* NOTE: You need to edit the `cd` command to specify the path to the directory * where the data file is located. For example: "C:\ipums_directory". * . cd ".". file type mixed /file = "mtus_00048.dat" /record = 1-1 . record type 2. data list / RECTYPE 1-1 SAMPLE 2-7 (a) IDENT 8-16 COUNTRY 17-18 (a) HLDID 19-34 PERSID 35-51 DIARY 52-53 YEAR 54-57 PARNTID1 58-61 PARNTID2 62-65 PARTID 66-69 RELREFP 70-71 DAY 72-73 MONTH 74-75 HHTYPE 76-77 HHLDSIZE 78-80 NCHILD 81-82 FAMSTAT 83-84 SINGPAR 85-87 OWNHOME 88-89 URBAN 90-91 AGEKID 92-94 AGEKID2 95-97 AGE 98-100 SEX 101-102 CITIZEN 103-104 CIVSTAT 105-106 COHAB 107-108 EDTRY 109-110 EDUCA 111-112 EMPSTAT 113-114 EMPSP 115-116 SECTOR 117-118 EMP 119-120 UNEMP 121-122 WORKHRS 123-126 RETIRED 127-128 STUDENT 129-130 HEALTH 131-132 DISAB 133-134 INCOME 135-136 INCORIG 137-144 NOWGHT 145-145 OCOMBWT 146-163 PROPWT 164-179 ACT_CHCARE 180-183 ACT_CIVIC 184-187 ACT_EDUCA 188-191 ACT_INHOME 192-195 ACT_MEDIA 196-199 ACT_NOREC 200-203 ACT_OUTHOME 204-207 ACT_PCARE 208-211 ACT_PHYSICAL 212-215 ACT_TRAVEL 216-219 ACT_UNDOM 220-223 ACT_WORK 224-227 . record type 3. data list / RECTYPE 1-1 SAMPLE 2-7 (a) IDENT 8-16 COUNTRY 17-18 (a) HLDID 19-34 PERSID 35-51 DIARY 52-53 YEAR 54-57 CDAY 58-59 EPNUM 60-62 CLOCKST 63-68 (2) START 69-72 END 73-76 TIME 77-80 MAIN 81-83 SEC 84-86 ELOC 87-88 INOUT 89-90 MTRAV 91-92 ALONE 93-94 ALONE_ALT 95-96 CHILD 97-98 SPPART 99-100 OAD 101-102 ICT 103-104 . end file type. variable labels RECTYPE "Record type" SAMPLE "Sample" IDENT "Identifier" COUNTRY "Country or region of survey" HLDID "Household id" PERSID "Person/diarist identifier" DIARY "Diary order" YEAR "Year diary kept" PARNTID1 "Person id 1st parent of diarist" PARNTID2 "Person id 2nd parent of diarist" PARTID "Person id of spouse or partner" RELREFP "Relation to household reference person" DAY "Day of week diary kept" MONTH "Month diary kept" HHTYPE "Household type" HHLDSIZE "Number of people in household" NCHILD "Number of children aged under 18 in household" FAMSTAT "Individual level family status" SINGPAR "Diarist is a single parent" OWNHOME "Owns or rents home" URBAN "Urban" AGEKID "Age of youngest child in household" AGEKID2 "Age of youngest child in household, including adult children" AGE "Age" SEX "Sex" CITIZEN "Diarist is citizen/native of country" CIVSTAT "Diarist is in a couple" COHAB "Diarist cohabiting" EDTRY "Harmonized highest level of education" EDUCA "Education-original study codes" EMPSTAT "Employment status" EMPSP "Emp status of spouse/partner" SECTOR "Sector of employment" EMP "Employed" UNEMP "Unemployed" WORKHRS "Hours paid work last week including overtime" RETIRED "Retirement status" STUDENT "Student status" HEALTH "Diarist's general health" DISAB "Has disability/long-term health condition" INCOME "Total household income grouped" INCORIG "Original household income" NOWGHT "Marker of insufficient information to make propwt" OCOMBWT "Original weight" PROPWT "Proposed weight" CDAY "Calendar day diary kept" EPNUM "Episode number" CLOCKST "Start time on 24 hour clock" START "Start minute" END "End minute" TIME "Duration of activity in minutes" MAIN "Main activity" SEC "Secondary activity" ELOC "Location or mode of transport" INOUT "Activity outside, inside or in vehicle" MTRAV "Mode of travel" ALONE "Time alone or with strangers" ALONE_ALT "Alternative alone to create filters" CHILD "Child under 18 present during activity" SPPART "Spouse or partner present during activity" OAD "Other adult present during activity" ICT "Used ICT during activity" ACT_CHCARE "ACT: Child care" ACT_CIVIC "ACT: Adult care, civic, voluntary, and religious activities" ACT_EDUCA "ACT: Education" ACT_INHOME "ACT: In home free time leisure" ACT_MEDIA "ACT: Media and computing" ACT_NOREC "ACT: No recorded" ACT_OUTHOME "ACT: Out of home free time and leisure" ACT_PCARE "ACT: Personal care" ACT_PHYSICAL "ACT: Sports, exercise, and outdoor activities" ACT_TRAVEL "ACT: Travel" ACT_UNDOM "ACT: Unpaid domestic work" ACT_WORK "ACT: Paid Work" . value labels /RECTYPE 2 "Person" 3 "Activity" /SAMPLE "US1965" "United States 1965" "US1975" "United States 1975" "US1985" "United States 1985" "US1993" "United States 1993" "US1995" "United States 1995" "US1998" "United States 1998" "US2003" "United States 2003" "US2004" "United States 2004" "US2005" "United States 2005" "US2006" "United States 2006" "US2007" "United States 2007" "US2008" "United States 2008" "US2009" "United States 2009" "US2010" "United States 2010" "US2011" "United States 2011" "US2012" "United States 2012" "US2013" "United States 2013" "US2014" "United States 2014" "US2015" "United States 2015" "UK1974" "United Kingdom 1974" "UK1983" "United Kingdom 1983" "UK1987" "United Kingdom 1987" "UK1995" "United Kingdom 1995" "UK2000" "United Kingdom 2000" "UK2005" "United Kingdom 2005" "UK2014" "United Kingdom 2014" "ES2002" "Spain 2002" "ES2009" "Spain 2009" "NL1975" "Netherlands 1975" "NL1980" "Netherlands 1980" "NL1985" "Netherlands 1985" "NL1990" "Netherlands 1990" "NL1995" "Netherlands 1995" "NL2000" "Netherlands 2000" "NL2005" "Netherlands 2005" "FR1998" "France 1998" "FR1985" "France 1985" "AT1992" "Austria 1992" "FI1979" "Finland 1979" "FI2009" "Finland 2009" "CA2010" "Canada 2010" "IL1991" "Israel 1991" "BG2001" "Bulgaria 2001" "HU2009" "Hungary 2009" "IT2002" "Italy 2002" "HU1999" "Hungary 1999" "FR2009" "France 2009" "ZA2000" "South Africa 2000" "CA2005" "Canada 2005" /COUNTRY "NL" "Netherlands" "ES" "Spain" "UK" "United Kingdom" "US" "USA" "FR" "France" "AT" "Austria" "FI" "Finland" "CA" "Canada" "IL" "Israel" "HU" "Hungary" "BG" "Bulgaria" "IT" "Italy" "ZA" "South Africa" /DIARY 01 "1st diary day" 02 "2nd diary day" 03 "3rd diary day" 04 "4th diary day" 05 "5th diary day" 06 "6th diary day" 07 "7th diary day" /YEAR 1965 "1965" 1966 "1966" 1974 "1974" 1975 "1975" 1976 "1976" 1979 "1979" 1980 "1980" 1983 "1983" 1984 "1984" 1985 "1985" 1986 "1986" 1987 "1987" 1990 "1990" 1991 "1991" 1992 "1992" 1993 "1993" 1994 "1994" 1995 "1995" 1998 "1998" 1999 "1999" 2000 "2000" 2001 "2001" 2002 "2002" 2003 "2003" 2004 "2004" 2005 "2005" 2006 "2006" 2007 "2007" 2008 "2008" 2009 "2009" 2010 "2010" 2011 "2011" 2012 "2012" 2013 "2013" 2014 "2014" 2015 "2015" /PARNTID1 0001 "1" 0002 "2" 0003 "3" 0004 "4" 0005 "5" 0006 "6" 0007 "7" 0008 "8" 0009 "9" 0010 "10" 0011 "11" 0012 "12" 0013 "13" -007 "Diarist does not live with parent" -008 "Could not identify parent in household" -009 "Not applicable/Not asked" /PARNTID2 0001 "1" 0002 "2" 0003 "3" 0004 "4" 0005 "5" 0006 "6" 0007 "7" 0008 "8" 0009 "9" 0010 "10" 0011 "11" 0012 "12" 0013 "13" 0014 "14" -007 "Diarist does not live with parent" -008 "Could not identify parent in household" -009 "Not applicable/Not asked" /PARTID 0001 "1" 0002 "2" 0003 "3" 0004 "4" 0005 "5" 0006 "6" 0007 "7" 0008 "8" 0009 "9" 0010 "10" 0011 "11" -007 "No partner present" -008 "Could not identify partner" -009 "Not applicable/Not asked" /RELREFP 01 "Reference person" 02 "Spouse/partner" 03 "Child" 04 "Parent" 05 "Sibling" 06 "Son/Daughter-in-law" 07 "Parent-in-law" 08 "Brother/Sister-in-law" 09 "Other relative" 10 "Not related" -8 "Missing" -9 "Not applicable/Not asked" /DAY 01 "Sunday" 02 "Monday" 03 "Tuesday" 04 "Wednesday" 05 "Thursday" 06 "Friday" 07 "Saturday" -8 "Missing" /MONTH 01 "January" 02 "February" 03 "March" 04 "April" 05 "May" 06 "June" 07 "July" 08 "August" 09 "September" 10 "October" 11 "November" 12 "December" -8 "Missing" /HHTYPE 01 "One person household" 02 "Married or cohabiting couple alone" 03 "Married or cohabiting couple and others" 04 "Other household types" -7 "Not applicable/Not asked" -8 "Missing" /HHLDSIZE 001 "1" 002 "2" 003 "3" 004 "4" 005 "5" 006 "6" 007 "7" 008 "8" 009 "9" 010 "10" 011 "11" 012 "12" 013 "13" 014 "14" 015 "15" 016 "16" 017 "17" 018 "18" 019 "19" -08 "Missing" /NCHILD 00 "0" 01 "1" 02 "2" 03 "3" 04 "4" 05 "5" 06 "6" 07 "7" 08 "8" 09 "9" 10 "10" 11 "11" 12 "12" -8 "Missing" /FAMSTAT 00 "Aged 18-39 with no coresident children under 18" 01 "Aged 18+ with 1+ coresident children under 5" 02 "Aged 18+ with 1+ coresident children 5-17, 0 under 5" 03 "Aged 40+ with no coresident children under 18" 04 "Under 18 living with parent(s) or guardian(s)" 05 "Under 18, living arrangement other or unknown" -8 "Missing" /SINGPAR 000 "No" 001 "Yes" -07 "Not applicable/Not Asked" -08 "Missing" /OWNHOME 01 "Own outright or mortgage" 02 "Rents" 03 "Other" -8 "Missing" -9 "Not applicable/not asked" /URBAN 01 "Urban/Suburban" 02 "Rural/Semi-rural" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" /AGEKID 001 "0-4 years" 002 "5-12 years" 003 "13-17 years" 004 "18+" -07 "Not applicable/Not asked" -08 "Missing" /AGEKID2 000 "0" 001 "1" 002 "2" 003 "3" 004 "4" 005 "5" 006 "6" 007 "7" 008 "8" 009 "9" 010 "10" 011 "11" 012 "12" 013 "13" 014 "14" 015 "15" 016 "16" 017 "17" 018 "18" 019 "19" 020 "20" 021 "21" 022 "22" 023 "23" 024 "24" 025 "25" 026 "26" 027 "27" 028 "28" 029 "29" 030 "30" 031 "31" 032 "32" 033 "33" 034 "34" 035 "35" 036 "36" 037 "37" 038 "38" 039 "39" 040 "40" 041 "41" 042 "42" 043 "43" 044 "44" 045 "45" 046 "46" 047 "47" 048 "48" 049 "49" 050 "50" 051 "51" 052 "52" 053 "53" 054 "54" 055 "55" 056 "56" 057 "57" 058 "58" 059 "59" 060 "60" 061 "61" 062 "62" 063 "63" 064 "64" 065 "65" 066 "66" 067 "67" 068 "68" 069 "69" 070 "70" 071 "71" 072 "72" 073 "73" 074 "74" 075 "75" 076 "76" 077 "77" 078 "78" 079 "79" 080 "80 or older" 081 "081" 082 "082" 083 "083" 084 "084" 085 "085" -07 "Not applicable/not asked" -08 "Missing" /SEX 01 "Man" 02 "Woman" -8 "Missing" /CITIZEN 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" /CIVSTAT 01 "In couple (married/cohabit/civil partnership)" 02 "Not in couple" -8 "Missing" /COHAB 00 "No, married" 01 "Yes, cohabitating" -7 "Not in couple" -8 "Missing" -9 "Not asked/Not applicable" /EDTRY 01 "inc 2ndry or less" 02 "completed secondary" 03 "above 2ndry education" -7 "Not Applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /EDUCA 00 "0" 01 "1" 02 "2" 03 "3" 04 "4" 05 "5" 06 "6" 07 "7" 08 "8" 09 "9" 10 "10" 11 "11" 12 "12" 13 "13" 14 "14" 15 "15" 16 "16" 17 "17" 18 "18" 19 "19" 20 "20" 21 "21" 22 "22" 23 "23" 24 "24" 25 "25" 26 "26" 27 "27" 28 "28" 29 "29" 30 "30" 31 "31" 32 "32" 33 "33" 34 "34" 39 "39" 43 "43" 51 "51" 60 "60" 99 "Not in Universe (NIU)" -7 "Not Applicable/ Not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /EMPSTAT 01 "Full-time" 02 "Part-time" 03 "Unknown job hours" 04 "Not in paid work" -7 "Not asked of this diarist" -8 "Missing" /EMPSP 01 "Full-time" 02 "Part-time" 03 "Unknown job hours" 04 "Not in paid work" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /SECTOR 01 "Public sector" 02 "Private sector" -7 "Not applicable/Not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /EMP 00 "Not in paid work" 01 "In paid work" -8 "Missing" -7 "Could not be created" /UNEMP 00 "Not unemployed" 01 "Unemployed" -8 "Missing" /WORKHRS -004 "Hours vary" -007 "Not applicable/not asked" -008 "Missing" -009 "Could not be created" 0001 "1" 0081 "81" /RETIRED 00 "Not retired" 01 "Retired" -8 "Missing" /STUDENT 00 "Not Student" 01 "Student" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" /HEALTH 00 "Poor" 01 "Fair" 02 "Good" 03 "Very Good" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /DISAB 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /INCOME 01 "Lowest 25%" 02 "Middle 50%" 03 "Highest 25%" -7 "Not applicable/not asked" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /NOWGHT 0 "Sufficient information" 1 "Insufficient information" -9 "Not applicable" /CDAY 01 "1" 02 "2" 03 "3" 04 "4" 05 "5" 06 "6" 07 "7" 08 "8" 09 "9" 10 "10" 11 "11" 12 "12" 13 "13" 14 "14" 15 "15" 16 "16" 17 "17" 18 "18" 19 "19" 20 "20" 21 "21" 22 "22" 23 "23" 24 "24" 25 "25" 26 "26" 27 "27" 28 "28" 29 "29" 30 "30" 31 "31" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /MAIN 001 "Imputed personal or household care" 002 "Sleep and naps" 003 "Imputed sleep" 004 "Wash, dress, care for self" 005 "Meals at work or school" 006 "Meals or snacks in other places" 007 "Paid work-main job (not at home)" 008 "Paid work at home" 009 "Second or other job not at home" 010 "Unpaid work to generate household income" 011 "Travel as a part of work" 012 "Work breaks" 013 "Other time at workplace" 014 "Look for work" 015 "Regular schooling, education" 016 "Homework" 017 "Leisure and other education or training" 018 "Food preparation, cooking" 019 "Set table, wash/put away dishes" 020 "Cleaning" 021 "Laundry, ironing, clothing repair" 022 "Maintain home/vehicle, including collect fuel" 023 "Other domestic work" 024 "Purchase goods" 025 "Consume personal care services" 026 "Consume other services" 027 "Pet care (not walk dog)" 028 "Physical, medical child care" 029 "Teach, help with homework" 030 "Read to, talk or play with child" 031 "Supervise, accompany, other child care" 032 "Adult care" 033 "Voluntary, civic, organisational act" 034 "Worship and religion" 035 "General out-of-home leisure" 036 "Attend sporting event" 037 "Cinema, theatre, opera, concert" 038 "Other public event, venue" 039 "Restaurant, cafe, bar, pub" 040 "Party, social event, gambling" 041 "Imputed time away from home" 042 "General sport or exercise" 043 "Walking" 044 "Cycling" 045 "Other outside recreation" 046 "Gardening/pick mushrooms" 047 "Walk dogs" 048 "Receive or visit friends" 049 "Conversation (in person, phone)" 050 "Games (social and solitary)/other in-home social" 051 "General indoor leisure" 052 "Art or music" 053 "Correspondence (not e-mail)" 054 "Knit, crafts or hobbies" 055 "Relax, think, do nothing" 056 "Read" 057 "Listen to music or other audio content" 058 "Listen to radio" 059 "Watch tv, video, dvd, streamed film" 060 "Computer games" 061 "E-mail, surf internet, computing" 062 "No activity, imputed or recorded transport" 063 "Travel to/from work" 064 "Education travel" 065 "Voluntary/civic/religious travel" 066 "Child/adult care travel" 067 "Shop, person/hhld care travel" 068 "Other travel" 069 "No recorded activity" 099 "Missing" /SEC 001 "Imputed personal or household care" 002 "Sleep and naps" 003 "Imputed sleep" 004 "Wash, dress, care for self" 005 "Meals at work or school" 006 "Meals or snacks in other places" 007 "Paid work-main job (not at home)" 008 "Paid work at home" 009 "Second or other job not at home" 010 "Unpaid work to generate household income" 011 "Travel as a part of work" 012 "Work breaks" 013 "Other time at workplace" 014 "Look for work" 015 "Regular schooling, education" 016 "Homework" 017 "Leisure and other education or training" 018 "Food preparation, cooking" 019 "Set table, wash/put away dishes" 020 "Cleaning" 021 "Laundry, ironing, clothing repair" 022 "Maintain home/vehicle, including collect fuel" 023 "Other domestic work" 024 "Purchase goods" 025 "Consume personal care services" 026 "Consume other services" 027 "Pet care (not walk dog)" 028 "Physical, medical child care" 029 "Teach, help with homework" 030 "Read to, talk or play with child" 031 "Supervise, accompany, other child care" 032 "Adult care" 033 "Voluntary, civic, organisational act" 034 "Worship and religion" 035 "General out-of-home leisure" 036 "Attend sporting event" 037 "Cinema, theatre, opera, concert" 038 "Other public event, venue" 039 "Restaurant, cafe, bar, pub" 040 "Party, social event, gambling" 041 "Imputed time away from home" 042 "General sport or exercise" 043 "Walking" 044 "Cycling" 045 "Other outside recreation" 046 "Gardening/pick mushrooms" 047 "Walk dogs" 048 "Receive or visit friends" 049 "Conversation (in person, phone)" 050 "Games (social and solitary)/other in-home social" 051 "General indoor leisure" 052 "Art or music" 053 "Correspondence (not e-mail)" 054 "Knit, crafts or hobbies" 055 "Relax, think, do nothing" 056 "Read" 057 "Listen to music or other audio content" 058 "Listen to radio" 059 "Watch tv, video, dvd, streamed film" 060 "Computer games" 061 "E-mail, surf internet, computing" 062 "No activity, imputed or recorded transport" 063 "Travel to/from work" 064 "Education travel" 065 "Voluntary/civic/religious travel" 066 "Child/adult care travel" 067 "Shop, person/hhld care travel" 068 "Other travel" 069 "No recorded activity" 099 "No secondary activity in study" -09 "Could not be created" /ELOC 01 "At own home" 02 "At another's home" 03 "At workplace" 04 "At school" 05 "At services or shops" 06 "At restaurant, bar etc" 07 "At place of worship" 08 "Travelling" 09 "Other locations" -8 "Location unknown" /INOUT 01 "Inside" 02 "Outside" 03 "In vehicle" -7 "Location not collected" -8 "Location unknown" -9 "Could not be created" /MTRAV 01 "Travel by car etc" 02 "Public transport" 03 "Walk / on foot" 04 "Other physical transport" 05 "Other/unspecified transport" -7 "Not travelling" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /ALONE 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not collected for diary group" -8 "Missing" /ALONE_ALT 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not asked" -8 "Missing" /CHILD 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not collected for diary group" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /SPPART 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not available" -8 "Missing" /OAD 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -7 "Not collected for diary group" -8 "Missing" -9 "Could not be created" /ICT 00 "No" 01 "Yes" -9 "Could not be created" . execute.