* Encoding: UTF-8. *extract migration variables. get file='D:\MTUS-archive\Israel\1991-92\original conversion\interim-orig-convert-data\israface.sav' /keep pid bthpl pabthpl yrimm immorig. freq bthpl pabthpl yrimm immorig. rename variables (pid = persid). cro immorig by bthpl pabthpl yrimm. recode immorig (sysmis=-8) (1 thru 5=0) (6 thru high=1) into wherborn. execute. if wherborn=-8 and bthpl=90 wherborn=0. if wherborn=-8 and bthpl<90 wherborn=1. var lab wherborn where was the diarist born. val lab wherborn 0 born in the country of the survey 1 born elsewhere -7 'not applicable/not asked' -8 missing -9 could not be created. freq wherborn. cro immorig bthpl by wherborn. compute migrantd=-7. compute migrantm=-9. compute migrantf=-7. var lab migrantd country where the diarist was born. var lab migrantm 'country where the diarist’s mother was born'. var lab migrantf 'country where the diarist’s father was born'. val lab migrantd migrantm migrantf -9 could not be created -8 missing -7 'not applicable/not asked' 0 born in the country of the survey 1 born in Asia 2 born in Turkey 3 born in Africa 4 born in Europe or Americas. Do if immorig=1. compute migrantd=0. compute migrantf=0. Else if immorig=2 and pabthpl=95. compute migrantd=0. compute migrantf=2. Else if immorig=2. compute migrantd=0. compute migrantf=1. Else if immorig=3. compute migrantd=0. compute migrantf=3. Else if immorig=4. compute migrantd=0. compute migrantf=4. Else if immorig=5. compute migrantd=0. compute migrantf=-8. Else if immorig=6 and bthpl=95. compute migrantd=2. Else if immorig=6. compute migrantd=1. Else if immorig=7. compute migrantd=3. Else if immorig>7. compute migrantd=4. End if. Do if migrantd<0 and bthpl=90. compute migrantd=0. Else if migrantd<0 and (bthpl=65 or bthpl=83). compute migrantd=4. Else if migrantd<0 and bthpl=22. compute migrantd=3. Else if migrantd<0 and (bthpl=3 or bthpl=13). compute migrantd=1. End if. execute. Do if migrantf<0 and (pabthpl>1 and pabthpl<15). compute migrantf=1. Else if migrantf<0 and pabthpl=95. compute migrantf=2. Else if migrantf<0 and (pabthpl>19 and pabthpl<28). compute migrantf=3. Else if migrantf<0 and (pabthpl>29 and pabthpl<90). compute migrantf=4. Else if pabthpl=90. compute migrantf=0. Else if pabthpl<15. compute migrantf=1. End if. freq migrantd migrantf migrantm. cro immorig by migrantd migrantf. cro bthpl by migrantd. cro pabthpl by migrantf. recode yrimm bthpl pabthpl (sysmis=-8). sort cases by persid. save outfile='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\israel-addimm.sav' /keep persid wherborn migrantd migrantm migrantf yrimm bthpl pabthpl. get file='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991haf.sav' /keep swave msamp hldid persid id parntid1 parntid2 partid hhtype hhldsize nchild agekidx agekid2 incorig income ownhome urban computer vehicle famstat singpar relrefp civstat cohab citizen empstat emp unemp student retired empsp workhrs empinclm occupo isco1 sector educa edcat rushed health carer disab ocombwt propwt. sort cases by persid. match files files=* table='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\israel-addimm.sav' /by persid. missing values all (). if wherborn=0 and yrimm=-8 yrimm=-7. execute. if yrimm>0 and yrimm<99 yrimm=1900+yrimm. val lab yrimm -8 missing -7 born in Israel 99 missing. val lab bthpl pabthpl -8 missing 90 born in Israel 95 Turkey 99 missing. freq wherborn migrantd migrantm migrantf yrimm bthpl pabthpl. sort cases by hldid persid id. match files table=* file='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991hef.sav' /by swave msamp hldid persid id. execute. compute animal=-9. *if main=27 or main=47 or sec=27 or sec=47 animal=1. var lab animal "with a pet, companion/service/domestic animal". val lab animal -9 could not be created for study -7 not collected for diary group 0 no 1 yes. cro main sec by animal. recode main (2, 3=1) (5, 6=2) (1, 4=3) (7 thru 14=4) (15 thru 17=5) (18, 19=6) (20 thru 23=7) (22=8) (24 thru 26=9) (46=10) (27, 47=11) (32=12) (28, 31=13) (29, 30=14) (34=15) (33=16) (63, 64=17) (62=18) (65 thru 68=18) (42 thru 44=19) (57 thru 59=20) (56=21) (60, 61=22) (35 thru 41=23) (45=23) (48 thru 55=24) (69=25) into core25. var lab core25 reduced core 25 activity codes. val lab core25 1 sleep 2 eat or drink 3 personal care 4 paid work 5 education 6 "food preparation/clean-up" 7 cleaning and housework 8 home and car maintain 9 shopping or service use 10 gardening 11 pet care 12 care of older people 13 physical or supervisory child care 14 interactive child care 15 religious activity 16 volunteering 17 commuting and education travel 18 other travel 19 sport or exercise 20 TV, radio, music 21 read 22 computer games, internet use 23 out of home entertainment 24 other leisure 25 missing. freq core25. save outfile='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991tusx-main.sav' /keep country survey swave msamp hldid persid id day cday month year diary nowght time clockst start end epnum main core25 sec av inout eloc ict mtrav alone child sppart oad animal parntid1 parntid2 partid hhtype hhldsize nchild agekidx agekid2 income ownhome urban computer vehicle sex age famstat singpar relrefp civstat cohab citizen wherborn empstat emp unemp student retired empsp workhrs isco1 sector edcat rushed health carer disab ocombwt propwt. var lab incorig 'sum of employment, child, old age & other allowances, pension & other income for whole household'. val lab incorig -8 missing 90000 refused or do not know. freq incorig. var lab empinclm personal gross income from work. var lab occupo original occupation variable. val lab occupo -9 could not be created for study. freq occupo. val lab educa 1 0 to 8 years of study 2 9 to 12 years of study with a certificate of matriculation 3 9 to 12 years of study, no certificate of matriculation 4 '13+ years of study with an academic degree' 5 '13+ years of study without an academic degree' 6 unknown category. freq educa. Aggregate outfile='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991tusx-survey.sav' /break country survey swave msamp hldid persid /incorig=MAX(incorig) /empinclm=MAX(empinclm) /occupo=MAX(occupo) /educa=MAX(educa) /migrantd=MAX(migrantd) /migrantm=MAX(migrantm) /migrantf=MAX(migrantf) /yrimm=MAX(yrimm) /bthpl=MAX(bthpl) /pabthpl=MAX(pabthpl). get file='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991tusx-main.sav'. get file'C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991tusx-survey.sav'. sort cases by persid. match files file=* files='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\RR-ISR.sav' /by persid. execute. freq region ethnic. sort cases by hldid persid. save outfile='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991tusx-survey.sav' /keep country survey swave msamp hldid persid incorig region empinclm occupo educa migrantd migrantm migrantf yrimm bthpl pabthpl ethnic /compressed. new file. get file='C:\Users\Kimberly Fisher\Desktop\Kimberly\time\mtus\mtus data\countries\Israel\1991-1992\il1991tusx-survey.sav'.