/* NOTE: You need to edit the `libname` command to specify the path to the directory where the data file is located. For example: "C:\ipums_directory". Edit the `filename` command similarly to include the full path (the directory and the data file name). */ libname IPUMS "."; filename ASCIIDAT "mtus_00048.dat"; proc format cntlout = IPUMS.mtus_00048_f; value RECTYPE_f 2 = "Person" 3 = "Activity" ; value $ SAMPLE_f "US1965" = "United States 1965" "US1975" = "United States 1975" "US1985" = "United States 1985" "US1993" = "United States 1993" "US1995" = "United States 1995" "US1998" = "United States 1998" "US2003" = "United States 2003" "US2004" = "United States 2004" "US2005" = "United States 2005" "US2006" = "United States 2006" "US2007" = "United States 2007" "US2008" = "United States 2008" "US2009" = "United States 2009" "US2010" = "United States 2010" "US2011" = "United States 2011" "US2012" = "United States 2012" "US2013" = "United States 2013" "US2014" = "United States 2014" "US2015" = "United States 2015" "UK1974" = "United Kingdom 1974" "UK1983" = "United Kingdom 1983" "UK1987" = "United Kingdom 1987" "UK1995" = "United Kingdom 1995" "UK2000" = "United Kingdom 2000" "UK2005" = "United Kingdom 2005" "UK2014" = "United Kingdom 2014" "ES2002" = "Spain 2002" "ES2009" = "Spain 2009" "NL1975" = "Netherlands 1975" "NL1980" = "Netherlands 1980" "NL1985" = "Netherlands 1985" "NL1990" = "Netherlands 1990" "NL1995" = "Netherlands 1995" "NL2000" = "Netherlands 2000" "NL2005" = "Netherlands 2005" "FR1998" = "France 1998" "FR1985" = "France 1985" "AT1992" = "Austria 1992" "FI1979" = "Finland 1979" "FI2009" = "Finland 2009" "CA2010" = "Canada 2010" "IL1991" = "Israel 1991" "BG2001" = "Bulgaria 2001" "HU2009" = "Hungary 2009" "IT2002" = "Italy 2002" "HU1999" = "Hungary 1999" "FR2009" = "France 2009" "ZA2000" = "South Africa 2000" "CA2005" = "Canada 2005" ; value $ COUNTRY_f "NL" = "Netherlands" "ES" = "Spain" "UK" = "United Kingdom" "US" = "USA" "FR" = "France" "AT" = "Austria" "FI" = "Finland" "CA" = "Canada" "IL" = "Israel" "HU" = "Hungary" "BG" = "Bulgaria" "IT" = "Italy" "ZA" = "South Africa" ; value DIARY_f 01 = "1st diary day" 02 = "2nd diary day" 03 = "3rd diary day" 04 = "4th diary day" 05 = "5th diary day" 06 = "6th diary day" 07 = "7th diary day" ; value YEAR_f 1965 = "1965" 1966 = "1966" 1974 = "1974" 1975 = "1975" 1976 = "1976" 1979 = "1979" 1980 = "1980" 1983 = "1983" 1984 = "1984" 1985 = "1985" 1986 = "1986" 1987 = "1987" 1990 = "1990" 1991 = "1991" 1992 = "1992" 1993 = "1993" 1994 = "1994" 1995 = "1995" 1998 = "1998" 1999 = "1999" 2000 = "2000" 2001 = "2001" 2002 = "2002" 2003 = "2003" 2004 = "2004" 2005 = "2005" 2006 = "2006" 2007 = "2007" 2008 = "2008" 2009 = "2009" 2010 = "2010" 2011 = "2011" 2012 = "2012" 2013 = "2013" 2014 = "2014" 2015 = "2015" ; value PARNTID1_f 0001 = "1" 0002 = "2" 0003 = "3" 0004 = "4" 0005 = "5" 0006 = "6" 0007 = "7" 0008 = "8" 0009 = "9" 0010 = "10" 0011 = "11" 0012 = "12" 0013 = "13" -007 = "Diarist does not live with parent" -008 = "Could not identify parent in household" -009 = "Not applicable/Not asked" ; value PARNTID2_f 0001 = "1" 0002 = "2" 0003 = "3" 0004 = "4" 0005 = "5" 0006 = "6" 0007 = "7" 0008 = "8" 0009 = "9" 0010 = "10" 0011 = "11" 0012 = "12" 0013 = "13" 0014 = "14" -007 = "Diarist does not live with parent" -008 = "Could not identify parent in household" -009 = "Not applicable/Not asked" ; value PARTID_f 0001 = "1" 0002 = "2" 0003 = "3" 0004 = "4" 0005 = "5" 0006 = "6" 0007 = "7" 0008 = "8" 0009 = "9" 0010 = "10" 0011 = "11" -007 = "No partner present" -008 = "Could not identify partner" -009 = "Not applicable/Not asked" ; value RELREFP_f 01 = "Reference person" 02 = "Spouse/partner" 03 = "Child" 04 = "Parent" 05 = "Sibling" 06 = "Son/Daughter-in-law" 07 = "Parent-in-law" 08 = "Brother/Sister-in-law" 09 = "Other relative" 10 = "Not related" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Not applicable/Not asked" ; value DAY_f 01 = "Sunday" 02 = "Monday" 03 = "Tuesday" 04 = "Wednesday" 05 = "Thursday" 06 = "Friday" 07 = "Saturday" -8 = "Missing" ; value MONTH_f 01 = "January" 02 = "February" 03 = "March" 04 = "April" 05 = "May" 06 = "June" 07 = "July" 08 = "August" 09 = "September" 10 = "October" 11 = "November" 12 = "December" -8 = "Missing" ; value HHTYPE_f 01 = "One person household" 02 = "Married or cohabiting couple alone" 03 = "Married or cohabiting couple and others" 04 = "Other household types" -7 = "Not applicable/Not asked" -8 = "Missing" ; value HHLDSIZE_f 001 = "1" 002 = "2" 003 = "3" 004 = "4" 005 = "5" 006 = "6" 007 = "7" 008 = "8" 009 = "9" 010 = "10" 011 = "11" 012 = "12" 013 = "13" 014 = "14" 015 = "15" 016 = "16" 017 = "17" 018 = "18" 019 = "19" -08 = "Missing" ; value NCHILD_f 00 = "0" 01 = "1" 02 = "2" 03 = "3" 04 = "4" 05 = "5" 06 = "6" 07 = "7" 08 = "8" 09 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12" -8 = "Missing" ; value FAMSTAT_f 00 = "Aged 18-39 with no coresident children under 18" 01 = "Aged 18+ with 1+ coresident children under 5" 02 = "Aged 18+ with 1+ coresident children 5-17, 0 under 5" 03 = "Aged 40+ with no coresident children under 18" 04 = "Under 18 living with parent(s) or guardian(s)" 05 = "Under 18, living arrangement other or unknown" -8 = "Missing" ; value SINGPAR_f 000 = "No" 001 = "Yes" -07 = "Not applicable/Not Asked" -08 = "Missing" ; value OWNHOME_f 01 = "Own outright or mortgage" 02 = "Rents" 03 = "Other" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Not applicable/not asked" ; value URBAN_f 01 = "Urban/Suburban" 02 = "Rural/Semi-rural" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" ; value AGEKID_f 001 = "0-4 years" 002 = "5-12 years" 003 = "13-17 years" 004 = "18+" -07 = "Not applicable/Not asked" -08 = "Missing" ; value AGEKID2_f 000 = "0" 001 = "1" 002 = "2" 003 = "3" 004 = "4" 005 = "5" 006 = "6" 007 = "7" 008 = "8" 009 = "9" 010 = "10" 011 = "11" 012 = "12" 013 = "13" 014 = "14" 015 = "15" 016 = "16" 017 = "17" 018 = "18" 019 = "19" 020 = "20" 021 = "21" 022 = "22" 023 = "23" 024 = "24" 025 = "25" 026 = "26" 027 = "27" 028 = "28" 029 = "29" 030 = "30" 031 = "31" 032 = "32" 033 = "33" 034 = "34" 035 = "35" 036 = "36" 037 = "37" 038 = "38" 039 = "39" 040 = "40" 041 = "41" 042 = "42" 043 = "43" 044 = "44" 045 = "45" 046 = "46" 047 = "47" 048 = "48" 049 = "49" 050 = "50" 051 = "51" 052 = "52" 053 = "53" 054 = "54" 055 = "55" 056 = "56" 057 = "57" 058 = "58" 059 = "59" 060 = "60" 061 = "61" 062 = "62" 063 = "63" 064 = "64" 065 = "65" 066 = "66" 067 = "67" 068 = "68" 069 = "69" 070 = "70" 071 = "71" 072 = "72" 073 = "73" 074 = "74" 075 = "75" 076 = "76" 077 = "77" 078 = "78" 079 = "79" 080 = "80 or older" 081 = "081" 082 = "082" 083 = "083" 084 = "084" 085 = "085" -07 = "Not applicable/not asked" -08 = "Missing" ; value SEX_f 01 = "Man" 02 = "Woman" -8 = "Missing" ; value CITIZEN_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" ; value CIVSTAT_f 01 = "In couple (married/cohabit/civil partnership)" 02 = "Not in couple" -8 = "Missing" ; value COHAB_f 00 = "No, married" 01 = "Yes, cohabitating" -7 = "Not in couple" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Not asked/Not applicable" ; value EDTRY_f 01 = "inc 2ndry or less" 02 = "completed secondary" 03 = "above 2ndry education" -7 = "Not Applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value EDUCA_f 00 = "0" 01 = "1" 02 = "2" 03 = "3" 04 = "4" 05 = "5" 06 = "6" 07 = "7" 08 = "8" 09 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12" 13 = "13" 14 = "14" 15 = "15" 16 = "16" 17 = "17" 18 = "18" 19 = "19" 20 = "20" 21 = "21" 22 = "22" 23 = "23" 24 = "24" 25 = "25" 26 = "26" 27 = "27" 28 = "28" 29 = "29" 30 = "30" 31 = "31" 32 = "32" 33 = "33" 34 = "34" 39 = "39" 43 = "43" 51 = "51" 60 = "60" 99 = "Not in Universe (NIU)" -7 = "Not Applicable/ Not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value EMPSTAT_f 01 = "Full-time" 02 = "Part-time" 03 = "Unknown job hours" 04 = "Not in paid work" -7 = "Not asked of this diarist" -8 = "Missing" ; value EMPSP_f 01 = "Full-time" 02 = "Part-time" 03 = "Unknown job hours" 04 = "Not in paid work" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value SECTOR_f 01 = "Public sector" 02 = "Private sector" -7 = "Not applicable/Not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value EMP_f 00 = "Not in paid work" 01 = "In paid work" -8 = "Missing" -7 = "Could not be created" ; value UNEMP_f 00 = "Not unemployed" 01 = "Unemployed" -8 = "Missing" ; value WORKHRS_f -004 = "Hours vary" -007 = "Not applicable/not asked" -008 = "Missing" -009 = "Could not be created" 0001 = "1" 0081 = "81" ; value RETIRED_f 00 = "Not retired" 01 = "Retired" -8 = "Missing" ; value STUDENT_f 00 = "Not Student" 01 = "Student" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" ; value HEALTH_f 00 = "Poor" 01 = "Fair" 02 = "Good" 03 = "Very Good" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value DISAB_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value INCOME_f 01 = "Lowest 25%" 02 = "Middle 50%" 03 = "Highest 25%" -7 = "Not applicable/not asked" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value NOWGHT_f 0 = "Sufficient information" 1 = "Insufficient information" -9 = "Not applicable" ; value CDAY_f 01 = "1" 02 = "2" 03 = "3" 04 = "4" 05 = "5" 06 = "6" 07 = "7" 08 = "8" 09 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12" 13 = "13" 14 = "14" 15 = "15" 16 = "16" 17 = "17" 18 = "18" 19 = "19" 20 = "20" 21 = "21" 22 = "22" 23 = "23" 24 = "24" 25 = "25" 26 = "26" 27 = "27" 28 = "28" 29 = "29" 30 = "30" 31 = "31" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value MAIN_f 001 = "Imputed personal or household care" 002 = "Sleep and naps" 003 = "Imputed sleep" 004 = "Wash, dress, care for self" 005 = "Meals at work or school" 006 = "Meals or snacks in other places" 007 = "Paid work-main job (not at home)" 008 = "Paid work at home" 009 = "Second or other job not at home" 010 = "Unpaid work to generate household income" 011 = "Travel as a part of work" 012 = "Work breaks" 013 = "Other time at workplace" 014 = "Look for work" 015 = "Regular schooling, education" 016 = "Homework" 017 = "Leisure and other education or training" 018 = "Food preparation, cooking" 019 = "Set table, wash/put away dishes" 020 = "Cleaning" 021 = "Laundry, ironing, clothing repair" 022 = "Maintain home/vehicle, including collect fuel" 023 = "Other domestic work" 024 = "Purchase goods" 025 = "Consume personal care services" 026 = "Consume other services" 027 = "Pet care (not walk dog)" 028 = "Physical, medical child care" 029 = "Teach, help with homework" 030 = "Read to, talk or play with child" 031 = "Supervise, accompany, other child care" 032 = "Adult care" 033 = "Voluntary, civic, organisational act" 034 = "Worship and religion" 035 = "General out-of-home leisure" 036 = "Attend sporting event" 037 = "Cinema, theatre, opera, concert" 038 = "Other public event, venue" 039 = "Restaurant, cafe, bar, pub" 040 = "Party, social event, gambling" 041 = "Imputed time away from home" 042 = "General sport or exercise" 043 = "Walking" 044 = "Cycling" 045 = "Other outside recreation" 046 = "Gardening/pick mushrooms" 047 = "Walk dogs" 048 = "Receive or visit friends" 049 = "Conversation (in person, phone)" 050 = "Games (social and solitary)/other in-home social" 051 = "General indoor leisure" 052 = "Art or music" 053 = "Correspondence (not e-mail)" 054 = "Knit, crafts or hobbies" 055 = "Relax, think, do nothing" 056 = "Read" 057 = "Listen to music or other audio content" 058 = "Listen to radio" 059 = "Watch tv, video, dvd, streamed film" 060 = "Computer games" 061 = "E-mail, surf internet, computing" 062 = "No activity, imputed or recorded transport" 063 = "Travel to/from work" 064 = "Education travel" 065 = "Voluntary/civic/religious travel" 066 = "Child/adult care travel" 067 = "Shop, person/hhld care travel" 068 = "Other travel" 069 = "No recorded activity" 099 = "Missing" ; value SEC_f 001 = "Imputed personal or household care" 002 = "Sleep and naps" 003 = "Imputed sleep" 004 = "Wash, dress, care for self" 005 = "Meals at work or school" 006 = "Meals or snacks in other places" 007 = "Paid work-main job (not at home)" 008 = "Paid work at home" 009 = "Second or other job not at home" 010 = "Unpaid work to generate household income" 011 = "Travel as a part of work" 012 = "Work breaks" 013 = "Other time at workplace" 014 = "Look for work" 015 = "Regular schooling, education" 016 = "Homework" 017 = "Leisure and other education or training" 018 = "Food preparation, cooking" 019 = "Set table, wash/put away dishes" 020 = "Cleaning" 021 = "Laundry, ironing, clothing repair" 022 = "Maintain home/vehicle, including collect fuel" 023 = "Other domestic work" 024 = "Purchase goods" 025 = "Consume personal care services" 026 = "Consume other services" 027 = "Pet care (not walk dog)" 028 = "Physical, medical child care" 029 = "Teach, help with homework" 030 = "Read to, talk or play with child" 031 = "Supervise, accompany, other child care" 032 = "Adult care" 033 = "Voluntary, civic, organisational act" 034 = "Worship and religion" 035 = "General out-of-home leisure" 036 = "Attend sporting event" 037 = "Cinema, theatre, opera, concert" 038 = "Other public event, venue" 039 = "Restaurant, cafe, bar, pub" 040 = "Party, social event, gambling" 041 = "Imputed time away from home" 042 = "General sport or exercise" 043 = "Walking" 044 = "Cycling" 045 = "Other outside recreation" 046 = "Gardening/pick mushrooms" 047 = "Walk dogs" 048 = "Receive or visit friends" 049 = "Conversation (in person, phone)" 050 = "Games (social and solitary)/other in-home social" 051 = "General indoor leisure" 052 = "Art or music" 053 = "Correspondence (not e-mail)" 054 = "Knit, crafts or hobbies" 055 = "Relax, think, do nothing" 056 = "Read" 057 = "Listen to music or other audio content" 058 = "Listen to radio" 059 = "Watch tv, video, dvd, streamed film" 060 = "Computer games" 061 = "E-mail, surf internet, computing" 062 = "No activity, imputed or recorded transport" 063 = "Travel to/from work" 064 = "Education travel" 065 = "Voluntary/civic/religious travel" 066 = "Child/adult care travel" 067 = "Shop, person/hhld care travel" 068 = "Other travel" 069 = "No recorded activity" 099 = "No secondary activity in study" -09 = "Could not be created" ; value ELOC_f 01 = "At own home" 02 = "At another's home" 03 = "At workplace" 04 = "At school" 05 = "At services or shops" 06 = "At restaurant, bar etc" 07 = "At place of worship" 08 = "Travelling" 09 = "Other locations" -8 = "Location unknown" ; value INOUT_f 01 = "Inside" 02 = "Outside" 03 = "In vehicle" -7 = "Location not collected" -8 = "Location unknown" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value MTRAV_f 01 = "Travel by car etc" 02 = "Public transport" 03 = "Walk / on foot" 04 = "Other physical transport" 05 = "Other/unspecified transport" -7 = "Not travelling" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value ALONE_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not collected for diary group" -8 = "Missing" ; value ALONE_ALT_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not asked" -8 = "Missing" ; value CHILD_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not collected for diary group" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value SPPART_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not available" -8 = "Missing" ; value OAD_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -7 = "Not collected for diary group" -8 = "Missing" -9 = "Could not be created" ; value ICT_f 00 = "No" 01 = "Yes" -9 = "Could not be created" ; run; data IPUMS.mtus_00048; infile ASCIIDAT pad missover lrecl=227; input RECTYPE 1-1 @ ; if RECTYPE = 2 then do; input RECTYPE 1-1 SAMPLE $ 2-7 IDENT 8-16 COUNTRY $ 17-18 HLDID 19-34 PERSID 35-51 DIARY 52-53 YEAR 54-57 PARNTID1 58-61 PARNTID2 62-65 PARTID 66-69 RELREFP 70-71 DAY 72-73 MONTH 74-75 HHTYPE 76-77 HHLDSIZE 78-80 NCHILD 81-82 FAMSTAT 83-84 SINGPAR 85-87 OWNHOME 88-89 URBAN 90-91 AGEKID 92-94 AGEKID2 95-97 AGE 98-100 SEX 101-102 CITIZEN 103-104 CIVSTAT 105-106 COHAB 107-108 EDTRY 109-110 EDUCA 111-112 EMPSTAT 113-114 EMPSP 115-116 SECTOR 117-118 EMP 119-120 UNEMP 121-122 WORKHRS 123-126 RETIRED 127-128 STUDENT 129-130 HEALTH 131-132 DISAB 133-134 INCOME 135-136 INCORIG 137-144 NOWGHT 145-145 OCOMBWT 146-163 PROPWT 164-179 ACT_CHCARE 180-183 ACT_CIVIC 184-187 ACT_EDUCA 188-191 ACT_INHOME 192-195 ACT_MEDIA 196-199 ACT_NOREC 200-203 ACT_OUTHOME 204-207 ACT_PCARE 208-211 ACT_PHYSICAL 212-215 ACT_TRAVEL 216-219 ACT_UNDOM 220-223 ACT_WORK 224-227 ; output; end; else if RECTYPE = 3 then do; input RECTYPE 1-1 SAMPLE $ 2-7 IDENT 8-16 COUNTRY $ 17-18 HLDID 19-34 PERSID 35-51 DIARY 52-53 YEAR 54-57 CDAY 58-59 EPNUM 60-62 CLOCKST 63-68 .2 START 69-72 END 73-76 TIME 77-80 MAIN 81-83 SEC 84-86 ELOC 87-88 INOUT 89-90 MTRAV 91-92 ALONE 93-94 ALONE_ALT 95-96 CHILD 97-98 SPPART 99-100 OAD 101-102 ICT 103-104 ; output; end; label RECTYPE = "Record type" SAMPLE = "Sample" IDENT = "Identifier" COUNTRY = "Country or region of survey" HLDID = "Household id" PERSID = "Person/diarist identifier" DIARY = "Diary order" YEAR = "Year diary kept" PARNTID1 = "Person id 1st parent of diarist" PARNTID2 = "Person id 2nd parent of diarist" PARTID = "Person id of spouse or partner" RELREFP = "Relation to household reference person" DAY = "Day of week diary kept" MONTH = "Month diary kept" HHTYPE = "Household type" HHLDSIZE = "Number of people in household" NCHILD = "Number of children aged under 18 in household" FAMSTAT = "Individual level family status" SINGPAR = "Diarist is a single parent" OWNHOME = "Owns or rents home" URBAN = "Urban" AGEKID = "Age of youngest child in household" AGEKID2 = "Age of youngest child in household, including adult children" AGE = "Age" SEX = "Sex" CITIZEN = "Diarist is citizen/native of country" CIVSTAT = "Diarist is in a couple" COHAB = "Diarist cohabiting" EDTRY = "Harmonized highest level of education" EDUCA = "Education-original study codes" EMPSTAT = "Employment status" EMPSP = "Emp status of spouse/partner" SECTOR = "Sector of employment" EMP = "Employed" UNEMP = "Unemployed" WORKHRS = "Hours paid work last week including overtime" RETIRED = "Retirement status" STUDENT = "Student status" HEALTH = "Diarist's general health" DISAB = "Has disability/long-term health condition" INCOME = "Total household income grouped" INCORIG = "Original household income" NOWGHT = "Marker of insufficient information to make propwt" OCOMBWT = "Original weight" PROPWT = "Proposed weight" CDAY = "Calendar day diary kept" EPNUM = "Episode number" CLOCKST = "Start time on 24 hour clock" START = "Start minute" END = "End minute" TIME = "Duration of activity in minutes" MAIN = "Main activity" SEC = "Secondary activity" ELOC = "Location or mode of transport" INOUT = "Activity outside, inside or in vehicle" MTRAV = "Mode of travel" ALONE = "Time alone or with strangers" ALONE_ALT = "Alternative alone to create filters" CHILD = "Child under 18 present during activity" SPPART = "Spouse or partner present during activity" OAD = "Other adult present during activity" ICT = "Used ICT during activity" ACT_CHCARE = "ACT: Child care" ACT_CIVIC = "ACT: Adult care, civic, voluntary, and religious activities" ACT_EDUCA = "ACT: Education" ACT_INHOME = "ACT: In home free time leisure" ACT_MEDIA = "ACT: Media and computing" ACT_NOREC = "ACT: No recorded" ACT_OUTHOME = "ACT: Out of home free time and leisure" ACT_PCARE = "ACT: Personal care" ACT_PHYSICAL = "ACT: Sports, exercise, and outdoor activities" ACT_TRAVEL = "ACT: Travel" ACT_UNDOM = "ACT: Unpaid domestic work" ACT_WORK = "ACT: Paid Work" ; format RECTYPE RECTYPE_f. SAMPLE SAMPLE_f. COUNTRY COUNTRY_f. DIARY DIARY_f. YEAR YEAR_f. PARNTID1 PARNTID1_f. PARNTID2 PARNTID2_f. PARTID PARTID_f. RELREFP RELREFP_f. DAY DAY_f. MONTH MONTH_f. HHTYPE HHTYPE_f. HHLDSIZE HHLDSIZE_f. NCHILD NCHILD_f. FAMSTAT FAMSTAT_f. SINGPAR SINGPAR_f. OWNHOME OWNHOME_f. URBAN URBAN_f. AGEKID AGEKID_f. AGEKID2 AGEKID2_f. SEX SEX_f. CITIZEN CITIZEN_f. CIVSTAT CIVSTAT_f. COHAB COHAB_f. EDTRY EDTRY_f. EDUCA EDUCA_f. EMPSTAT EMPSTAT_f. EMPSP EMPSP_f. SECTOR SECTOR_f. EMP EMP_f. UNEMP UNEMP_f. WORKHRS WORKHRS_f. RETIRED RETIRED_f. STUDENT STUDENT_f. HEALTH HEALTH_f. DISAB DISAB_f. INCOME INCOME_f. NOWGHT NOWGHT_f. CDAY CDAY_f. MAIN MAIN_f. SEC SEC_f. ELOC ELOC_f. INOUT INOUT_f. MTRAV MTRAV_f. ALONE ALONE_f. ALONE_ALT ALONE_ALT_f. CHILD CHILD_f. SPPART SPPART_f. OAD OAD_f. ICT ICT_f. ; format IDENT 9. HLDID 16. PERSID 17. OCOMBWT 18. PROPWT 16. IDENT 9. HLDID 16. PERSID 17. ; run;