194 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=4. Else if hldid=371797 and persid=1 and id=1. compute cday=1. Else if hldid=417272 and persid=2 and id=1. compute cday=24. Else if hldid=432066 and persid=2 and id=2. compute cday=19. Else if hldid=525253 and persid=5 and id=2. compute day=1. compute month=7. compute cday=29. Else if hldid=612159 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=2. Else if hldid=745264 and persid=3 and id=1. compute cday=25. Else if hldid=752149 and persid=3 and id=2. compute day=2. compute cday=28. Else if hldid=754414 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=6. compute cday=17. Else if hldid=828051 and persid=1 and id=2. compute day=4. compute month=2. compute cday=7. Else if hldid=903793 and persid=5 and id=2. compute month=7. compute cday=1. Else if hldid=907617 and persid=1 and id=2. compute month=1. compute year=2001. Else if hldid=963615 and persid=4 and id=2. compute day=2. compute cday=19. End if. execute. *************************** *construct the MTUS files * ***************************. val lab empinclm -7 not applicable 1 "Less than £215" 2 "£215 to < £435" 3 "£435 to < £870" 4 "£870 to < £1305" 5 "£1305 to < £1740" 6 "£1740 to < £2820" 7 "£2820 to < £3420" 8 "£3420 to < £3830" 9 "£3830 to < £4580" 10 "£4580 to < £6670" 11 "£6670 or more" 12 Eligible but refused. val lab incorig -8 missing 1 "<£2,610" 2 £2,610-£5,210 3 £5,210-£10,430 4 £10,430-£15,640 5 £15,640-£20,860 6 £20,860-£33,800 7 £33,800-£41,000 8 £41,000-£46,000 9 £46,000-£55,000 10 £55,000-£80,000 11 "£80,000 or more". freq aglftsch ethnic region animal. sort cases by hldid persid id. *make supplementary file for the UK. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000extravar.sav' /BREAK=survey hldid persid id /sexd 'sex - duplicate in supplement file' = MAX(sex) /aged 'age - duplicate in supplement file' = MAX(age) /incolab 'original household income labelled' = MAX(incorig) /educalab 'original education labelled' = MAX(educa) /empinlab 'income from employment labelled' = MAX(empinclm) /aglftsch 'age left formal schooling' = MAX(aglftsch) /ethnic 'ethnicity' = MAX(ethnic) /region 'country / English region' = MAX(region) /animal 'average minutes spent with animals per diary from respondent' = MEAN(animal). *create AV variables for aggregate file. vector avx(41). Loop i=1 to 41. compute avx(i)=0. End loop. do repeat a=av1 to av144. If a=1 avx1= avx1+10. If a=2 avx2= avx2+10. If a=3 avx3= avx3+10. If a=4 avx4= avx4+10. If a=5 avx5= avx5+10. If a=6 avx6= avx6+10. If a=7 avx7= avx7+10. If a=8 avx8= avx8+10. If a=9 avx9= avx9+10. If a=10 avx10=avx10+10. If a=11 avx11=avx11+10. If a=12 avx12=avx12+10. If a=13 avx13=avx13+10. If a=14 avx14=avx14+10. If a=15 avx15=avx15+10. If a=16 avx16=avx16+10. If a=17 avx17=avx17+10. If a=18 avx18=avx18+10. If a=19 avx19=avx19+10. If a=20 avx20=avx20+10. If a=21 avx21=avx21+10. If a=22 avx22=avx22+10. If a=23 avx23=avx23+10. If a=24 avx24=avx24+10. If a=25 avx25=avx25+10. If a=26 avx26=avx26+10. If a=27 avx27=avx27+10. If a=28 avx28=avx28+10. If a=29 avx29=avx29+10. If a=30 avx30=avx30+10. If a=31 avx31=avx31+10. If a=32 avx32=avx32+10. If a=33 avx33=avx33+10. If a=34 avx34=avx34+10. If a=35 avx35=avx35+10. If a=36 avx36=avx36+10. If a=37 avx37=avx37+10. If a=38 avx38=avx38+10. If a=39 avx39=avx39+10. If a=40 avx40=avx40+10. If a=41 avx41=avx41+10. end repeat. compute tottime=sum(avx1 to avx41). freq tottime. *sums to 1440, so all well. compute sppart=0. vector mainx(69). Loop i=1 to 69. compute mainx(i)=0. End loop. do repeat a=main1 to main144 / b=sppart1 to sppart144. if a=1 mainx1 =mainx1 +10. if a=2 mainx2 =mainx2 +10. if a=3 mainx3 =mainx3 +10. if a=4 mainx4 =mainx4 +10. if a=5 mainx5 =mainx5 +10. if a=6 mainx6 =mainx6 +10. if a=7 mainx7 =mainx7 +10. if a=8 mainx8 =mainx8 +10. if a=9 mainx9 =mainx9 +10. if a=10 mainx10=mainx10+10. if a=11 mainx11=mainx11+10. if a=12 mainx12=mainx12+10. if a=13 mainx13=mainx13+10. if a=14 mainx14=mainx14+10. if a=15 mainx15=mainx15+10. if a=16 mainx16=mainx16+10. if a=17 mainx17=mainx17+10. if a=18 mainx18=mainx18+10. if a=19 mainx19=mainx19+10. if a=20 mainx20=mainx20+10. if a=21 mainx21=mainx21+10. if a=22 mainx22=mainx22+10. if a=23 mainx23=mainx23+10. if a=24 mainx24=mainx24+10. if a=25 mainx25=mainx25+10. if a=26 mainx26=mainx26+10. if a=27 mainx27=mainx27+10. if a=28 mainx28=mainx28+10. if a=29 mainx29=mainx29+10. if a=30 mainx30=mainx30+10. if a=31 mainx31=mainx31+10. if a=32 mainx32=mainx32+10. if a=33 mainx33=mainx33+10. if a=34 mainx34=mainx34+10. if a=35 mainx35=mainx35+10. if a=36 mainx36=mainx36+10. if a=37 mainx37=mainx37+10. if a=38 mainx38=mainx38+10. if a=39 mainx39=mainx39+10. if a=40 mainx40=mainx40+10. if a=41 mainx41=mainx41+10. if a=42 mainx42=mainx42+10. if a=43 mainx43=mainx43+10. if a=44 mainx44=mainx44+10. if a=45 mainx45=mainx45+10. if a=46 mainx46=mainx46+10. if a=47 mainx47=mainx47+10. if a=48 mainx48=mainx48+10. if a=49 mainx49=mainx49+10. if a=50 mainx50=mainx50+10. if a=51 mainx51=mainx51+10. if a=52 mainx52=mainx52+10. if a=53 mainx53=mainx53+10. if a=54 mainx54=mainx54+10. if a=55 mainx55=mainx55+10. if a=56 mainx56=mainx56+10. if a=57 mainx57=mainx57+10. if a=58 mainx58=mainx58+10. if a=59 mainx59=mainx59+10. if a=60 mainx60=mainx60+10. if a=61 mainx61=mainx61+10. if a=62 mainx62=mainx62+10. if a=63 mainx63=mainx63+10. if a=64 mainx64=mainx64+10. if a=65 mainx65=mainx65+10. if a=66 mainx66=mainx66+10. if a=67 mainx67=mainx67+10. if a=68 mainx68=mainx68+10. if a=69 mainx69=mainx69+10. if b=1 sppart=sppart+10. end repeat. if (civstat=2 or civstat<0) sppart=-7. freq sppart civstat. *check that no people without a partner have an sppart value above -7. temp. select if sppart>-7. freq civstat. compute tot2=sum (mainx1 to mainx69). freq tot2. *happy news, these all total 1440 as well. sort cases by survey hldid persid id. save outfile ='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000haf.sav' /keep countrya survey swave msamp hldid persid id parntid1 parntid2 partid day month year diary badcase hhtype hhldsize nchild agekidx agekid2 incorig income ownhome urban computer vehicle sex age famstat cphome singpar relrefp civstat cohab citizen empstat emp unemp student retired empsp workhrs empinclm occup sector educa edcat rushed health carer disab mainx1 mainx2 mainx3 mainx4 mainx5 mainx6 mainx7 mainx8 mainx9 mainx10 mainx11 mainx12 mainx13 mainx14 mainx15 mainx16 mainx17 mainx18 mainx19 mainx20 mainx21 mainx22 mainx23 mainx24 mainx25 mainx26 mainx27 mainx28 mainx29 mainx30 mainx31 mainx32 mainx33 mainx34 mainx35 mainx36 mainx37 mainx38 mainx39 mainx40 mainx41 mainx42 mainx43 mainx44 mainx45 mainx46 mainx47 mainx48 mainx49 mainx50 mainx51 mainx52 mainx53 mainx54 mainx55 mainx56 mainx57 mainx58 mainx59 mainx60 mainx61 mainx62 mainx63 mainx64 mainx65 mainx66 mainx67 mainx68 mainx69 avx1 avx2 avx3 avx4 avx5 avx6 avx7 avx8 avx9 avx10 avx11 avx12 avx13 avx14 avx15 avx16 avx17 avx18 avx19 avx20 avx21 avx22 avx23 avx24 avx25 avx26 avx27 avx28 avx29 avx30 avx31 avx32 avx33 avx34 avx35 avx36 avx37 avx38 avx39 avx40 avx41 sppart ocombwt propwt. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000.sav' /keep=countrya survey swave msamp hldid persid id day month year diary badcase sex age propwt main1 main2 main3 main4 main5 main6 main7 main8 main9 main10 main11 main12 main13 main14 main15 main16 main17 main18 main19 main20 main21 main22 main23 main24 main25 main26 main27 main28 main29 main30 main31 main32 main33 main34 main35 main36 main37 main38 main39 main40 main41 main42 main43 main44 main45 main46 main47 main48 main49 main50 main51 main52 main53 main54 main55 main56 main57 main58 main59 main60 main61 main62 main63 main64 main65 main66 main67 main68 main69 main70 main71 main72 main73 main74 main75 main76 main77 main78 main79 main80 main81 main82 main83 main84 main85 main86 main87 main88 main89 main90 main91 main92 main93 main94 main95 main96 main97 main98 main99 main100 main101 main102 main103 main104 main105 main106 main107 main108 main109 main110 main111 main112 main113 main114 main115 main116 main117 main118 main119 main120 main121 main122 main123 main124 main125 main126 main127 main128 main129 main130 main131 main132 main133 main134 main135 main136 main137 main138 main139 main140 main141 main142 main143 main144 av1 av2 av3 av4 av5 av6 av7 av8 av9 av10 av11 av12 av13 av14 av15 av16 av17 av18 av19 av20 av21 av22 av23 av24 av25 av26 av27 av28 av29 av30 av31 av32 av33 av34 av35 av36 av37 av38 av39 av40 av41 av42 av43 av44 av45 av46 av47 av48 av49 av50 av51 av52 av53 av54 av55 av56 av57 av58 av59 av60 av61 av62 av63 av64 av65 av66 av67 av68 av69 av70 av71 av72 av73 av74 av75 av76 av77 av78 av79 av80 av81 av82 av83 av84 av85 av86 av87 av88 av89 av90 av91 av92 av93 av94 av95 av96 av97 av98 av99 av100 av101 av102 av103 av104 av105 av106 av107 av108 av109 av110 av111 av112 av113 av114 av115 av116 av117 av118 av119 av120 av121 av122 av123 av124 av125 av126 av127 av128 av129 av130 av131 av132 av133 av134 av135 av136 av137 av138 av139 av140 av141 av142 av143 av144 sec1 sec2 sec3 sec4 sec5 sec6 sec7 sec8 sec9 sec10 sec11 sec12 sec13 sec14 sec15 sec16 sec17 sec18 sec19 sec20 sec21 sec22 sec23 sec24 sec25 sec26 sec27 sec28 sec29 sec30 sec31 sec32 sec33 sec34 sec35 sec36 sec37 sec38 sec39 sec40 sec41 sec42 sec43 sec44 sec45 sec46 sec47 sec48 sec49 sec50 sec51 sec52 sec53 sec54 sec55 sec56 sec57 sec58 sec59 sec60 sec61 sec62 sec63 sec64 sec65 sec66 sec67 sec68 sec69 sec70 sec71 sec72 sec73 sec74 sec75 sec76 sec77 sec78 sec79 sec80 sec81 sec82 sec83 sec84 sec85 sec86 sec87 sec88 sec89 sec90 sec91 sec92 sec93 sec94 sec95 sec96 sec97 sec98 sec99 sec100 sec101 sec102 sec103 sec104 sec105 sec106 sec107 sec108 sec109 sec110 sec111 sec112 sec113 sec114 sec115 sec116 sec117 sec118 sec119 sec120 sec121 sec122 sec123 sec124 sec125 sec126 sec127 sec128 sec129 sec130 sec131 sec132 sec133 sec134 sec135 sec136 sec137 sec138 sec139 sec140 sec141 sec142 sec143 sec144 inout1 inout2 inout3 inout4 inout5 inout6 inout7 inout8 inout9 inout10 inout11 inout12 inout13 inout14 inout15 inout16 inout17 inout18 inout19 inout20 inout21 inout22 inout23 inout24 inout25 inout26 inout27 inout28 inout29 inout30 inout31 inout32 inout33 inout34 inout35 inout36 inout37 inout38 inout39 inout40 inout41 inout42 inout43 inout44 inout45 inout46 inout47 inout48 inout49 inout50 inout51 inout52 inout53 inout54 inout55 inout56 inout57 inout58 inout59 inout60 inout61 inout62 inout63 inout64 inout65 inout66 inout67 inout68 inout69 inout70 inout71 inout72 inout73 inout74 inout75 inout76 inout77 inout78 inout79 inout80 inout81 inout82 inout83 inout84 inout85 inout86 inout87 inout88 inout89 inout90 inout91 inout92 inout93 inout94 inout95 inout96 inout97 inout98 inout99 inout100 inout101 inout102 inout103 inout104 inout105 inout106 inout107 inout108 inout109 inout110 inout111 inout112 inout113 inout114 inout115 inout116 inout117 inout118 inout119 inout120 inout121 inout122 inout123 inout124 inout125 inout126 inout127 inout128 inout129 inout130 inout131 inout132 inout133 inout134 inout135 inout136 inout137 inout138 inout139 inout140 inout141 inout142 inout143 inout144 eloc1 eloc2 eloc3 eloc4 eloc5 eloc6 eloc7 eloc8 eloc9 eloc10 eloc11 eloc12 eloc13 eloc14 eloc15 eloc16 eloc17 eloc18 eloc19 eloc20 eloc21 eloc22 eloc23 eloc24 eloc25 eloc26 eloc27 eloc28 eloc29 eloc30 eloc31 eloc32 eloc33 eloc34 eloc35 eloc36 eloc37 eloc38 eloc39 eloc40 eloc41 eloc42 eloc43 eloc44 eloc45 eloc46 eloc47 eloc48 eloc49 eloc50 eloc51 eloc52 eloc53 eloc54 eloc55 eloc56 eloc57 eloc58 eloc59 eloc60 eloc61 eloc62 eloc63 eloc64 eloc65 eloc66 eloc67 eloc68 eloc69 eloc70 eloc71 eloc72 eloc73 eloc74 eloc75 eloc76 eloc77 eloc78 eloc79 eloc80 eloc81 eloc82 eloc83 eloc84 eloc85 eloc86 eloc87 eloc88 eloc89 eloc90 eloc91 eloc92 eloc93 eloc94 eloc95 eloc96 eloc97 eloc98 eloc99 eloc100 eloc101 eloc102 eloc103 eloc104 eloc105 eloc106 eloc107 eloc108 eloc109 eloc110 eloc111 eloc112 eloc113 eloc114 eloc115 eloc116 eloc117 eloc118 eloc119 eloc120 eloc121 eloc122 eloc123 eloc124 eloc125 eloc126 eloc127 eloc128 eloc129 eloc130 eloc131 eloc132 eloc133 eloc134 eloc135 eloc136 eloc137 eloc138 eloc139 eloc140 eloc141 eloc142 eloc143 eloc144 ict1 ict2 ict3 ict4 ict5 ict6 ict7 ict8 ict9 ict10 ict11 ict12 ict13 ict14 ict15 ict16 ict17 ict18 ict19 ict20 ict21 ict22 ict23 ict24 ict25 ict26 ict27 ict28 ict29 ict30 ict31 ict32 ict33 ict34 ict35 ict36 ict37 ict38 ict39 ict40 ict41 ict42 ict43 ict44 ict45 ict46 ict47 ict48 ict49 ict50 ict51 ict52 ict53 ict54 ict55 ict56 ict57 ict58 ict59 ict60 ict61 ict62 ict63 ict64 ict65 ict66 ict67 ict68 ict69 ict70 ict71 ict72 ict73 ict74 ict75 ict76 ict77 ict78 ict79 ict80 ict81 ict82 ict83 ict84 ict85 ict86 ict87 ict88 ict89 ict90 ict91 ict92 ict93 ict94 ict95 ict96 ict97 ict98 ict99 ict100 ict101 ict102 ict103 ict104 ict105 ict106 ict107 ict108 ict109 ict110 ict111 ict112 ict113 ict114 ict115 ict116 ict117 ict118 ict119 ict120 ict121 ict122 ict123 ict124 ict125 ict126 ict127 ict128 ict129 ict130 ict131 ict132 ict133 ict134 ict135 ict136 ict137 ict138 ict139 ict140 ict141 ict142 ict143 ict144 mtrav1 mtrav2 mtrav3 mtrav4 mtrav5 mtrav6 mtrav7 mtrav8 mtrav9 mtrav10 mtrav11 mtrav12 mtrav13 mtrav14 mtrav15 mtrav16 mtrav17 mtrav18 mtrav19 mtrav20 mtrav21 mtrav22 mtrav23 mtrav24 mtrav25 mtrav26 mtrav27 mtrav28 mtrav29 mtrav30 mtrav31 mtrav32 mtrav33 mtrav34 mtrav35 mtrav36 mtrav37 mtrav38 mtrav39 mtrav40 mtrav41 mtrav42 mtrav43 mtrav44 mtrav45 mtrav46 mtrav47 mtrav48 mtrav49 mtrav50 mtrav51 mtrav52 mtrav53 mtrav54 mtrav55 mtrav56 mtrav57 mtrav58 mtrav59 mtrav60 mtrav61 mtrav62 mtrav63 mtrav64 mtrav65 mtrav66 mtrav67 mtrav68 mtrav69 mtrav70 mtrav71 mtrav72 mtrav73 mtrav74 mtrav75 mtrav76 mtrav77 mtrav78 mtrav79 mtrav80 mtrav81 mtrav82 mtrav83 mtrav84 mtrav85 mtrav86 mtrav87 mtrav88 mtrav89 mtrav90 mtrav91 mtrav92 mtrav93 mtrav94 mtrav95 mtrav96 mtrav97 mtrav98 mtrav99 mtrav100 mtrav101 mtrav102 mtrav103 mtrav104 mtrav105 mtrav106 mtrav107 mtrav108 mtrav109 mtrav110 mtrav111 mtrav112 mtrav113 mtrav114 mtrav115 mtrav116 mtrav117 mtrav118 mtrav119 mtrav120 mtrav121 mtrav122 mtrav123 mtrav124 mtrav125 mtrav126 mtrav127 mtrav128 mtrav129 mtrav130 mtrav131 mtrav132 mtrav133 mtrav134 mtrav135 mtrav136 mtrav137 mtrav138 mtrav139 mtrav140 mtrav141 mtrav142 mtrav143 mtrav144 alone1 alone2 alone3 alone4 alone5 alone6 alone7 alone8 alone9 alone10 alone11 alone12 alone13 alone14 alone15 alone16 alone17 alone18 alone19 alone20 alone21 alone22 alone23 alone24 alone25 alone26 alone27 alone28 alone29 alone30 alone31 alone32 alone33 alone34 alone35 alone36 alone37 alone38 alone39 alone40 alone41 alone42 alone43 alone44 alone45 alone46 alone47 alone48 alone49 alone50 alone51 alone52 alone53 alone54 alone55 alone56 alone57 alone58 alone59 alone60 alone61 alone62 alone63 alone64 alone65 alone66 alone67 alone68 alone69 alone70 alone71 alone72 alone73 alone74 alone75 alone76 alone77 alone78 alone79 alone80 alone81 alone82 alone83 alone84 alone85 alone86 alone87 alone88 alone89 alone90 alone91 alone92 alone93 alone94 alone95 alone96 alone97 alone98 alone99 alone100 alone101 alone102 alone103 alone104 alone105 alone106 alone107 alone108 alone109 alone110 alone111 alone112 alone113 alone114 alone115 alone116 alone117 alone118 alone119 alone120 alone121 alone122 alone123 alone124 alone125 alone126 alone127 alone128 alone129 alone130 alone131 alone132 alone133 alone134 alone135 alone136 alone137 alone138 alone139 alone140 alone141 alone142 alone143 alone144 child1 child2 child3 child4 child5 child6 child7 child8 child9 child10 child11 child12 child13 child14 child15 child16 child17 child18 child19 child20 child21 child22 child23 child24 child25 child26 child27 child28 child29 child30 child31 child32 child33 child34 child35 child36 child37 child38 child39 child40 child41 child42 child43 child44 child45 child46 child47 child48 child49 child50 child51 child52 child53 child54 child55 child56 child57 child58 child59 child60 child61 child62 child63 child64 child65 child66 child67 child68 child69 child70 child71 child72 child73 child74 child75 child76 child77 child78 child79 child80 child81 child82 child83 child84 child85 child86 child87 child88 child89 child90 child91 child92 child93 child94 child95 child96 child97 child98 child99 child100 child101 child102 child103 child104 child105 child106 child107 child108 child109 child110 child111 child112 child113 child114 child115 child116 child117 child118 child119 child120 child121 child122 child123 child124 child125 child126 child127 child128 child129 child130 child131 child132 child133 child134 child135 child136 child137 child138 child139 child140 child141 child142 child143 child144 sppart1 sppart2 sppart3 sppart4 sppart5 sppart6 sppart7 sppart8 sppart9 sppart10 sppart11 sppart12 sppart13 sppart14 sppart15 sppart16 sppart17 sppart18 sppart19 sppart20 sppart21 sppart22 sppart23 sppart24 sppart25 sppart26 sppart27 sppart28 sppart29 sppart30 sppart31 sppart32 sppart33 sppart34 sppart35 sppart36 sppart37 sppart38 sppart39 sppart40 sppart41 sppart42 sppart43 sppart44 sppart45 sppart46 sppart47 sppart48 sppart49 sppart50 sppart51 sppart52 sppart53 sppart54 sppart55 sppart56 sppart57 sppart58 sppart59 sppart60 sppart61 sppart62 sppart63 sppart64 sppart65 sppart66 sppart67 sppart68 sppart69 sppart70 sppart71 sppart72 sppart73 sppart74 sppart75 sppart76 sppart77 sppart78 sppart79 sppart80 sppart81 sppart82 sppart83 sppart84 sppart85 sppart86 sppart87 sppart88 sppart89 sppart90 sppart91 sppart92 sppart93 sppart94 sppart95 sppart96 sppart97 sppart98 sppart99 sppart100 sppart101 sppart102 sppart103 sppart104 sppart105 sppart106 sppart107 sppart108 sppart109 sppart110 sppart111 sppart112 sppart113 sppart114 sppart115 sppart116 sppart117 sppart118 sppart119 sppart120 sppart121 sppart122 sppart123 sppart124 sppart125 sppart126 sppart127 sppart128 sppart129 sppart130 sppart131 sppart132 sppart133 sppart134 sppart135 sppart136 sppart137 sppart138 sppart139 sppart140 sppart141 sppart142 sppart143 sppart144 oad1 oad2 oad3 oad4 oad5 oad6 oad7 oad8 oad9 oad10 oad11 oad12 oad13 oad14 oad15 oad16 oad17 oad18 oad19 oad20 oad21 oad22 oad23 oad24 oad25 oad26 oad27 oad28 oad29 oad30 oad31 oad32 oad33 oad34 oad35 oad36 oad37 oad38 oad39 oad40 oad41 oad42 oad43 oad44 oad45 oad46 oad47 oad48 oad49 oad50 oad51 oad52 oad53 oad54 oad55 oad56 oad57 oad58 oad59 oad60 oad61 oad62 oad63 oad64 oad65 oad66 oad67 oad68 oad69 oad70 oad71 oad72 oad73 oad74 oad75 oad76 oad77 oad78 oad79 oad80 oad81 oad82 oad83 oad84 oad85 oad86 oad87 oad88 oad89 oad90 oad91 oad92 oad93 oad94 oad95 oad96 oad97 oad98 oad99 oad100 oad101 oad102 oad103 oad104 oad105 oad106 oad107 oad108 oad109 oad110 oad111 oad112 oad113 oad114 oad115 oad116 oad117 oad118 oad119 oad120 oad121 oad122 oad123 oad124 oad125 oad126 oad127 oad128 oad129 oad130 oad131 oad132 oad133 oad134 oad135 oad136 oad137 oad138 oad139 oad140 oad141 oad142 oad143 oad144 kid0x1 kid0x2 kid0x3 kid0x4 kid0x5 kid0x6 kid0x7 kid0x8 kid0x9 kid0x10 kid0x11 kid0x12 kid0x13 kid0x14 kid0x15 kid0x16 kid0x17 kid0x18 kid0x19 kid0x20 kid0x21 kid0x22 kid0x23 kid0x24 kid0x25 kid0x26 kid0x27 kid0x28 kid0x29 kid0x30 kid0x31 kid0x32 kid0x33 kid0x34 kid0x35 kid0x36 kid0x37 kid0x38 kid0x39 kid0x40 kid0x41 kid0x42 kid0x43 kid0x44 kid0x45 kid0x46 kid0x47 kid0x48 kid0x49 kid0x50 kid0x51 kid0x52 kid0x53 kid0x54 kid0x55 kid0x56 kid0x57 kid0x58 kid0x59 kid0x60 kid0x61 kid0x62 kid0x63 kid0x64 kid0x65 kid0x66 kid0x67 kid0x68 kid0x69 kid0x70 kid0x71 kid0x72 kid0x73 kid0x74 kid0x75 kid0x76 kid0x77 kid0x78 kid0x79 kid0x80 kid0x81 kid0x82 kid0x83 kid0x84 kid0x85 kid0x86 kid0x87 kid0x88 kid0x89 kid0x90 kid0x91 kid0x92 kid0x93 kid0x94 kid0x95 kid0x96 kid0x97 kid0x98 kid0x99 kid0x100 kid0x101 kid0x102 kid0x103 kid0x104 kid0x105 kid0x106 kid0x107 kid0x108 kid0x109 kid0x110 kid0x111 kid0x112 kid0x113 kid0x114 kid0x115 kid0x116 kid0x117 kid0x118 kid0x119 kid0x120 kid0x121 kid0x122 kid0x123 kid0x124 kid0x125 kid0x126 kid0x127 kid0x128 kid0x129 kid0x130 kid0x131 kid0x132 kid0x133 kid0x134 kid0x135 kid0x136 kid0x137 kid0x138 kid0x139 kid0x140 kid0x141 kid0x142 kid0x143 kid0x144 kid101 kid102 kid103 kid104 kid105 kid106 kid107 kid108 kid109 kid1010 kid1011 kid1012 kid1013 kid1014 kid1015 kid1016 kid1017 kid1018 kid1019 kid1020 kid1021 kid1022 kid1023 kid1024 kid1025 kid1026 kid1027 kid1028 kid1029 kid1030 kid1031 kid1032 kid1033 kid1034 kid1035 kid1036 kid1037 kid1038 kid1039 kid1040 kid1041 kid1042 kid1043 kid1044 kid1045 kid1046 kid1047 kid1048 kid1049 kid1050 kid1051 kid1052 kid1053 kid1054 kid1055 kid1056 kid1057 kid1058 kid1059 kid1060 kid1061 kid1062 kid1063 kid1064 kid1065 kid1066 kid1067 kid1068 kid1069 kid1070 kid1071 kid1072 kid1073 kid1074 kid1075 kid1076 kid1077 kid1078 kid1079 kid1080 kid1081 kid1082 kid1083 kid1084 kid1085 kid1086 kid1087 kid1088 kid1089 kid1090 kid1091 kid1092 kid1093 kid1094 kid1095 kid1096 kid1097 kid1098 kid1099 kid10100 kid10101 kid10102 kid10103 kid10104 kid10105 kid10106 kid10107 kid10108 kid10109 kid10110 kid10111 kid10112 kid10113 kid10114 kid10115 kid10116 kid10117 kid10118 kid10119 kid10120 kid10121 kid10122 kid10123 kid10124 kid10125 kid10126 kid10127 kid10128 kid10129 kid10130 kid10131 kid10132 kid10133 kid10134 kid10135 kid10136 kid10137 kid10138 kid10139 kid10140 kid10141 kid10142 kid10143 kid10144 paren1 paren2 paren3 paren4 paren5 paren6 paren7 paren8 paren9 paren10 paren11 paren12 paren13 paren14 paren15 paren16 paren17 paren18 paren19 paren20 paren21 paren22 paren23 paren24 paren25 paren26 paren27 paren28 paren29 paren30 paren31 paren32 paren33 paren34 paren35 paren36 paren37 paren38 paren39 paren40 paren41 paren42 paren43 paren44 paren45 paren46 paren47 paren48 paren49 paren50 paren51 paren52 paren53 paren54 paren55 paren56 paren57 paren58 paren59 paren60 paren61 paren62 paren63 paren64 paren65 paren66 paren67 paren68 paren69 paren70 paren71 paren72 paren73 paren74 paren75 paren76 paren77 paren78 paren79 paren80 paren81 paren82 paren83 paren84 paren85 paren86 paren87 paren88 paren89 paren90 paren91 paren92 paren93 paren94 paren95 paren96 paren97 paren98 paren99 paren100 paren101 paren102 paren103 paren104 paren105 paren106 paren107 paren108 paren109 paren110 paren111 paren112 paren113 paren114 paren115 paren116 paren117 paren118 paren119 paren120 paren121 paren122 paren123 paren124 paren125 paren126 paren127 paren128 paren129 paren130 paren131 paren132 paren133 paren134 paren135 paren136 paren137 paren138 paren139 paren140 paren141 paren142 paren143 paren144 othhh1 othhh2 othhh3 othhh4 othhh5 othhh6 othhh7 othhh8 othhh9 othhh10 othhh11 othhh12 othhh13 othhh14 othhh15 othhh16 othhh17 othhh18 othhh19 othhh20 othhh21 othhh22 othhh23 othhh24 othhh25 othhh26 othhh27 othhh28 othhh29 othhh30 othhh31 othhh32 othhh33 othhh34 othhh35 othhh36 othhh37 othhh38 othhh39 othhh40 othhh41 othhh42 othhh43 othhh44 othhh45 othhh46 othhh47 othhh48 othhh49 othhh50 othhh51 othhh52 othhh53 othhh54 othhh55 othhh56 othhh57 othhh58 othhh59 othhh60 othhh61 othhh62 othhh63 othhh64 othhh65 othhh66 othhh67 othhh68 othhh69 othhh70 othhh71 othhh72 othhh73 othhh74 othhh75 othhh76 othhh77 othhh78 othhh79 othhh80 othhh81 othhh82 othhh83 othhh84 othhh85 othhh86 othhh87 othhh88 othhh89 othhh90 othhh91 othhh92 othhh93 othhh94 othhh95 othhh96 othhh97 othhh98 othhh99 othhh100 othhh101 othhh102 othhh103 othhh104 othhh105 othhh106 othhh107 othhh108 othhh109 othhh110 othhh111 othhh112 othhh113 othhh114 othhh115 othhh116 othhh117 othhh118 othhh119 othhh120 othhh121 othhh122 othhh123 othhh124 othhh125 othhh126 othhh127 othhh128 othhh129 othhh130 othhh131 othhh132 othhh133 othhh134 othhh135 othhh136 othhh137 othhh138 othhh139 othhh140 othhh141 othhh142 othhh143 othhh144 othkn1 othkn2 othkn3 othkn4 othkn5 othkn6 othkn7 othkn8 othkn9 othkn10 othkn11 othkn12 othkn13 othkn14 othkn15 othkn16 othkn17 othkn18 othkn19 othkn20 othkn21 othkn22 othkn23 othkn24 othkn25 othkn26 othkn27 othkn28 othkn29 othkn30 othkn31 othkn32 othkn33 othkn34 othkn35 othkn36 othkn37 othkn38 othkn39 othkn40 othkn41 othkn42 othkn43 othkn44 othkn45 othkn46 othkn47 othkn48 othkn49 othkn50 othkn51 othkn52 othkn53 othkn54 othkn55 othkn56 othkn57 othkn58 othkn59 othkn60 othkn61 othkn62 othkn63 othkn64 othkn65 othkn66 othkn67 othkn68 othkn69 othkn70 othkn71 othkn72 othkn73 othkn74 othkn75 othkn76 othkn77 othkn78 othkn79 othkn80 othkn81 othkn82 othkn83 othkn84 othkn85 othkn86 othkn87 othkn88 othkn89 othkn90 othkn91 othkn92 othkn93 othkn94 othkn95 othkn96 othkn97 othkn98 othkn99 othkn100 othkn101 othkn102 othkn103 othkn104 othkn105 othkn106 othkn107 othkn108 othkn109 othkn110 othkn111 othkn112 othkn113 othkn114 othkn115 othkn116 othkn117 othkn118 othkn119 othkn120 othkn121 othkn122 othkn123 othkn124 othkn125 othkn126 othkn127 othkn128 othkn129 othkn130 othkn131 othkn132 othkn133 othkn134 othkn135 othkn136 othkn137 othkn138 othkn139 othkn140 othkn141 othkn142 othkn143 othkn144. *final tidy extra UK variables. get file='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000extravar.sav'. var lab hldid 'Household identifier'. val lab hldid 0 '1 person sampled per household'. var lab persid 'Person/diarist identifier'. var lab id 'Diary identifier'. val lab sexd 1 Man 2 Woman -8 missing. val lab aged 80 80 or older -7 not asked -8 missing. freq survey id sexd aged incolab educalab empinlab aglftsch ethnic region. desc hldid persid animal. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\UK2000extravar.sav'. *final tidy of aggregate file. get file='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000haf.sav'. rename variables (mainx1 mainx2 mainx3 mainx4 mainx5 mainx6 mainx7 mainx8 mainx9 mainx10 mainx11 mainx12 mainx13 mainx14 mainx15 mainx16 mainx17 mainx18 mainx19 mainx20 mainx21 mainx22 mainx23 mainx24 mainx25 mainx26 mainx27 mainx28 mainx29 mainx30 mainx31 mainx32 mainx33 mainx34 mainx35 mainx36 mainx37 mainx38 mainx39 mainx40 mainx41 mainx42 mainx43 mainx44 mainx45 mainx46 mainx47 mainx48 mainx49 mainx50 mainx51 mainx52 mainx53 mainx54 mainx55 mainx56 mainx57 mainx58 mainx59 mainx60 mainx61 mainx62 mainx63 mainx64 mainx65 mainx66 mainx67 mainx68 mainx69 avx1 avx2 avx3 avx4 avx5 avx6 avx7 avx8 avx9 avx10 avx11 avx12 avx13 avx14 avx15 avx16 avx17 avx18 avx19 avx20 avx21 avx22 avx23 avx24 avx25 avx26 avx27 avx28 avx29 avx30 avx31 avx32 avx33 avx34 avx35 avx36 avx37 avx38 avx39 avx40 avx41 = main1 main2 main3 main4 main5 main6 main7 main8 main9 main10 main11 main12 main13 main14 main15 main16 main17 main18 main19 main20 main21 main22 main23 main24 main25 main26 main27 main28 main29 main30 main31 main32 main33 main34 main35 main36 main37 main38 main39 main40 main41 main42 main43 main44 main45 main46 main47 main48 main49 main50 main51 main52 main53 main54 main55 main56 main57 main58 main59 main60 main61 main62 main63 main64 main65 main66 main67 main68 main69 av1 av2 av3 av4 av5 av6 av7 av8 av9 av10 av11 av12 av13 av14 av15 av16 av17 av18 av19 av20 av21 av22 av23 av24 av25 av26 av27 av28 av29 av30 av31 av32 av33 av34 av35 av36 av37 av38 av39 av40 av41). apply dictionary from'C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\MTUS database\schema&etc\MTUShafschema.sav'. *recode time use variables that could not be created to -9. recode main10 av26 av27 (0=-9). desc main1 to main69 sppart. desc hldid persid incorig age workhrs empinclm av1 av2 av3 av4 av5 av6 av7 av8 av9 av10 av11 av12 av13 av14 av15 av16 av17 av18 av19 av20 av21 av22 av23 av24 av25 av26 av27 av28 av29 av30 av31 av32 av33 av34 av35 av36 av37 av38 av39 av40 av41 ocombwt propwt. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* MODE=ADDVARIABLES /BREAK=countrya /wtsum = SUM(propwt). freq wtsum. freq countrya survey swave msamp persid id parntid1 parntid2 partid day month year diary badcase hhtype hhldsize nchild agekidx agekid2 income ownhome urban computer vehicle sex age famstat cphome singpar relrefp civstat cohab citizen empstat emp unemp student retired empsp workhrs occup sector educa edcat rushed health carer disab. cro empsp by civstat. means age hhldsize nchild by famstat /cells min max. means age hhldsize by nchild retired /cells min max median. cro famstat by nchild civstat hhtype agekidx cphome. cro agekidx by nchild. cro empstat by emp unemp retired student disab. cro empsp by civstat relrefp. cro civstat by hhtype relrefp partid cohab. *note no relrefp=2 should appear if civstat=2. cro hhtype by hhldsize. cro parntid1 by parntid2 cphome. weight by propwt. freq day. cro day by sex /cells= count column. weight off. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000haf.sav' /drop wtsum. aggregate /outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\aggr.sav' /break=hldid /urbanmin = min(urban) /urbanmax = max(urban) /incmin = min(income) /incmax = max(income) /akidmin = min(agekidx) /akidmax = max(agekidx) /akid2min = min(agekid2) /akid2max = max(agekid2) /nchimin = min(nchild) /nchimax = max(nchild) /hsizemin = min(hhldsize) /hsizemax = max(hhldsize) /htypmin = min(hhtype) /htypmax = max(hhtype) /ownhomin = min(ownhome) /ownhomax = max(ownhome) /compmin = min(computer) /compmax = max(computer) /vehicmin = min(vehicle) /vehicmax = max(vehicle). get file='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\aggr.sav'. cro urbanmin by urbanmax. cro incmin by incmax. cro akidmin by akidmax. cro akid2min by akid2max. cro nchimin by nchimax. cro hsizemin by hsizemax. cro htypmin by htypmax. cro ownhomin by ownhomax. cro compmin by compmax. cro vehicmin by vehicmax. *create episode file. At the moment each row in the file represents *1 diary, need to be convert to a file where each row represents one episode. GET FILE='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Documents\MTUS-archive\UK\2000-01\Diary_data_8.sav' /keep SN1 SN2 SN3 SN4 DDAY. compute hldid = sn1*1000 + sn2. compute persid = sn3. compute id = sn4. freq dday. recode dday (99=-8) (else=copy) into cday. freq cday. sort cases by hldid persid id. match files files='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000.sav' files=* /by hldid persid id /drop sn1 sn2 sn3 sn4 dday. execute. *repeat one date correction step run above. The problem wth some dates and misassigned *diary identifiers and order markers found at the end of this process, as the variable *CDAY created at this point in this code, the CDAY corrections need to be rerun here. *fix errors in miscoding of month or day of the week - verified against other household member *diaries or other survey documentation. Do if hldid=144083 and persid=1 and id=2. compute cday=18. Else if hldid=225345 and persid=2 and id=1. compute cday=23. Else if hldid=255794 and persid=4 and id=1. compute cday=14. Else if hldid=302410 and persid=1 and id=2. compute cday=19. Else if hldid=371797 and persid=1 and id=1. compute cday=1. Else if hldid=417272 and persid=2 and id=1. compute cday=24. Else if hldid=432066 and persid=2 and id=2. compute cday=19. Else if hldid=525253 and persid=5 and id=2. compute cday=29. Else if hldid=745264 and persid=3 and id=1. compute cday=25. Else if hldid=752149 and persid=3 and id=2. compute cday=28. Else if hldid=754414 and persid=1 and id=2. compute cday=17. Else if hldid=828051 and persid=1 and id=2. compute cday=7. Else if hldid=903793 and persid=5 and id=2. compute cday=1. Else if hldid=963615 and persid=4 and id=2. compute cday=19. End if. execute. compute maxep=1. vector main=main1 to main144/ sec=sec1 to sec144 / eloc=eloc1 to eloc144. loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. if main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j) maxep=maxep+1. end loop. freq maxep. *1 diary includes 93 episodes. vector m(93) /old(93) /s(93) /in(93) /e(93) /tech(93) /trav(93) /aln(93) /kid(93) /sp(93) /o(93) /time(93) /clock(93) /start(93) /end(93) /ka(93) /kb(93) /par(93) /ohm(93) okn(93). *set all new variables with a default value of 0. do repeat a=m1 to in93 /b=e1 to aln93 /c=kid1 to time93 /d=clock1 to ka93 /e=kb1 to okn93. compute a=0. compute b=0. compute c=0. compute d=0. compute e=0. end repeat. execute. *fill in first time slot values. compute m1=main1. compute old1=av1. compute s1=sec1. compute in1=inout1. compute e1=eloc1. compute tech1=ict1. compute trav1=mtrav1. compute aln1=alone1. compute kid1=child1. compute sp1=sppart1. compute o1=oad1. compute time1=10. compute clock1=4. compute start1=0. compute ka1=kid0x1. compute kb1=kid101. compute par1=paren1. compute ohm1=othhh1. compute okn1=othkn1. *the 1 non-diary has been reimported from adding cday. remove this case next, *then check that the default values are in order for all other diaries. recode m1 (sysmis=-5). select if m1>0. freq m1 old1 s1 in1 e1 tech1 trav1 aln1 kid1 sp1 o1 time1 clock1 start1 end1 ka1 kb1 par1 ohm1 okn1. *to not completely overload SPSS, do the filling in in two batches. 81.4% of *diaries have 35 or fewer episodes. Do up to 35 episodes for these diaries, *then up to 93 episodes for the remaining 20%. Do if maxep<36. vector main=main1 to main144 /av=av1 to av144 / sec=sec1 to sec144 /inout=inout1 to inout144 /eloc=eloc1 to eloc144 / ict=ict1 to ict144 /mtrav=mtrav1 to mtrav144 / alone=alone1 to alone144 / child=child1 to child144 / sppart=sppart1 to sppart144 / oad=oad1 to oad144 /kid0x=kid0x1 to kid0x144 /kid10=kid101 to kid10144 /paren=paren1 to paren144 /othhh=othhh1 to othhh144 /othkn=othkn1 to othkn144. Loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. Do if m2=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time1=time1+10. Else if m2=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m2=main(j). compute old2=av(j). compute s2=sec(j). compute in2=inout(j). compute e2=eloc(j). compute tech2=ict(j). compute trav2=mtrav(j). compute aln2=alone(j). compute kid2=child(j). compute sp2=sppart(j). compute o2=oad(j). compute ka2=kid0x(j). compute kb2=kid10(j). compute par2=paren(j). compute ohm2=othhh(j). compute okn2=othkn(j). compute start2=j*10-10. compute time2=10. compute end1=j*10-10. Else if m3=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time2=time2+10. Else if m3=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m3=main(j). compute old3=av(j). compute s3=sec(j). compute in3=inout(j). compute e3=eloc(j). compute tech3=ict(j). compute trav3=mtrav(j). compute aln3=alone(j). compute kid3=child(j). compute sp3=sppart(j). compute o3=oad(j). compute ka3=kid0x(j). compute kb3=kid10(j). compute par3=paren(j). compute ohm3=othhh(j). compute okn3=othkn(j). compute start3=j*10-10. compute time3=10. compute end2=j*10-10. Else if m4=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time3=time3+10. Else if m4=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m4=main(j). compute old4=av(j). compute s4=sec(j). compute in4=inout(j). compute e4=eloc(j). compute tech4=ict(j). compute trav4=mtrav(j). compute aln4=alone(j). compute kid4=child(j). compute sp4=sppart(j). compute o4=oad(j). compute ka4=kid0x(j). compute kb4=kid10(j). compute par4=paren(j). compute ohm4=othhh(j). compute okn4=othkn(j). compute start4=j*10-10. compute time4=10. compute end3=j*10-10. Else if m5=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time4=time4+10. Else if m5=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m5=main(j). compute old5=av(j). compute s5=sec(j). compute in5=inout(j). compute e5=eloc(j). compute tech5=ict(j). compute trav5=mtrav(j). compute aln5=alone(j). compute kid5=child(j). compute sp5=sppart(j). compute o5=oad(j). compute ka5=kid0x(j). compute kb5=kid10(j). compute par5=paren(j). compute ohm5=othhh(j). compute okn5=othkn(j). compute start5=j*10-10. compute time5=10. compute end4=j*10-10. Else if m6=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time5=time5+10. Else if m6=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m6=main(j). compute old6=av(j). compute s6=sec(j). compute in6=inout(j). compute e6=eloc(j). compute tech6=ict(j). compute trav6=mtrav(j). compute aln6=alone(j). compute kid6=child(j). compute sp6=sppart(j). compute o6=oad(j). compute ka6=kid0x(j). compute kb6=kid10(j). compute par6=paren(j). compute ohm6=othhh(j). compute okn6=othkn(j). compute start6=j*10-10. compute time6=10. compute end5=j*10-10. Else if m7=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time6=time6+10. Else if m7=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m7=main(j). compute old7=av(j). compute s7=sec(j). compute in7=inout(j). compute e7=eloc(j). compute tech7=ict(j). compute trav7=mtrav(j). compute aln7=alone(j). compute kid7=child(j). compute sp7=sppart(j). compute o7=oad(j). compute ka7=kid0x(j). compute kb7=kid10(j). compute par7=paren(j). compute ohm7=othhh(j). compute okn7=othkn(j). compute start7=j*10-10. compute time7=10. compute end6=j*10-10. Else if m8=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time7=time7+10. Else if m8=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m8=main(j). compute old8=av(j). compute s8=sec(j). compute in8=inout(j). compute e8=eloc(j). compute tech8=ict(j). compute trav8=mtrav(j). compute aln8=alone(j). compute kid8=child(j). compute sp8=sppart(j). compute o8=oad(j). compute ka8=kid0x(j). compute kb8=kid10(j). compute par8=paren(j). compute ohm8=othhh(j). compute okn8=othkn(j). compute start8=j*10-10. compute time8=10. compute end7=j*10-10. Else if m9=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time8=time8+10. Else if m9=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m9=main(j). compute old9=av(j). compute s9=sec(j). compute in9=inout(j). compute e9=eloc(j). compute tech9=ict(j). compute trav9=mtrav(j). compute aln9=alone(j). compute kid9=child(j). compute sp9=sppart(j). compute o9=oad(j). compute ka9=kid0x(j). compute kb9=kid10(j). compute par9=paren(j). compute ohm9=othhh(j). compute okn9=othkn(j). compute start9=j*10-10. compute time9=10. compute end8=j*10-10. Else if m10=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time9=time9+10. Else if m10=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m10=main(j). compute old10=av(j). compute s10=sec(j). compute in10=inout(j). compute e10=eloc(j). compute tech10=ict(j). compute trav10=mtrav(j). compute aln10=alone(j). compute kid10=child(j). compute sp10=sppart(j). compute o10=oad(j). compute ka10=kid0x(j). compute kb10=kid10(j). compute par10=paren(j). compute ohm10=othhh(j). compute okn10=othkn(j). compute start10=j*10-10. compute time10=10. compute end9=j*10-10. Else if m11=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time10=time10+10. Else if m11=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m11=main(j). compute old11=av(j). compute s11=sec(j). compute in11=inout(j). compute e11=eloc(j). compute tech11=ict(j). compute trav11=mtrav(j). compute aln11=alone(j). compute kid11=child(j). compute sp11=sppart(j). compute o11=oad(j). compute ka11=kid0x(j). compute kb11=kid10(j). compute par11=paren(j). compute ohm11=othhh(j). compute okn11=othkn(j). compute start11=j*10-10. compute time11=10. compute end10=j*10-10. Else if m12=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time11=time11+10. Else if m12=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m12=main(j). compute old12=av(j). compute s12=sec(j). compute in12=inout(j). compute e12=eloc(j). compute tech12=ict(j). compute trav12=mtrav(j). compute aln12=alone(j). compute kid12=child(j). compute sp12=sppart(j). compute o12=oad(j). compute ka12=kid0x(j). compute kb12=kid10(j). compute par12=paren(j). compute ohm12=othhh(j). compute okn12=othkn(j). compute start12=j*10-10. compute time12=10. compute end11=j*10-10. Else if m13=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time12=time12+10. Else if m13=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m13=main(j). compute old13=av(j). compute s13=sec(j). compute in13=inout(j). compute e13=eloc(j). compute tech13=ict(j). compute trav13=mtrav(j). compute aln13=alone(j). compute kid13=child(j). compute sp13=sppart(j). compute o13=oad(j). compute ka13=kid0x(j). compute kb13=kid10(j). compute par13=paren(j). compute ohm13=othhh(j). compute okn13=othkn(j). compute start13=j*10-10. compute time13=10. compute end12=j*10-10. Else if m14=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time13=time13+10. Else if m14=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m14=main(j). compute old14=av(j). compute s14=sec(j). compute in14=inout(j). compute e14=eloc(j). compute tech14=ict(j). compute trav14=mtrav(j). compute aln14=alone(j). compute kid14=child(j). compute sp14=sppart(j). compute o14=oad(j). compute ka14=kid0x(j). compute kb14=kid10(j). compute par14=paren(j). compute ohm14=othhh(j). compute okn14=othkn(j). compute start14=j*10-10. compute time14=10. compute end13=j*10-10. Else if m15=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time14=time14+10. Else if m15=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m15=main(j). compute old15=av(j). compute s15=sec(j). compute in15=inout(j). compute e15=eloc(j). compute tech15=ict(j). compute trav15=mtrav(j). compute aln15=alone(j). compute kid15=child(j). compute sp15=sppart(j). compute o15=oad(j). compute ka15=kid0x(j). compute kb15=kid10(j). compute par15=paren(j). compute ohm15=othhh(j). compute okn15=othkn(j). compute start15=j*10-10. compute time15=10. compute end14=j*10-10. Else if m16=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time15=time15+10. Else if m16=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m16=main(j). compute old16=av(j). compute s16=sec(j). compute in16=inout(j). compute e16=eloc(j). compute tech16=ict(j). compute trav16=mtrav(j). compute aln16=alone(j). compute kid16=child(j). compute sp16=sppart(j). compute o16=oad(j). compute ka16=kid0x(j). compute kb16=kid10(j). compute par16=paren(j). compute ohm16=othhh(j). compute okn16=othkn(j). compute start16=j*10-10. compute time16=10. compute end15=j*10-10. Else if m17=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time16=time16+10. Else if m17=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m17=main(j). compute old17=av(j). compute s17=sec(j). compute in17=inout(j). compute e17=eloc(j). compute tech17=ict(j). compute trav17=mtrav(j). compute aln17=alone(j). compute kid17=child(j). compute sp17=sppart(j). compute o17=oad(j). compute ka17=kid0x(j). compute kb17=kid10(j). compute par17=paren(j). compute ohm17=othhh(j). compute okn17=othkn(j). compute start17=j*10-10. compute time17=10. compute end16=j*10-10. Else if m18=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time17=time17+10. Else if m18=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m18=main(j). compute old18=av(j). compute s18=sec(j). compute in18=inout(j). compute e18=eloc(j). compute tech18=ict(j). compute trav18=mtrav(j). compute aln18=alone(j). compute kid18=child(j). compute sp18=sppart(j). compute o18=oad(j). compute ka18=kid0x(j). compute kb18=kid10(j). compute par18=paren(j). compute ohm18=othhh(j). compute okn18=othkn(j). compute start18=j*10-10. compute time18=10. compute end17=j*10-10. Else if m19=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time18=time18+10. Else if m19=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m19=main(j). compute old19=av(j). compute s19=sec(j). compute in19=inout(j). compute e19=eloc(j). compute tech19=ict(j). compute trav19=mtrav(j). compute aln19=alone(j). compute kid19=child(j). compute sp19=sppart(j). compute o19=oad(j). compute ka19=kid0x(j). compute kb19=kid10(j). compute par19=paren(j). compute ohm19=othhh(j). compute okn19=othkn(j). compute start19=j*10-10. compute time19=10. compute end18=j*10-10. Else if m20=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time19=time19+10. Else if m20=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m20=main(j). compute old20=av(j). compute s20=sec(j). compute in20=inout(j). compute e20=eloc(j). compute tech20=ict(j). compute trav20=mtrav(j). compute aln20=alone(j). compute kid20=child(j). compute sp20=sppart(j). compute o20=oad(j). compute ka20=kid0x(j). compute kb20=kid10(j). compute par20=paren(j). compute ohm20=othhh(j). compute okn20=othkn(j). compute start20=j*10-10. compute time20=10. compute end19=j*10-10. Else if m21=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time20=time20+10. Else if m21=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m21=main(j). compute old21=av(j). compute s21=sec(j). compute in21=inout(j). compute e21=eloc(j). compute tech21=ict(j). compute trav21=mtrav(j). compute aln21=alone(j). compute kid21=child(j). compute sp21=sppart(j). compute o21=oad(j). compute ka21=kid0x(j). compute kb21=kid10(j). compute par21=paren(j). compute ohm21=othhh(j). compute okn21=othkn(j). compute start21=j*10-10. compute time21=10. compute end20=j*10-10. Else if m22=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time21=time21+10. Else if m22=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m22=main(j). compute old22=av(j). compute s22=sec(j). compute in22=inout(j). compute e22=eloc(j). compute tech22=ict(j). compute trav22=mtrav(j). compute aln22=alone(j). compute kid22=child(j). compute sp22=sppart(j). compute o22=oad(j). compute ka22=kid0x(j). compute kb22=kid10(j). compute par22=paren(j). compute ohm22=othhh(j). compute okn22=othkn(j). compute start22=j*10-10. compute time22=10. compute end21=j*10-10. Else if m23=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time22=time22+10. Else if m23=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m23=main(j). compute old23=av(j). compute s23=sec(j). compute in23=inout(j). compute e23=eloc(j). compute tech23=ict(j). compute trav23=mtrav(j). compute aln23=alone(j). compute kid23=child(j). compute sp23=sppart(j). compute o23=oad(j). compute ka23=kid0x(j). compute kb23=kid10(j). compute par23=paren(j). compute ohm23=othhh(j). compute okn23=othkn(j). compute start23=j*10-10. compute time23=10. compute end22=j*10-10. Else if m24=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time23=time23+10. Else if m24=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m24=main(j). compute old24=av(j). compute s24=sec(j). compute in24=inout(j). compute e24=eloc(j). compute tech24=ict(j). compute trav24=mtrav(j). compute aln24=alone(j). compute kid24=child(j). compute sp24=sppart(j). compute o24=oad(j). compute ka24=kid0x(j). compute kb24=kid10(j). compute par24=paren(j). compute ohm24=othhh(j). compute okn24=othkn(j). compute start24=j*10-10. compute time24=10. compute end23=j*10-10. Else if m25=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time24=time24+10. Else if m25=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m25=main(j). compute old25=av(j). compute s25=sec(j). compute in25=inout(j). compute e25=eloc(j). compute tech25=ict(j). compute trav25=mtrav(j). compute aln25=alone(j). compute kid25=child(j). compute sp25=sppart(j). compute o25=oad(j). compute ka25=kid0x(j). compute kb25=kid10(j). compute par25=paren(j). compute ohm25=othhh(j). compute okn25=othkn(j). compute start25=j*10-10. compute time25=10. compute end24=j*10-10. Else if m26=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time25=time25+10. Else if m26=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m26=main(j). compute old26=av(j). compute s26=sec(j). compute in26=inout(j). compute e26=eloc(j). compute tech26=ict(j). compute trav26=mtrav(j). compute aln26=alone(j). compute kid26=child(j). compute sp26=sppart(j). compute o26=oad(j). compute ka26=kid0x(j). compute kb26=kid10(j). compute par26=paren(j). compute ohm26=othhh(j). compute okn26=othkn(j). compute start26=j*10-10. compute time26=10. compute end25=j*10-10. Else if m27=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time26=time26+10. Else if m27=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m27=main(j). compute old27=av(j). compute s27=sec(j). compute in27=inout(j). compute e27=eloc(j). compute tech27=ict(j). compute trav27=mtrav(j). compute aln27=alone(j). compute kid27=child(j). compute sp27=sppart(j). compute o27=oad(j). compute ka27=kid0x(j). compute kb27=kid10(j). compute par27=paren(j). compute ohm27=othhh(j). compute okn27=othkn(j). compute start27=j*10-10. compute time27=10. compute end26=j*10-10. Else if m28=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time27=time27+10. Else if m28=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m28=main(j). compute old28=av(j). compute s28=sec(j). compute in28=inout(j). compute e28=eloc(j). compute tech28=ict(j). compute trav28=mtrav(j). compute aln28=alone(j). compute kid28=child(j). compute sp28=sppart(j). compute o28=oad(j). compute ka28=kid0x(j). compute kb28=kid10(j). compute par28=paren(j). compute ohm28=othhh(j). compute okn28=othkn(j). compute start28=j*10-10. compute time28=10. compute end27=j*10-10. Else if m29=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time28=time28+10. Else if m29=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m29=main(j). compute old29=av(j). compute s29=sec(j). compute in29=inout(j). compute e29=eloc(j). compute tech29=ict(j). compute trav29=mtrav(j). compute aln29=alone(j). compute kid29=child(j). compute sp29=sppart(j). compute o29=oad(j). compute ka29=kid0x(j). compute kb29=kid10(j). compute par29=paren(j). compute ohm29=othhh(j). compute okn29=othkn(j). compute start29=j*10-10. compute time29=10. compute end28=j*10-10. Else if m30=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time29=time29+10. Else if m30=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m30=main(j). compute old30=av(j). compute s30=sec(j). compute in30=inout(j). compute e30=eloc(j). compute tech30=ict(j). compute trav30=mtrav(j). compute aln30=alone(j). compute kid30=child(j). compute sp30=sppart(j). compute o30=oad(j). compute ka30=kid0x(j). compute kb30=kid10(j). compute par30=paren(j). compute ohm30=othhh(j). compute okn30=othkn(j). compute start30=j*10-10. compute time30=10. compute end29=j*10-10. Else if m31=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time30=time30+10. Else if m31=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m31=main(j). compute old31=av(j). compute s31=sec(j). compute in31=inout(j). compute e31=eloc(j). compute tech31=ict(j). compute trav31=mtrav(j). compute aln31=alone(j). compute kid31=child(j). compute sp31=sppart(j). compute o31=oad(j). compute ka31=kid0x(j). compute kb31=kid10(j). compute par31=paren(j). compute ohm31=othhh(j). compute okn31=othkn(j). compute start31=j*10-10. compute time31=10. compute end30=j*10-10. Else if m32=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time31=time31+10. Else if m32=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m32=main(j). compute old32=av(j). compute s32=sec(j). compute in32=inout(j). compute e32=eloc(j). compute tech32=ict(j). compute trav32=mtrav(j). compute aln32=alone(j). compute kid32=child(j). compute sp32=sppart(j). compute o32=oad(j). compute ka32=kid0x(j). compute kb32=kid10(j). compute par32=paren(j). compute ohm32=othhh(j). compute okn32=othkn(j). compute start32=j*10-10. compute time32=10. compute end31=j*10-10. Else if m33=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time32=time32+10. Else if m33=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m33=main(j). compute old33=av(j). compute s33=sec(j). compute in33=inout(j). compute e33=eloc(j). compute tech33=ict(j). compute trav33=mtrav(j). compute aln33=alone(j). compute kid33=child(j). compute sp33=sppart(j). compute o33=oad(j). compute ka33=kid0x(j). compute kb33=kid10(j). compute par33=paren(j). compute ohm33=othhh(j). compute okn33=othkn(j). compute start33=j*10-10. compute time33=10. compute end32=j*10-10. Else if m34=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time33=time33+10. Else if m34=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m34=main(j). compute old34=av(j). compute s34=sec(j). compute in34=inout(j). compute e34=eloc(j). compute tech34=ict(j). compute trav34=mtrav(j). compute aln34=alone(j). compute kid34=child(j). compute sp34=sppart(j). compute o34=oad(j). compute ka34=kid0x(j). compute kb34=kid10(j). compute par34=paren(j). compute ohm34=othhh(j). compute okn34=othkn(j). compute start34=j*10-10. compute time34=10. compute end33=j*10-10. Else if m35=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time34=time34+10. Else if m35=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m35=main(j). compute old35=av(j). compute s35=sec(j). compute in35=inout(j). compute e35=eloc(j). compute tech35=ict(j). compute trav35=mtrav(j). compute aln35=alone(j). compute kid35=child(j). compute sp35=sppart(j). compute o35=oad(j). compute ka35=kid0x(j). compute kb35=kid10(j). compute par35=paren(j). compute ohm35=othhh(j). compute okn35=othkn(j). compute start35=j*10-10. compute time35=10. compute end34=j*10-10. Else if m35>0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time35=time35+10. End if. end loop. if maxep=1 end1=1440. if maxep=2 end2=1440. if maxep=3 end3=1440. if maxep=4 end4=1440. if maxep=5 end5=1440. if maxep=6 end6=1440. if maxep=7 end7=1440. if maxep=8 end8=1440. if maxep=9 end9=1440. if maxep=10 end10=1440. if maxep=11 end11=1440. if maxep=12 end12=1440. if maxep=13 end13=1440. if maxep=14 end14=1440. if maxep=15 end15=1440. if maxep=16 end16=1440. if maxep=17 end17=1440. if maxep=18 end18=1440. if maxep=19 end19=1440. if maxep=20 end20=1440. if maxep=21 end21=1440. if maxep=22 end22=1440. if maxep=23 end23=1440. if maxep=24 end24=1440. if maxep=25 end25=1440. if maxep=26 end26=1440. if maxep=27 end27=1440. if maxep=28 end28=1440. if maxep=29 end29=1440. if maxep=30 end30=1440. if maxep=31 end31=1440. if maxep=32 end32=1440. if maxep=33 end33=1440. if maxep=34 end34=1440. if maxep=35 end35=1440. End if. freq start1 start35 start36 m1 m35 m36 old1 old35 old36 s1 s35 s36 in1 in35 in36 e1 e35 e36 tech1 tech35 tech36 trav1 trav35 trav36 aln1 aln35 aln36 kid1 kid35 kid36 sp1 sp35 sp36 o1 o35 o36 ka35 kb35 par35 ohm35 okn35. desc time1 time34 time35 time36. freq end1 end2 end3 end4 end5 end6 end7 end8 end9 end10 end35 end36. *if all working right, the number of cases with maxep values should equal *the number of end cases at 1440 *# episodes #cases * 1 15 * 2 0 * 3 6 * 4 7 * 5 19 * 6 23 * 7 40 * 8 44 * 9 124 * 10 183 * 35 444. *repeat the exercise for the <20% of cases with more than 35 episodes. Do if maxep>35. vector main=main1 to main144 /av=av1 to av144 / sec=sec1 to sec144 /inout=inout1 to inout144 /eloc=eloc1 to eloc144 / ict=ict1 to ict144 /mtrav=mtrav1 to mtrav144 / alone=alone1 to alone144 / child=child1 to child144 / sppart=sppart1 to sppart144 / oad=oad1 to oad144 /kid0x=kid0x1 to kid0x144 /kid10=kid101 to kid10144 /paren=paren1 to paren144 /othhh=othhh1 to othhh144 /othkn=othkn1 to othkn144. Loop i=1 to 143. compute j=i+1. Do if m2=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time1=time1+10. Else if m2=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m2=main(j). compute old2=av(j). compute s2=sec(j). compute in2=inout(j). compute e2=eloc(j). compute tech2=ict(j). compute trav2=mtrav(j). compute aln2=alone(j). compute kid2=child(j). compute sp2=sppart(j). compute o2=oad(j). compute ka2=kid0x(j). compute kb2=kid10(j). compute par2=paren(j). compute ohm2=othhh(j). compute okn2=othkn(j). compute start2=j*10-10. compute time2=10. compute end1=j*10-10. Else if m3=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time2=time2+10. Else if m3=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m3=main(j). compute old3=av(j). compute s3=sec(j). compute in3=inout(j). compute e3=eloc(j). compute tech3=ict(j). compute trav3=mtrav(j). compute aln3=alone(j). compute kid3=child(j). compute sp3=sppart(j). compute o3=oad(j). compute ka3=kid0x(j). compute kb3=kid10(j). compute par3=paren(j). compute ohm3=othhh(j). compute okn3=othkn(j). compute start3=j*10-10. compute time3=10. compute end2=j*10-10. Else if m4=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time3=time3+10. Else if m4=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m4=main(j). compute old4=av(j). compute s4=sec(j). compute in4=inout(j). compute e4=eloc(j). compute tech4=ict(j). compute trav4=mtrav(j). compute aln4=alone(j). compute kid4=child(j). compute sp4=sppart(j). compute o4=oad(j). compute ka4=kid0x(j). compute kb4=kid10(j). compute par4=paren(j). compute ohm4=othhh(j). compute okn4=othkn(j). compute start4=j*10-10. compute time4=10. compute end3=j*10-10. Else if m5=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time4=time4+10. Else if m5=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m5=main(j). compute old5=av(j). compute s5=sec(j). compute in5=inout(j). compute e5=eloc(j). compute tech5=ict(j). compute trav5=mtrav(j). compute aln5=alone(j). compute kid5=child(j). compute sp5=sppart(j). compute o5=oad(j). compute ka5=kid0x(j). compute kb5=kid10(j). compute par5=paren(j). compute ohm5=othhh(j). compute okn5=othkn(j). compute start5=j*10-10. compute time5=10. compute end4=j*10-10. Else if m6=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time5=time5+10. Else if m6=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m6=main(j). compute old6=av(j). compute s6=sec(j). compute in6=inout(j). compute e6=eloc(j). compute tech6=ict(j). compute trav6=mtrav(j). compute aln6=alone(j). compute kid6=child(j). compute sp6=sppart(j). compute o6=oad(j). compute ka6=kid0x(j). compute kb6=kid10(j). compute par6=paren(j). compute ohm6=othhh(j). compute okn6=othkn(j). compute start6=j*10-10. compute time6=10. compute end5=j*10-10. Else if m7=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time6=time6+10. Else if m7=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m7=main(j). compute old7=av(j). compute s7=sec(j). compute in7=inout(j). compute e7=eloc(j). compute tech7=ict(j). compute trav7=mtrav(j). compute aln7=alone(j). compute kid7=child(j). compute sp7=sppart(j). compute o7=oad(j). compute ka7=kid0x(j). compute kb7=kid10(j). compute par7=paren(j). compute ohm7=othhh(j). compute okn7=othkn(j). compute start7=j*10-10. compute time7=10. compute end6=j*10-10. Else if m8=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time7=time7+10. Else if m8=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m8=main(j). compute old8=av(j). compute s8=sec(j). compute in8=inout(j). compute e8=eloc(j). compute tech8=ict(j). compute trav8=mtrav(j). compute aln8=alone(j). compute kid8=child(j). compute sp8=sppart(j). compute o8=oad(j). compute ka8=kid0x(j). compute kb8=kid10(j). compute par8=paren(j). compute ohm8=othhh(j). compute okn8=othkn(j). compute start8=j*10-10. compute time8=10. compute end7=j*10-10. Else if m9=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time8=time8+10. Else if m9=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m9=main(j). compute old9=av(j). compute s9=sec(j). compute in9=inout(j). compute e9=eloc(j). compute tech9=ict(j). compute trav9=mtrav(j). compute aln9=alone(j). compute kid9=child(j). compute sp9=sppart(j). compute o9=oad(j). compute ka9=kid0x(j). compute kb9=kid10(j). compute par9=paren(j). compute ohm9=othhh(j). compute okn9=othkn(j). compute start9=j*10-10. compute time9=10. compute end8=j*10-10. Else if m10=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time9=time9+10. Else if m10=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m10=main(j). compute old10=av(j). compute s10=sec(j). compute in10=inout(j). compute e10=eloc(j). compute tech10=ict(j). compute trav10=mtrav(j). compute aln10=alone(j). compute kid10=child(j). compute sp10=sppart(j). compute o10=oad(j). compute ka10=kid0x(j). compute kb10=kid10(j). compute par10=paren(j). compute ohm10=othhh(j). compute okn10=othkn(j). compute start10=j*10-10. compute time10=10. compute end9=j*10-10. Else if m11=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time10=time10+10. Else if m11=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m11=main(j). compute old11=av(j). compute s11=sec(j). compute in11=inout(j). compute e11=eloc(j). compute tech11=ict(j). compute trav11=mtrav(j). compute aln11=alone(j). compute kid11=child(j). compute sp11=sppart(j). compute o11=oad(j). compute ka11=kid0x(j). compute kb11=kid10(j). compute par11=paren(j). compute ohm11=othhh(j). compute okn11=othkn(j). compute start11=j*10-10. compute time11=10. compute end10=j*10-10. Else if m12=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time11=time11+10. Else if m12=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m12=main(j). compute old12=av(j). compute s12=sec(j). compute in12=inout(j). compute e12=eloc(j). compute tech12=ict(j). compute trav12=mtrav(j). compute aln12=alone(j). compute kid12=child(j). compute sp12=sppart(j). compute o12=oad(j). compute ka12=kid0x(j). compute kb12=kid10(j). compute par12=paren(j). compute ohm12=othhh(j). compute okn12=othkn(j). compute start12=j*10-10. compute time12=10. compute end11=j*10-10. Else if m13=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time12=time12+10. Else if m13=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m13=main(j). compute old13=av(j). compute s13=sec(j). compute in13=inout(j). compute e13=eloc(j). compute tech13=ict(j). compute trav13=mtrav(j). compute aln13=alone(j). compute kid13=child(j). compute sp13=sppart(j). compute o13=oad(j). compute ka13=kid0x(j). compute kb13=kid10(j). compute par13=paren(j). compute ohm13=othhh(j). compute okn13=othkn(j). compute start13=j*10-10. compute time13=10. compute end12=j*10-10. Else if m14=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time13=time13+10. Else if m14=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m14=main(j). compute old14=av(j). compute s14=sec(j). compute in14=inout(j). compute e14=eloc(j). compute tech14=ict(j). compute trav14=mtrav(j). compute aln14=alone(j). compute kid14=child(j). compute sp14=sppart(j). compute o14=oad(j). compute ka14=kid0x(j). compute kb14=kid10(j). compute par14=paren(j). compute ohm14=othhh(j). compute okn14=othkn(j). compute start14=j*10-10. compute time14=10. compute end13=j*10-10. Else if m15=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time14=time14+10. Else if m15=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m15=main(j). compute old15=av(j). compute s15=sec(j). compute in15=inout(j). compute e15=eloc(j). compute tech15=ict(j). compute trav15=mtrav(j). compute aln15=alone(j). compute kid15=child(j). compute sp15=sppart(j). compute o15=oad(j). compute ka15=kid0x(j). compute kb15=kid10(j). compute par15=paren(j). compute ohm15=othhh(j). compute okn15=othkn(j). compute start15=j*10-10. compute time15=10. compute end14=j*10-10. Else if m16=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time15=time15+10. Else if m16=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m16=main(j). compute old16=av(j). compute s16=sec(j). compute in16=inout(j). compute e16=eloc(j). compute tech16=ict(j). compute trav16=mtrav(j). compute aln16=alone(j). compute kid16=child(j). compute sp16=sppart(j). compute o16=oad(j). compute ka16=kid0x(j). compute kb16=kid10(j). compute par16=paren(j). compute ohm16=othhh(j). compute okn16=othkn(j). compute start16=j*10-10. compute time16=10. compute end15=j*10-10. Else if m17=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time16=time16+10. Else if m17=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m17=main(j). compute old17=av(j). compute s17=sec(j). compute in17=inout(j). compute e17=eloc(j). compute tech17=ict(j). compute trav17=mtrav(j). compute aln17=alone(j). compute kid17=child(j). compute sp17=sppart(j). compute o17=oad(j). compute ka17=kid0x(j). compute kb17=kid10(j). compute par17=paren(j). compute ohm17=othhh(j). compute okn17=othkn(j). compute start17=j*10-10. compute time17=10. compute end16=j*10-10. Else if m18=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time17=time17+10. Else if m18=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m18=main(j). compute old18=av(j). compute s18=sec(j). compute in18=inout(j). compute e18=eloc(j). compute tech18=ict(j). compute trav18=mtrav(j). compute aln18=alone(j). compute kid18=child(j). compute sp18=sppart(j). compute o18=oad(j). compute ka18=kid0x(j). compute kb18=kid10(j). compute par18=paren(j). compute ohm18=othhh(j). compute okn18=othkn(j). compute start18=j*10-10. compute time18=10. compute end17=j*10-10. Else if m19=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time18=time18+10. Else if m19=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m19=main(j). compute old19=av(j). compute s19=sec(j). compute in19=inout(j). compute e19=eloc(j). compute tech19=ict(j). compute trav19=mtrav(j). compute aln19=alone(j). compute kid19=child(j). compute sp19=sppart(j). compute o19=oad(j). compute ka19=kid0x(j). compute kb19=kid10(j). compute par19=paren(j). compute ohm19=othhh(j). compute okn19=othkn(j). compute start19=j*10-10. compute time19=10. compute end18=j*10-10. Else if m20=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time19=time19+10. Else if m20=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m20=main(j). compute old20=av(j). compute s20=sec(j). compute in20=inout(j). compute e20=eloc(j). compute tech20=ict(j). compute trav20=mtrav(j). compute aln20=alone(j). compute kid20=child(j). compute sp20=sppart(j). compute o20=oad(j). compute ka20=kid0x(j). compute kb20=kid10(j). compute par20=paren(j). compute ohm20=othhh(j). compute okn20=othkn(j). compute start20=j*10-10. compute time20=10. compute end19=j*10-10. Else if m21=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time20=time20+10. Else if m21=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m21=main(j). compute old21=av(j). compute s21=sec(j). compute in21=inout(j). compute e21=eloc(j). compute tech21=ict(j). compute trav21=mtrav(j). compute aln21=alone(j). compute kid21=child(j). compute sp21=sppart(j). compute o21=oad(j). compute ka21=kid0x(j). compute kb21=kid10(j). compute par21=paren(j). compute ohm21=othhh(j). compute okn21=othkn(j). compute start21=j*10-10. compute time21=10. compute end20=j*10-10. Else if m22=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time21=time21+10. Else if m22=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m22=main(j). compute old22=av(j). compute s22=sec(j). compute in22=inout(j). compute e22=eloc(j). compute tech22=ict(j). compute trav22=mtrav(j). compute aln22=alone(j). compute kid22=child(j). compute sp22=sppart(j). compute o22=oad(j). compute ka22=kid0x(j). compute kb22=kid10(j). compute par22=paren(j). compute ohm22=othhh(j). compute okn22=othkn(j). compute start22=j*10-10. compute time22=10. compute end21=j*10-10. Else if m23=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time22=time22+10. Else if m23=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m23=main(j). compute old23=av(j). compute s23=sec(j). compute in23=inout(j). compute e23=eloc(j). compute tech23=ict(j). compute trav23=mtrav(j). compute aln23=alone(j). compute kid23=child(j). compute sp23=sppart(j). compute o23=oad(j). compute ka23=kid0x(j). compute kb23=kid10(j). compute par23=paren(j). compute ohm23=othhh(j). compute okn23=othkn(j). compute start23=j*10-10. compute time23=10. compute end22=j*10-10. Else if m24=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time23=time23+10. Else if m24=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m24=main(j). compute old24=av(j). compute s24=sec(j). compute in24=inout(j). compute e24=eloc(j). compute tech24=ict(j). compute trav24=mtrav(j). compute aln24=alone(j). compute kid24=child(j). compute sp24=sppart(j). compute o24=oad(j). compute ka24=kid0x(j). compute kb24=kid10(j). compute par24=paren(j). compute ohm24=othhh(j). compute okn24=othkn(j). compute start24=j*10-10. compute time24=10. compute end23=j*10-10. Else if m25=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time24=time24+10. Else if m25=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m25=main(j). compute old25=av(j). compute s25=sec(j). compute in25=inout(j). compute e25=eloc(j). compute tech25=ict(j). compute trav25=mtrav(j). compute aln25=alone(j). compute kid25=child(j). compute sp25=sppart(j). compute o25=oad(j). compute ka25=kid0x(j). compute kb25=kid10(j). compute par25=paren(j). compute ohm25=othhh(j). compute okn25=othkn(j). compute start25=j*10-10. compute time25=10. compute end24=j*10-10. Else if m26=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time25=time25+10. Else if m26=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m26=main(j). compute old26=av(j). compute s26=sec(j). compute in26=inout(j). compute e26=eloc(j). compute tech26=ict(j). compute trav26=mtrav(j). compute aln26=alone(j). compute kid26=child(j). compute sp26=sppart(j). compute o26=oad(j). compute ka26=kid0x(j). compute kb26=kid10(j). compute par26=paren(j). compute ohm26=othhh(j). compute okn26=othkn(j). compute start26=j*10-10. compute time26=10. compute end25=j*10-10. Else if m27=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time26=time26+10. Else if m27=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m27=main(j). compute old27=av(j). compute s27=sec(j). compute in27=inout(j). compute e27=eloc(j). compute tech27=ict(j). compute trav27=mtrav(j). compute aln27=alone(j). compute kid27=child(j). compute sp27=sppart(j). compute o27=oad(j). compute ka27=kid0x(j). compute kb27=kid10(j). compute par27=paren(j). compute ohm27=othhh(j). compute okn27=othkn(j). compute start27=j*10-10. compute time27=10. compute end26=j*10-10. Else if m28=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time27=time27+10. Else if m28=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m28=main(j). compute old28=av(j). compute s28=sec(j). compute in28=inout(j). compute e28=eloc(j). compute tech28=ict(j). compute trav28=mtrav(j). compute aln28=alone(j). compute kid28=child(j). compute sp28=sppart(j). compute o28=oad(j). compute ka28=kid0x(j). compute kb28=kid10(j). compute par28=paren(j). compute ohm28=othhh(j). compute okn28=othkn(j). compute start28=j*10-10. compute time28=10. compute end27=j*10-10. Else if m29=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time28=time28+10. Else if m29=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m29=main(j). compute old29=av(j). compute s29=sec(j). compute in29=inout(j). compute e29=eloc(j). compute tech29=ict(j). compute trav29=mtrav(j). compute aln29=alone(j). compute kid29=child(j). compute sp29=sppart(j). compute o29=oad(j). compute ka29=kid0x(j). compute kb29=kid10(j). compute par29=paren(j). compute ohm29=othhh(j). compute okn29=othkn(j). compute start29=j*10-10. compute time29=10. compute end28=j*10-10. Else if m30=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time29=time29+10. Else if m30=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m30=main(j). compute old30=av(j). compute s30=sec(j). compute in30=inout(j). compute e30=eloc(j). compute tech30=ict(j). compute trav30=mtrav(j). compute aln30=alone(j). compute kid30=child(j). compute sp30=sppart(j). compute o30=oad(j). compute ka30=kid0x(j). compute kb30=kid10(j). compute par30=paren(j). compute ohm30=othhh(j). compute okn30=othkn(j). compute start30=j*10-10. compute time30=10. compute end29=j*10-10. Else if m31=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time30=time30+10. Else if m31=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m31=main(j). compute old31=av(j). compute s31=sec(j). compute in31=inout(j). compute e31=eloc(j). compute tech31=ict(j). compute trav31=mtrav(j). compute aln31=alone(j). compute kid31=child(j). compute sp31=sppart(j). compute o31=oad(j). compute ka31=kid0x(j). compute kb31=kid10(j). compute par31=paren(j). compute ohm31=othhh(j). compute okn31=othkn(j). compute start31=j*10-10. compute time31=10. compute end30=j*10-10. Else if m32=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time31=time31+10. Else if m32=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m32=main(j). compute old32=av(j). compute s32=sec(j). compute in32=inout(j). compute e32=eloc(j). compute tech32=ict(j). compute trav32=mtrav(j). compute aln32=alone(j). compute kid32=child(j). compute sp32=sppart(j). compute o32=oad(j). compute ka32=kid0x(j). compute kb32=kid10(j). compute par32=paren(j). compute ohm32=othhh(j). compute okn32=othkn(j). compute start32=j*10-10. compute time32=10. compute end31=j*10-10. Else if m33=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time32=time32+10. Else if m33=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m33=main(j). compute old33=av(j). compute s33=sec(j). compute in33=inout(j). compute e33=eloc(j). compute tech33=ict(j). compute trav33=mtrav(j). compute aln33=alone(j). compute kid33=child(j). compute sp33=sppart(j). compute o33=oad(j). compute ka33=kid0x(j). compute kb33=kid10(j). compute par33=paren(j). compute ohm33=othhh(j). compute okn33=othkn(j). compute start33=j*10-10. compute time33=10. compute end32=j*10-10. Else if m34=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time33=time33+10. Else if m34=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m34=main(j). compute old34=av(j). compute s34=sec(j). compute in34=inout(j). compute e34=eloc(j). compute tech34=ict(j). compute trav34=mtrav(j). compute aln34=alone(j). compute kid34=child(j). compute sp34=sppart(j). compute o34=oad(j). compute ka34=kid0x(j). compute kb34=kid10(j). compute par34=paren(j). compute ohm34=othhh(j). compute okn34=othkn(j). compute start34=j*10-10. compute time34=10. compute end33=j*10-10. Else if m35=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time34=time34+10. Else if m35=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time34=time34+10. Else if m35=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m35=main(j). compute old35=av(j). compute s35=sec(j). compute in35=inout(j). compute e35=eloc(j). compute tech35=ict(j). compute trav35=mtrav(j). compute aln35=alone(j). compute kid35=child(j). compute sp35=sppart(j). compute o35=oad(j). compute ka35=kid0x(j). compute kb35=kid10(j). compute par35=paren(j). compute ohm35=othhh(j). compute okn35=othkn(j). compute start35=j*10-10. compute time35=10. compute end34=j*10-10. Else if m36=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time35=time35+10. Else if m36=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m36=main(j). compute old36=av(j). compute s36=sec(j). compute in36=inout(j). compute e36=eloc(j). compute tech36=ict(j). compute trav36=mtrav(j). compute aln36=alone(j). compute kid36=child(j). compute sp36=sppart(j). compute o36=oad(j). compute ka36=kid0x(j). compute kb36=kid10(j). compute par36=paren(j). compute ohm36=othhh(j). compute okn36=othkn(j). compute start36=j*10-10. compute time36=10. compute end35=j*10-10. Else if m37=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time36=time36+10. Else if m37=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m37=main(j). compute old37=av(j). compute s37=sec(j). compute in37=inout(j). compute e37=eloc(j). compute tech37=ict(j). compute trav37=mtrav(j). compute aln37=alone(j). compute kid37=child(j). compute sp37=sppart(j). compute o37=oad(j). compute ka37=kid0x(j). compute kb37=kid10(j). compute par37=paren(j). compute ohm37=othhh(j). compute okn37=othkn(j). compute start37=j*10-10. compute time37=10. compute end36=j*10-10. Else if m38=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time37=time37+10. Else if m38=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m38=main(j). compute old38=av(j). compute s38=sec(j). compute in38=inout(j). compute e38=eloc(j). compute tech38=ict(j). compute trav38=mtrav(j). compute aln38=alone(j). compute kid38=child(j). compute sp38=sppart(j). compute o38=oad(j). compute ka38=kid0x(j). compute kb38=kid10(j). compute par38=paren(j). compute ohm38=othhh(j). compute okn38=othkn(j). compute start38=j*10-10. compute time38=10. compute end37=j*10-10. Else if m39=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time38=time38+10. Else if m39=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m39=main(j). compute old39=av(j). compute s39=sec(j). compute in39=inout(j). compute e39=eloc(j). compute tech39=ict(j). compute trav39=mtrav(j). compute aln39=alone(j). compute kid39=child(j). compute sp39=sppart(j). compute o39=oad(j). compute ka39=kid0x(j). compute kb39=kid10(j). compute par39=paren(j). compute ohm39=othhh(j). compute okn39=othkn(j). compute start39=j*10-10. compute time39=10. compute end38=j*10-10. Else if m40=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time39=time39+10. Else if m40=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m40=main(j). compute old40=av(j). compute s40=sec(j). compute in40=inout(j). compute e40=eloc(j). compute tech40=ict(j). compute trav40=mtrav(j). compute aln40=alone(j). compute kid40=child(j). compute sp40=sppart(j). compute o40=oad(j). compute ka40=kid0x(j). compute kb40=kid10(j). compute par40=paren(j). compute ohm40=othhh(j). compute okn40=othkn(j). compute start40=j*10-10. compute time40=10. compute end39=j*10-10. Else if m41=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time40=time40+10. Else if m41=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m41=main(j). compute old41=av(j). compute s41=sec(j). compute in41=inout(j). compute e41=eloc(j). compute tech41=ict(j). compute trav41=mtrav(j). compute aln41=alone(j). compute kid41=child(j). compute sp41=sppart(j). compute o41=oad(j). compute ka41=kid0x(j). compute kb41=kid10(j). compute par41=paren(j). compute ohm41=othhh(j). compute okn41=othkn(j). compute start41=j*10-10. compute time41=10. compute end40=j*10-10. Else if m42=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time41=time41+10. Else if m42=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m42=main(j). compute old42=av(j). compute s42=sec(j). compute in42=inout(j). compute e42=eloc(j). compute tech42=ict(j). compute trav42=mtrav(j). compute aln42=alone(j). compute kid42=child(j). compute sp42=sppart(j). compute o42=oad(j). compute ka42=kid0x(j). compute kb42=kid10(j). compute par42=paren(j). compute ohm42=othhh(j). compute okn42=othkn(j). compute start42=j*10-10. compute time42=10. compute end41=j*10-10. Else if m43=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time42=time42+10. Else if m43=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m43=main(j). compute old43=av(j). compute s43=sec(j). compute in43=inout(j). compute e43=eloc(j). compute tech43=ict(j). compute trav43=mtrav(j). compute aln43=alone(j). compute kid43=child(j). compute sp43=sppart(j). compute o43=oad(j). compute ka43=kid0x(j). compute kb43=kid10(j). compute par43=paren(j). compute ohm43=othhh(j). compute okn43=othkn(j). compute start43=j*10-10. compute time43=10. compute end42=j*10-10. Else if m44=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time43=time43+10. Else if m44=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m44=main(j). compute old44=av(j). compute s44=sec(j). compute in44=inout(j). compute e44=eloc(j). compute tech44=ict(j). compute trav44=mtrav(j). compute aln44=alone(j). compute kid44=child(j). compute sp44=sppart(j). compute o44=oad(j). compute ka44=kid0x(j). compute kb44=kid10(j). compute par44=paren(j). compute ohm44=othhh(j). compute okn44=othkn(j). compute start44=j*10-10. compute time44=10. compute end43=j*10-10. Else if m45=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time44=time44+10. Else if m45=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m45=main(j). compute old45=av(j). compute s45=sec(j). compute in45=inout(j). compute e45=eloc(j). compute tech45=ict(j). compute trav45=mtrav(j). compute aln45=alone(j). compute kid45=child(j). compute sp45=sppart(j). compute o45=oad(j). compute ka45=kid0x(j). compute kb45=kid10(j). compute par45=paren(j). compute ohm45=othhh(j). compute okn45=othkn(j). compute start45=j*10-10. compute time45=10. compute end44=j*10-10. Else if m46=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time45=time45+10. Else if m46=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m46=main(j). compute old46=av(j). compute s46=sec(j). compute in46=inout(j). compute e46=eloc(j). compute tech46=ict(j). compute trav46=mtrav(j). compute aln46=alone(j). compute kid46=child(j). compute sp46=sppart(j). compute o46=oad(j). compute ka46=kid0x(j). compute kb46=kid10(j). compute par46=paren(j). compute ohm46=othhh(j). compute okn46=othkn(j). compute start46=j*10-10. compute time46=10. compute end45=j*10-10. Else if m47=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time46=time46+10. Else if m47=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m47=main(j). compute old47=av(j). compute s47=sec(j). compute in47=inout(j). compute e47=eloc(j). compute tech47=ict(j). compute trav47=mtrav(j). compute aln47=alone(j). compute kid47=child(j). compute sp47=sppart(j). compute o47=oad(j). compute ka47=kid0x(j). compute kb47=kid10(j). compute par47=paren(j). compute ohm47=othhh(j). compute okn47=othkn(j). compute start47=j*10-10. compute time47=10. compute end46=j*10-10. Else if m48=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time47=time47+10. Else if m48=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m48=main(j). compute old48=av(j). compute s48=sec(j). compute in48=inout(j). compute e48=eloc(j). compute tech48=ict(j). compute trav48=mtrav(j). compute aln48=alone(j). compute kid48=child(j). compute sp48=sppart(j). compute o48=oad(j). compute ka48=kid0x(j). compute kb48=kid10(j). compute par48=paren(j). compute ohm48=othhh(j). compute okn48=othkn(j). compute start48=j*10-10. compute time48=10. compute end47=j*10-10. Else if m49=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time48=time48+10. Else if m49=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m49=main(j). compute old49=av(j). compute s49=sec(j). compute in49=inout(j). compute e49=eloc(j). compute tech49=ict(j). compute trav49=mtrav(j). compute aln49=alone(j). compute kid49=child(j). compute sp49=sppart(j). compute o49=oad(j). compute ka49=kid0x(j). compute kb49=kid10(j). compute par49=paren(j). compute ohm49=othhh(j). compute okn49=othkn(j). compute start49=j*10-10. compute time49=10. compute end48=j*10-10. Else if m50=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time49=time49+10. Else if m50=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m50=main(j). compute old50=av(j). compute s50=sec(j). compute in50=inout(j). compute e50=eloc(j). compute tech50=ict(j). compute trav50=mtrav(j). compute aln50=alone(j). compute kid50=child(j). compute sp50=sppart(j). compute o50=oad(j). compute ka50=kid0x(j). compute kb50=kid10(j). compute par50=paren(j). compute ohm50=othhh(j). compute okn50=othkn(j). compute start50=j*10-10. compute time50=10. compute end49=j*10-10. Else if m51=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time50=time50+10. Else if m51=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m51=main(j). compute old51=av(j). compute s51=sec(j). compute in51=inout(j). compute e51=eloc(j). compute tech51=ict(j). compute trav51=mtrav(j). compute aln51=alone(j). compute kid51=child(j). compute sp51=sppart(j). compute o51=oad(j). compute ka51=kid0x(j). compute kb51=kid10(j). compute par51=paren(j). compute ohm51=othhh(j). compute okn51=othkn(j). compute start51=j*10-10. compute time51=10. compute end50=j*10-10. Else if m52=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time51=time51+10. Else if m52=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m52=main(j). compute old52=av(j). compute s52=sec(j). compute in52=inout(j). compute e52=eloc(j). compute tech52=ict(j). compute trav52=mtrav(j). compute aln52=alone(j). compute kid52=child(j). compute sp52=sppart(j). compute o52=oad(j). compute ka52=kid0x(j). compute kb52=kid10(j). compute par52=paren(j). compute ohm52=othhh(j). compute okn52=othkn(j). compute start52=j*10-10. compute time52=10. compute end51=j*10-10. Else if m53=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time52=time52+10. Else if m53=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m53=main(j). compute old53=av(j). compute s53=sec(j). compute in53=inout(j). compute e53=eloc(j). compute tech53=ict(j). compute trav53=mtrav(j). compute aln53=alone(j). compute kid53=child(j). compute sp53=sppart(j). compute o53=oad(j). compute ka53=kid0x(j). compute kb53=kid10(j). compute par53=paren(j). compute ohm53=othhh(j). compute okn53=othkn(j). compute start53=j*10-10. compute time53=10. compute end52=j*10-10. Else if m54=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time53=time53+10. Else if m54=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m54=main(j). compute old54=av(j). compute s54=sec(j). compute in54=inout(j). compute e54=eloc(j). compute tech54=ict(j). compute trav54=mtrav(j). compute aln54=alone(j). compute kid54=child(j). compute sp54=sppart(j). compute o54=oad(j). compute ka54=kid0x(j). compute kb54=kid10(j). compute par54=paren(j). compute ohm54=othhh(j). compute okn54=othkn(j). compute start54=j*10-10. compute time54=10. compute end53=j*10-10. Else if m55=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time54=time54+10. Else if m55=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m55=main(j). compute old55=av(j). compute s55=sec(j). compute in55=inout(j). compute e55=eloc(j). compute tech55=ict(j). compute trav55=mtrav(j). compute aln55=alone(j). compute kid55=child(j). compute sp55=sppart(j). compute o55=oad(j). compute ka55=kid0x(j). compute kb55=kid10(j). compute par55=paren(j). compute ohm55=othhh(j). compute okn55=othkn(j). compute start55=j*10-10. compute time55=10. compute end54=j*10-10. Else if m56=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time55=time55+10. Else if m56=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m56=main(j). compute old56=av(j). compute s56=sec(j). compute in56=inout(j). compute e56=eloc(j). compute tech56=ict(j). compute trav56=mtrav(j). compute aln56=alone(j). compute kid56=child(j). compute sp56=sppart(j). compute o56=oad(j). compute ka56=kid0x(j). compute kb56=kid10(j). compute par56=paren(j). compute ohm56=othhh(j). compute okn56=othkn(j). compute start56=j*10-10. compute time56=10. compute end55=j*10-10. Else if m57=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time56=time56+10. Else if m57=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m57=main(j). compute old57=av(j). compute s57=sec(j). compute in57=inout(j). compute e57=eloc(j). compute tech57=ict(j). compute trav57=mtrav(j). compute aln57=alone(j). compute kid57=child(j). compute sp57=sppart(j). compute o57=oad(j). compute ka57=kid0x(j). compute kb57=kid10(j). compute par57=paren(j). compute ohm57=othhh(j). compute okn57=othkn(j). compute start57=j*10-10. compute time57=10. compute end56=j*10-10. Else if m58=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time57=time57+10. Else if m58=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m58=main(j). compute old58=av(j). compute s58=sec(j). compute in58=inout(j). compute e58=eloc(j). compute tech58=ict(j). compute trav58=mtrav(j). compute aln58=alone(j). compute kid58=child(j). compute sp58=sppart(j). compute o58=oad(j). compute ka58=kid0x(j). compute kb58=kid10(j). compute par58=paren(j). compute ohm58=othhh(j). compute okn58=othkn(j). compute start58=j*10-10. compute time58=10. compute end57=j*10-10. Else if m59=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time58=time58+10. Else if m59=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m59=main(j). compute old59=av(j). compute s59=sec(j). compute in59=inout(j). compute e59=eloc(j). compute tech59=ict(j). compute trav59=mtrav(j). compute aln59=alone(j). compute kid59=child(j). compute sp59=sppart(j). compute o59=oad(j). compute ka59=kid0x(j). compute kb59=kid10(j). compute par59=paren(j). compute ohm59=othhh(j). compute okn59=othkn(j). compute start59=j*10-10. compute time59=10. compute end58=j*10-10. Else if m60=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time59=time59+10. Else if m60=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m60=main(j). compute old60=av(j). compute s60=sec(j). compute in60=inout(j). compute e60=eloc(j). compute tech60=ict(j). compute trav60=mtrav(j). compute aln60=alone(j). compute kid60=child(j). compute sp60=sppart(j). compute o60=oad(j). compute ka60=kid0x(j). compute kb60=kid10(j). compute par60=paren(j). compute ohm60=othhh(j). compute okn60=othkn(j). compute start60=j*10-10. compute time60=10. compute end59=j*10-10. Else if m61=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time60=time60+10. Else if m61=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m61=main(j). compute old61=av(j). compute s61=sec(j). compute in61=inout(j). compute e61=eloc(j). compute tech61=ict(j). compute trav61=mtrav(j). compute aln61=alone(j). compute kid61=child(j). compute sp61=sppart(j). compute o61=oad(j). compute ka61=kid0x(j). compute kb61=kid10(j). compute par61=paren(j). compute ohm61=othhh(j). compute okn61=othkn(j). compute start61=j*10-10. compute time61=10. compute end60=j*10-10. Else if m62=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time61=time61+10. Else if m62=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m62=main(j). compute old62=av(j). compute s62=sec(j). compute in62=inout(j). compute e62=eloc(j). compute tech62=ict(j). compute trav62=mtrav(j). compute aln62=alone(j). compute kid62=child(j). compute sp62=sppart(j). compute o62=oad(j). compute ka62=kid0x(j). compute kb62=kid10(j). compute par62=paren(j). compute ohm62=othhh(j). compute okn62=othkn(j). compute start62=j*10-10. compute time62=10. compute end61=j*10-10. Else if m63=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time62=time62+10. Else if m63=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m63=main(j). compute old63=av(j). compute s63=sec(j). compute in63=inout(j). compute e63=eloc(j). compute tech63=ict(j). compute trav63=mtrav(j). compute aln63=alone(j). compute kid63=child(j). compute sp63=sppart(j). compute o63=oad(j). compute ka63=kid0x(j). compute kb63=kid10(j). compute par63=paren(j). compute ohm63=othhh(j). compute okn63=othkn(j). compute start63=j*10-10. compute time63=10. compute end62=j*10-10. Else if m64=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time63=time63+10. Else if m64=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m64=main(j). compute old64=av(j). compute s64=sec(j). compute in64=inout(j). compute e64=eloc(j). compute tech64=ict(j). compute trav64=mtrav(j). compute aln64=alone(j). compute kid64=child(j). compute sp64=sppart(j). compute o64=oad(j). compute ka64=kid0x(j). compute kb64=kid10(j). compute par64=paren(j). compute ohm64=othhh(j). compute okn64=othkn(j). compute start64=j*10-10. compute time64=10. compute end63=j*10-10. Else if m65=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time64=time64+10. Else if m65=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m65=main(j). compute old65=av(j). compute s65=sec(j). compute in65=inout(j). compute e65=eloc(j). compute tech65=ict(j). compute trav65=mtrav(j). compute aln65=alone(j). compute kid65=child(j). compute sp65=sppart(j). compute o65=oad(j). compute ka65=kid0x(j). compute kb65=kid10(j). compute par65=paren(j). compute ohm65=othhh(j). compute okn65=othkn(j). compute start65=j*10-10. compute time65=10. compute end64=j*10-10. Else if m66=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time65=time65+10. Else if m66=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m66=main(j). compute old66=av(j). compute s66=sec(j). compute in66=inout(j). compute e66=eloc(j). compute tech66=ict(j). compute trav66=mtrav(j). compute aln66=alone(j). compute kid66=child(j). compute sp66=sppart(j). compute o66=oad(j). compute ka66=kid0x(j). compute kb66=kid10(j). compute par66=paren(j). compute ohm66=othhh(j). compute okn66=othkn(j). compute start66=j*10-10. compute time66=10. compute end65=j*10-10. Else if m67=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time66=time66+10. Else if m67=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m67=main(j). compute old67=av(j). compute s67=sec(j). compute in67=inout(j). compute e67=eloc(j). compute tech67=ict(j). compute trav67=mtrav(j). compute aln67=alone(j). compute kid67=child(j). compute sp67=sppart(j). compute o67=oad(j). compute ka67=kid0x(j). compute kb67=kid10(j). compute par67=paren(j). compute ohm67=othhh(j). compute okn67=othkn(j). compute start67=j*10-10. compute time67=10. compute end66=j*10-10. Else if m68=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time67=time67+10. Else if m68=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m68=main(j). compute old68=av(j). compute s68=sec(j). compute in68=inout(j). compute e68=eloc(j). compute tech68=ict(j). compute trav68=mtrav(j). compute aln68=alone(j). compute kid68=child(j). compute sp68=sppart(j). compute o68=oad(j). compute ka68=kid0x(j). compute kb68=kid10(j). compute par68=paren(j). compute ohm68=othhh(j). compute okn68=othkn(j). compute start68=j*10-10. compute time68=10. compute end67=j*10-10. Else if m69=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time68=time68+10. Else if m69=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m69=main(j). compute old69=av(j). compute s69=sec(j). compute in69=inout(j). compute e69=eloc(j). compute tech69=ict(j). compute trav69=mtrav(j). compute aln69=alone(j). compute kid69=child(j). compute sp69=sppart(j). compute o69=oad(j). compute ka69=kid0x(j). compute kb69=kid10(j). compute par69=paren(j). compute ohm69=othhh(j). compute okn69=othkn(j). compute start69=j*10-10. compute time69=10. compute end68=j*10-10. Else if m70=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time69=time69+10. Else if m70=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m70=main(j). compute old70=av(j). compute s70=sec(j). compute in70=inout(j). compute e70=eloc(j). compute tech70=ict(j). compute trav70=mtrav(j). compute aln70=alone(j). compute kid70=child(j). compute sp70=sppart(j). compute o70=oad(j). compute ka70=kid0x(j). compute kb70=kid10(j). compute par70=paren(j). compute ohm70=othhh(j). compute okn70=othkn(j). compute start70=j*10-10. compute time70=10. compute end69=j*10-10. Else if m71=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time70=time70+10. Else if m71=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m71=main(j). compute old71=av(j). compute s71=sec(j). compute in71=inout(j). compute e71=eloc(j). compute tech71=ict(j). compute trav71=mtrav(j). compute aln71=alone(j). compute kid71=child(j). compute sp71=sppart(j). compute o71=oad(j). compute ka71=kid0x(j). compute kb71=kid10(j). compute par71=paren(j). compute ohm71=othhh(j). compute okn71=othkn(j). compute start71=j*10-10. compute time71=10. compute end70=j*10-10. Else if m72=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time71=time71+10. Else if m72=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m72=main(j). compute old72=av(j). compute s72=sec(j). compute in72=inout(j). compute e72=eloc(j). compute tech72=ict(j). compute trav72=mtrav(j). compute aln72=alone(j). compute kid72=child(j). compute sp72=sppart(j). compute o72=oad(j). compute ka72=kid0x(j). compute kb72=kid10(j). compute par72=paren(j). compute ohm72=othhh(j). compute okn72=othkn(j). compute start72=j*10-10. compute time72=10. compute end71=j*10-10. Else if m73=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time72=time72+10. Else if m73=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m73=main(j). compute old73=av(j). compute s73=sec(j). compute in73=inout(j). compute e73=eloc(j). compute tech73=ict(j). compute trav73=mtrav(j). compute aln73=alone(j). compute kid73=child(j). compute sp73=sppart(j). compute o73=oad(j). compute ka73=kid0x(j). compute kb73=kid10(j). compute par73=paren(j). compute ohm73=othhh(j). compute okn73=othkn(j). compute start73=j*10-10. compute time73=10. compute end72=j*10-10. Else if m74=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time73=time73+10. Else if m74=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m74=main(j). compute old74=av(j). compute s74=sec(j). compute in74=inout(j). compute e74=eloc(j). compute tech74=ict(j). compute trav74=mtrav(j). compute aln74=alone(j). compute kid74=child(j). compute sp74=sppart(j). compute o74=oad(j). compute ka74=kid0x(j). compute kb74=kid10(j). compute par74=paren(j). compute ohm74=othhh(j). compute okn74=othkn(j). compute start74=j*10-10. compute time74=10. compute end73=j*10-10. Else if m75=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time74=time74+10. Else if m75=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m75=main(j). compute old75=av(j). compute s75=sec(j). compute in75=inout(j). compute e75=eloc(j). compute tech75=ict(j). compute trav75=mtrav(j). compute aln75=alone(j). compute kid75=child(j). compute sp75=sppart(j). compute o75=oad(j). compute ka75=kid0x(j). compute kb75=kid10(j). compute par75=paren(j). compute ohm75=othhh(j). compute okn75=othkn(j). compute start75=j*10-10. compute time75=10. compute end74=j*10-10. Else if m76=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time75=time75+10. Else if m76=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m76=main(j). compute old76=av(j). compute s76=sec(j). compute in76=inout(j). compute e76=eloc(j). compute tech76=ict(j). compute trav76=mtrav(j). compute aln76=alone(j). compute kid76=child(j). compute sp76=sppart(j). compute o76=oad(j). compute ka76=kid0x(j). compute kb76=kid10(j). compute par76=paren(j). compute ohm76=othhh(j). compute okn76=othkn(j). compute start76=j*10-10. compute time76=10. compute end75=j*10-10. Else if m77=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time76=time76+10. Else if m77=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m77=main(j). compute old77=av(j). compute s77=sec(j). compute in77=inout(j). compute e77=eloc(j). compute tech77=ict(j). compute trav77=mtrav(j). compute aln77=alone(j). compute kid77=child(j). compute sp77=sppart(j). compute o77=oad(j). compute ka77=kid0x(j). compute kb77=kid10(j). compute par77=paren(j). compute ohm77=othhh(j). compute okn77=othkn(j). compute start77=j*10-10. compute time77=10. compute end76=j*10-10. Else if m78=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time77=time77+10. Else if m78=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m78=main(j). compute old78=av(j). compute s78=sec(j). compute in78=inout(j). compute e78=eloc(j). compute tech78=ict(j). compute trav78=mtrav(j). compute aln78=alone(j). compute kid78=child(j). compute sp78=sppart(j). compute o78=oad(j). compute ka78=kid0x(j). compute kb78=kid10(j). compute par78=paren(j). compute ohm78=othhh(j). compute okn78=othkn(j). compute start78=j*10-10. compute time78=10. compute end77=j*10-10. Else if m79=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time78=time78+10. Else if m79=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m79=main(j). compute old79=av(j). compute s79=sec(j). compute in79=inout(j). compute e79=eloc(j). compute tech79=ict(j). compute trav79=mtrav(j). compute aln79=alone(j). compute kid79=child(j). compute sp79=sppart(j). compute o79=oad(j). compute ka79=kid0x(j). compute kb79=kid10(j). compute par79=paren(j). compute ohm79=othhh(j). compute okn79=othkn(j). compute start79=j*10-10. compute time79=10. compute end78=j*10-10. Else if m80=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time79=time79+10. Else if m80=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m80=main(j). compute old80=av(j). compute s80=sec(j). compute in80=inout(j). compute e80=eloc(j). compute tech80=ict(j). compute trav80=mtrav(j). compute aln80=alone(j). compute kid80=child(j). compute sp80=sppart(j). compute o80=oad(j). compute ka80=kid0x(j). compute kb80=kid10(j). compute par80=paren(j). compute ohm80=othhh(j). compute okn80=othkn(j). compute start80=j*10-10. compute time80=10. compute end79=j*10-10. Else if m81=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time80=time80+10. Else if m81=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m81=main(j). compute old81=av(j). compute s81=sec(j). compute in81=inout(j). compute e81=eloc(j). compute tech81=ict(j). compute trav81=mtrav(j). compute aln81=alone(j). compute kid81=child(j). compute sp81=sppart(j). compute o81=oad(j). compute ka81=kid0x(j). compute kb81=kid10(j). compute par81=paren(j). compute ohm81=othhh(j). compute okn81=othkn(j). compute start81=j*10-10. compute time81=10. compute end80=j*10-10. Else if m82=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time81=time81+10. Else if m82=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m82=main(j). compute old82=av(j). compute s82=sec(j). compute in82=inout(j). compute e82=eloc(j). compute tech82=ict(j). compute trav82=mtrav(j). compute aln82=alone(j). compute kid82=child(j). compute sp82=sppart(j). compute o82=oad(j). compute ka82=kid0x(j). compute kb82=kid10(j). compute par82=paren(j). compute ohm82=othhh(j). compute okn82=othkn(j). compute start82=j*10-10. compute time82=10. compute end81=j*10-10. Else if m83=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time82=time82+10. Else if m83=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m83=main(j). compute old83=av(j). compute s83=sec(j). compute in83=inout(j). compute e83=eloc(j). compute tech83=ict(j). compute trav83=mtrav(j). compute aln83=alone(j). compute kid83=child(j). compute sp83=sppart(j). compute o83=oad(j). compute ka83=kid0x(j). compute kb83=kid10(j). compute par83=paren(j). compute ohm83=othhh(j). compute okn83=othkn(j). compute start83=j*10-10. compute time83=10. compute end82=j*10-10. Else if m84=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time83=time83+10. Else if m84=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m84=main(j). compute old84=av(j). compute s84=sec(j). compute in84=inout(j). compute e84=eloc(j). compute tech84=ict(j). compute trav84=mtrav(j). compute aln84=alone(j). compute kid84=child(j). compute sp84=sppart(j). compute o84=oad(j). compute ka84=kid0x(j). compute kb84=kid10(j). compute par84=paren(j). compute ohm84=othhh(j). compute okn84=othkn(j). compute start84=j*10-10. compute time84=10. compute end83=j*10-10. Else if m85=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time84=time84+10. Else if m85=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m85=main(j). compute old85=av(j). compute s85=sec(j). compute in85=inout(j). compute e85=eloc(j). compute tech85=ict(j). compute trav85=mtrav(j). compute aln85=alone(j). compute kid85=child(j). compute sp85=sppart(j). compute o85=oad(j). compute ka85=kid0x(j). compute kb85=kid10(j). compute par85=paren(j). compute ohm85=othhh(j). compute okn85=othkn(j). compute start85=j*10-10. compute time85=10. compute end84=j*10-10. Else if m86=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time85=time85+10. Else if m86=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m86=main(j). compute old86=av(j). compute s86=sec(j). compute in86=inout(j). compute e86=eloc(j). compute tech86=ict(j). compute trav86=mtrav(j). compute aln86=alone(j). compute kid86=child(j). compute sp86=sppart(j). compute o86=oad(j). compute ka86=kid0x(j). compute kb86=kid10(j). compute par86=paren(j). compute ohm86=othhh(j). compute okn86=othkn(j). compute start86=j*10-10. compute time86=10. compute end85=j*10-10. Else if m87=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time86=time86+10. Else if m87=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m87=main(j). compute old87=av(j). compute s87=sec(j). compute in87=inout(j). compute e87=eloc(j). compute tech87=ict(j). compute trav87=mtrav(j). compute aln87=alone(j). compute kid87=child(j). compute sp87=sppart(j). compute o87=oad(j). compute ka87=kid0x(j). compute kb87=kid10(j). compute par87=paren(j). compute ohm87=othhh(j). compute okn87=othkn(j). compute start87=j*10-10. compute time87=10. compute end86=j*10-10. Else if m88=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time87=time87+10. Else if m88=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m88=main(j). compute old88=av(j). compute s88=sec(j). compute in88=inout(j). compute e88=eloc(j). compute tech88=ict(j). compute trav88=mtrav(j). compute aln88=alone(j). compute kid88=child(j). compute sp88=sppart(j). compute o88=oad(j). compute ka88=kid0x(j). compute kb88=kid10(j). compute par88=paren(j). compute ohm88=othhh(j). compute okn88=othkn(j). compute start88=j*10-10. compute time88=10. compute end87=j*10-10. Else if m89=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time88=time88+10. Else if m89=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m89=main(j). compute old89=av(j). compute s89=sec(j). compute in89=inout(j). compute e89=eloc(j). compute tech89=ict(j). compute trav89=mtrav(j). compute aln89=alone(j). compute kid89=child(j). compute sp89=sppart(j). compute o89=oad(j). compute ka89=kid0x(j). compute kb89=kid10(j). compute par89=paren(j). compute ohm89=othhh(j). compute okn89=othkn(j). compute start89=j*10-10. compute time89=10. compute end88=j*10-10. Else if m90=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time89=time89+10. Else if m90=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m90=main(j). compute old90=av(j). compute s90=sec(j). compute in90=inout(j). compute e90=eloc(j). compute tech90=ict(j). compute trav90=mtrav(j). compute aln90=alone(j). compute kid90=child(j). compute sp90=sppart(j). compute o90=oad(j). compute ka90=kid0x(j). compute kb90=kid10(j). compute par90=paren(j). compute ohm90=othhh(j). compute okn90=othkn(j). compute start90=j*10-10. compute time90=10. compute end89=j*10-10. Else if m91=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time90=time90+10. Else if m91=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m91=main(j). compute old91=av(j). compute s91=sec(j). compute in91=inout(j). compute e91=eloc(j). compute tech91=ict(j). compute trav91=mtrav(j). compute aln91=alone(j). compute kid91=child(j). compute sp91=sppart(j). compute o91=oad(j). compute ka91=kid0x(j). compute kb91=kid10(j). compute par91=paren(j). compute ohm91=othhh(j). compute okn91=othkn(j). compute start91=j*10-10. compute time91=10. compute end90=j*10-10. Else if m92=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time91=time91+10. Else if m92=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m92=main(j). compute old92=av(j). compute s92=sec(j). compute in92=inout(j). compute e92=eloc(j). compute tech92=ict(j). compute trav92=mtrav(j). compute aln92=alone(j). compute kid92=child(j). compute sp92=sppart(j). compute o92=oad(j). compute ka92=kid0x(j). compute kb92=kid10(j). compute par92=paren(j). compute ohm92=othhh(j). compute okn92=othkn(j). compute start92=j*10-10. compute time92=10. compute end91=j*10-10. Else if m93=0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time92=time92+10. Else if m93=0 and (main(i)~=main(j) or sec(i)~=sec(j) or eloc(i)~=eloc(j)). compute m93=main(j). compute old93=av(j). compute s93=sec(j). compute in93=inout(j). compute e93=eloc(j). compute tech93=ict(j). compute trav93=mtrav(j). compute aln93=alone(j). compute kid93=child(j). compute sp93=sppart(j). compute o93=oad(j). compute ka93=kid0x(j). compute kb93=kid10(j). compute par93=paren(j). compute ohm93=othhh(j). compute okn93=othkn(j). compute start93=j*10-10. compute time93=10. compute end92=j*10-10. Else if m93>0 and main(i)=main(j) and sec(i)=sec(j) and eloc(i)=eloc(j). compute time93=time93+10. End if. end loop. if maxep=1 end1=1440. if maxep=2 end2=1440. if maxep=3 end3=1440. if maxep=4 end4=1440. if maxep=5 end5=1440. if maxep=6 end6=1440. if maxep=7 end7=1440. if maxep=8 end8=1440. if maxep=9 end9=1440. if maxep=10 end10=1440. if maxep=11 end11=1440. if maxep=12 end12=1440. if maxep=13 end13=1440. if maxep=14 end14=1440. if maxep=15 end15=1440. if maxep=16 end16=1440. if maxep=17 end17=1440. if maxep=18 end18=1440. if maxep=19 end19=1440. if maxep=20 end20=1440. if maxep=21 end21=1440. if maxep=22 end22=1440. if maxep=23 end23=1440. if maxep=24 end24=1440. if maxep=25 end25=1440. if maxep=26 end26=1440. if maxep=27 end27=1440. if maxep=28 end28=1440. if maxep=29 end29=1440. if maxep=30 end30=1440. if maxep=31 end31=1440. if maxep=32 end32=1440. if maxep=33 end33=1440. if maxep=34 end34=1440. if maxep=35 end35=1440. if maxep=36 end36=1440. if maxep=37 end37=1440. if maxep=38 end38=1440. if maxep=39 end39=1440. if maxep=40 end40=1440. if maxep=41 end41=1440. if maxep=42 end42=1440. if maxep=43 end43=1440. if maxep=44 end44=1440. if maxep=45 end45=1440. if maxep=46 end46=1440. if maxep=47 end47=1440. if maxep=48 end48=1440. if maxep=49 end49=1440. if maxep=50 end50=1440. if maxep=51 end51=1440. if maxep=52 end52=1440. if maxep=53 end53=1440. if maxep=54 end54=1440. if maxep=55 end55=1440. if maxep=56 end56=1440. if maxep=57 end57=1440. if maxep=58 end58=1440. if maxep=59 end59=1440. if maxep=60 end60=1440. if maxep=61 end61=1440. if maxep=62 end62=1440. if maxep=63 end63=1440. if maxep=64 end64=1440. if maxep=65 end65=1440. if maxep=66 end66=1440. if maxep=67 end67=1440. if maxep=68 end68=1440. if maxep=69 end69=1440. if maxep=70 end70=1440. if maxep=71 end71=1440. if maxep=72 end72=1440. if maxep=73 end73=1440. if maxep=74 end74=1440. if maxep=75 end75=1440. if maxep=76 end76=1440. if maxep=77 end77=1440. if maxep=78 end78=1440. if maxep=79 end79=1440. if maxep=80 end80=1440. if maxep=81 end81=1440. if maxep=82 end82=1440. if maxep=83 end83=1440. if maxep=84 end84=1440. if maxep=85 end85=1440. if maxep=86 end86=1440. if maxep=87 end87=1440. if maxep=88 end88=1440. if maxep=89 end89=1440. if maxep=90 end90=1440. if maxep=91 end91=1440. if maxep=92 end92=1440. if maxep=93 end93=1440. End if. freq start1 start65 start93 m1 m65 m93 old1 old65 old93 s1 s65 s93 in1 in65 in93 e1 e65 e93 tech1 tech65 tech93 trav1 trav65 trav93 aln1 aln65 aln93 kid1 kid65 kid93 sp1 sp65 sp93 o1 o65 o93. desc time1 time40 time65 time93. freq end1 end40 end65 end93. *15 1 episode diaries; 276 40 episode diaries, 12 65 episode diaries, 1 93 ep diary. do repeat a=par1 to par93. if age>17 a=0. End repeat. execute. *test that the time variables have calculated correctly. compute test=0. do repeat a=start1 to start93 / b=end1 to end93 / c=testt1 to testt93. compute c=b-a. end repeat. execute. do repeat a=time1 to time93 /b=testt1 to testt93. if a~=b test=1. end repeat. compute tot1=sum(time1 to time93). compute tot2=sum(testt1 to testt93). freq test tot1 tot2. *if all ok, for all cases, test=0 and tot1 & tot2=1440. *compute last variable - clock time start of episodes. formats clock1 to clock93 (f6.2). Do repeat a=start1 to start93 / b= clock1 to clock93. Do if a<60. compute b=4+a/100. Else if a>59 and a<120. compute b=5+(a-60)/100. Else if a>119 and a<180. compute b=6+(a-120)/100. Else if a>179 and a<240. compute b=7+(a-180)/100. Else if a>239 and a<300. compute b=8+(a-240)/100. Else if a>299 and a<360. compute b=9+(a-300)/100. Else if a>359 and a<420. compute b=10+(a-360)/100. Else if a>419 and a<480. compute b=11+(a-420)/100. Else if a>479 and a<540. compute b=12+(a-480)/100. Else if a>539 and a<600. compute b=13+(a-540)/100. Else if a>599 and a<660. compute b=14+(a-600)/100. Else if a>659 and a<720. compute b=15+(a-660)/100. Else if a>719 and a<780. compute b=16+(a-720)/100. Else if a>779 and a<840. compute b=17+(a-780)/100. Else if a>839 and a<900. compute b=18+(a-840)/100. Else if a>899 and a<960. compute b=19+(a-900)/100. Else if a>959 and a<1020. compute b=20+(a-960)/100. Else if a>1019 and a<1080. compute b=21+(a-1020)/100. Else if a>1079 and a<1140. compute b=22+(a-1080)/100. Else if a>1139 and a<1200. compute b=23+(a-1140)/100. Else if a>1119 and a<1260. compute b=(a-1200)/100. Else if a>1259 and a<1320. compute b=1+(a-1260)/100. Else if a>1319 and a<1380. compute b=2+(a-1320)/100. Else if a>1379. compute b=3+(a-1380)/100. End if. End repeat. freq clock1 clock15 clock50 clock80. cro clock10 by start10. sort cases by hldid(a) persid(a) id(a). vector m=m1 to m93 /old=old1 to old93 /s=s1 to s93 /in=in1 to in93 /e=e1 to e93 /tech=tech1 to tech93 /trav=trav1 to trav93 /aln=aln1 to aln93 /kid=kid1 to kid93 /sp=sp1 to sp93 /o=o1 to o93 /time=time1 to time93 /clock=clock1 to clock93 /start=start1 to start93 /end=end1 to end93 /kid0x=kid0x1 to kid0x144 /kid10=kid101 to kid10144 /paren=paren1 to paren144 /othhh=othhh1 to othhh144 /othkn=othkn1 to othkn144. loop i=1 to 93. compute countrya=countrya. compute survey=survey. compute swave=swave. compute msamp=msamp. compute hldid=hldid. compute persid=persid. compute id=id. compute day=day. compute cday=cday. compute month=month. compute year=year. compute diary=diary. compute badcase=badcase. compute sex=sex. compute age=age. compute time=time(i). compute clockst=clock(i). compute start=start(i). compute end=end(i). compute epnum=i. compute main=m(i). compute sec=s(i). compute av=old(i). compute inout=in(i). compute eloc=e(i). compute ict=tech(i). compute mtrav=trav(i). compute alone=aln(i). compute child=kid(i). compute sppart=sp(i). compute oad=o(i). compute kid0x9=kid0x(i). compute kid10x14=kid10(i). compute parent=paren(i). compute othhhm=othhh(i). compute othknw=othkn(i). xsave outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000hef.sav' /keep = countrya survey swave msamp hldid persid id day cday month year diary badcase sex age time clockst start end epnum main sec av inout eloc ict mtrav alone child sppart oad kid0x9 kid10x14 parent othhhm othknw. end loop. execute. *tidy final episode file. get file='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000hef.sav'. apply dictionary from'C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\MTUS database\schema&etc\MTUShefschema.sav'. var lab kid0x9 child aged 0 to 9 reported present. var lab kid10x14 child aged 10 to 14 reported present. var lab parent parent reported present. var lab othhhm other household member reported present. var lab othknw other known person reported present. val lab kid0x9 kid10x14 parent othhhm othknw 0 no 1 yes. *at the moment there are 93 episode rows for all diaries. *Reduce to one row per real episode. freq main. select if main>0. freq main. *check labels and distrubutions. freq countrya survey swave msamp persid id day cday month year diary badcase sex age clockst epnum main sec av inout eloc ict mtrav alone child sppart oad kid0x9 kid10x14 parent othhhm othknw. desc hldid age time start end epnum. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000-fullwho-hef.sav'. save outfile='C:\Documents and Settings\Kimberly Fisher\My Documents\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\W553\UK\2000\uk2000hef.sav' /drop kid0x9 kid10x14 parent othhhm othknw.