Category Description

This category captures time the respondent spends in in-home free time and leisure. This includes receiving or visiting friends (0948), conversation (in person, phone) (0949), games (social and solitary)/ other in home social activities (0950), general in-door leisure (0951), art or music (0952), correspondence (not e-mail) (0953), crafts, knits or hobbies (0954), as well as relax, think, or do nothing (0955).


    Category Description

    This category comprises of time visiting with or receiving friends.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, sp2002, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: These samples comprises of time visiting with or receiving friends. The Netherland samples also specify time receiving or visiting relatives as well.

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: The period includes time in socializing and communicating with others.

    Category examples
    Accompanying family while they run errands
    Accompanying friends while they run errands
    Arguing with family, with friends
    Entertaining family/friends
    Giving gifts to friends/presents to adults
    Greeting family/friends
    Greeting neighbors/acquaintances/other parents
    Hanging out with family/with friends
    Hugging or kissing family
    Hugging/kissing acquaintances/others, friends, neighbors
    Spending time with family, friends
    Talking to/with other parents
    Talking with acquaintances, with family, with friends, with neighbors
    Visiting with family, with friends

    uk1975: This period captures time spent entertaining visitors at home and visiting friends or relatives.

    uk1983: Time in this activity captures time spent eating out at a colleague's, friend's house, visiting friends, relatives, as well as entertaining at home.

    uk1987: In addition to activities captured in uk1983 sample, this time period also includes time having alcohol, smoke, and taking drugs if with people from outside household in home or at other person's home.

    uk1995: This sample is coded from socializing activity.

    uk2000, fi1979: The activity includes unspecified social life, visiting and receiving visit, as well as other specified social life.

    sp2009: In addition to visiting people or receiving visitors, this time period also includes other specified social relations.

    at1992: This captures time spent entertaining visitors at home and visiting friends or relatives, as well as visiting someone in a hospital/ nursing home.

    fr1985, fr1998: This is time visiting or receiving friends as long as it is an activity without dinner. The fr1985 sample includes these activities if meals/snacks/tea/coffee are included.

    ca2010: This is time socializing at a private residence (with or without food), or other socializing (at malls).


    Category Description

    This category captures time respondents spend talking in person, over the phone, as well as texting.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, fr1985, fr1998, ca2010: These samples include time spent on talking in person, over the phone (as well as texting).

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: This activity includes time on telephone calls to/from family members, telephone calls to/from friends, neighbors, or acquaintances as well as other unidentified phone calls.

    Category examples
    Talking on phone to relatives, boyfriend, girlfriend
    Talking on phone to fiancée
    Talking on phone to friends/neighbors/acquaintances

    uk1975, uk1987, uk1983: This activity includes talk, chat, argue, discuss in person or over the phone.

    uk2000: The activity includes socializing with household members, and having telephone conversation with friends or family members.

    uk2005, sp2002, sp2009, at1992, fi1979: Time in this activity only includes phone conversations.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This is time spent talking to housemates and generally on telephone.


    Category Description

    This comprises of time in social and society games.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998: This activity includes imputed social time at home and in-home social/game. The us1985 comprises the following category examples for this period:

    Category examples
    Visiting with others
    Socializing with people other than respondent's own household members either at respondent's home or another home
    Talking/chatting in the context of receiving a visit or paying a visit
    Watching another person do active leisure activities (for children)

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: This time period includes other non-imputed in-home social games.

    uk1975, uk1995, uk2005: The activity is not available in this time period.

    uk1983, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: The activity includes playing games and cards. The Netherland samples specify the following examples:

    Category examples
    Party games (Monopoly etc.)
    Chess, bridge, checkers, playing carts
    Jigsaw puzzles

    uk1987: This time period includes time spend in kissing, cuddling, fondling, playing games and play card games.

    uk2000, fr1985: This time period comprises of unspecified games, playing solo games, unspecified games and play with others, playing with billiards, pool, snooker, chess, and other specified games.

    uk2005: This time period includes a number of in-home social games. It comprises of unspecified games, alone games, society games, and other specified games. If respondent is at home or friend's home, the following activities are included: unspecified social and fun activities, unspecified social relations, family social life, parties, as well as other specified social relations.

    sp2002: This time period includes unspecified passive leisure activities and passive leisure.

    sp2009, ca2010: This time period includes social time with family, solitary games, social games, and other specified games.

    at1992: This captures time spent playing games (unspecified for children), and in other activities such as vacation or free time.

    fr1998: This is time spent playing games, exchanging gifts, and with other social contacts.

    fi1979: This activity includes time spent in social games or games alone. It also includes other socializing activities if the location is at home or another household.


    Category Description

    This is time in other types of active leisure and past times.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1975: These samples include only general indoor leisure activities.

    us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, fr1985: General indoor leisure is not available in this time period.

    uk1983, fi1979: The time period includes all other leisure activities and any unspecified leisure.

    uk1983: In addition to activities captured in uk1983 sample, this time period also includes playing as indoor leisure if location is home.

    uk1975, uk1995, uk2005: These time periods include leisure activities taken place at home.

    uk2000: Any other unspecified hobbies and games are included.

    sp2002: Unspecified passive leisure activities and other passive leisure activities are considered as general indoor leisure if respondent is at own home or friend's home.

    sp2009: Any other informal free time activity, unspecified free time, and other specified cultural activities taken place at the respondent's own home or second home are considered as general indoor leisure in this time period.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995: This includes children playing inside the home, amateur radio transmission, and sundry media.

    nl2000, nl2005: These samples specify this activity as time for children playing inside the home. This is only relevant to child diarists.

    at1992: This captures time spent using other mass media.

    fr1998: This samples considers activities that are semi-leisure.

    ca2010: This includes time spent in other leisure activities, or other media and communication.

  • 0952 ART OR MUSIC

    Category Description

    This comprises of time in artistic activities such as painting.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1993, us1995, us1998, uk1983, uk1987: These samples include playing instrument, singing, and other artistic activities.

    us1975: This is time spent on doing sculptures, painting, and drawing as well as time spent on literature or writing poetry. This period also includes time in photography.

    us1985: The following are the category examples for this period:

    Category examples
    Sculpture, painting, potting, drawing
    Literature, poetry, writing {not letters), writing a diary

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, fi1979: These samples include general artistic activity.

    uk2000, sp2002, sp2009: This is time in unspecified arts, visual arts, painting, drawing, graphic arts, making video, taking photo, other specified visual arts, unspecified performing arts, singing or musical activity, other specified performing art, literary arts and other specified arts. The Spain samples also specify time in theatre and plastic arts as well.

    uk1975, uk1995, uk2005: This activity is not available for this sample.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This activity is specified as time playing musical instrument, singing, and ballet. The nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995 samples also include time doing pottery, photography, painting, weaving, and others.

    at1992: This is time spent playing a musical instrument, singing, painting, or creating art.

    fr1985, fr1998, ca2010: This activity is specified as time creating art, practicing a musical instrument, theater, dancing, making films, photography and recording.


    Category Description

    This comprises of time writing letters or correspondences.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, fr1998: This is time spent writing private correspondence and letters.

    uk1983, uk1987: This is time writing by longhand or typewriter. The uk1983 sample also includes time writing on word processor.

    uk2000, sp2009, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: This is simply specified as time writing correspondence. The US samples specify writing by hand.

    uk1975, uk1995, uk2005: This activity is not available for these samples.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005, ca2010: This activity is specified as time writing letters. The ca2010, nl2000 and nl2005 samples also include time writing cards to family and friends.

    sp2002: Time in this activity includes literary arts and correspondence.

    at1992, fr1985, fi1979: This is time writing or reading private correspondence and letters.


    Category Description

    This comprises of time in crafts such as knitting and sewing.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998: These samples categorize time in crafts and other hobbies such as ladies' work (confection, needle work, dressmaking, knitting, etc.) as ladies hobbies. The following are the category examples for the us1985 sample:

    Category examples
    Preserving foodstuffs (cleaning, pickling)
    Knitting, needle-work, weaving, crocheting (including classes), crewel, embroidery, quilting, quilling, macramé
    Working on cars - not necessary to their running; customizing, painting
    Working on or repairing leisure time equipment (repairing the boat, sorting out fishing tackle)
    Collections, scrapbooks
    Carpentry and woodworking (as a hobby)

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: The period includes crafts activity such as:

    Category examples
    Artistic painting
    Jewelry making
    Making holiday/other decorations
    Making pottery/sculpting
    Model making
    Putting pictures in albums
    Taking photographs
    Wood working
    Organizing coin collection
    Bird watching
    Researching family tree

    uk2000: This is time in handicraft and producing textiles, woodcraft, metal craft, sculpture, pottery, unspecified hobbies, collecting and other specified hobbies.

    uk1983, uk1987, uk1995, uk2005: Hobbies and other leisure are included here. The uk1987 specifies activities such as knitting, sewing, dressmaking, and collecting not included elsewhere. The uk1983 further includes home brewing and wine making in addition to the uk1987 examples.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This is time in handiwork, handicrafts, needlework, knitting, sundry handicrafts and collecting items. The nl2000 and nl2005 also include time in pottery, photography, painting, weaving, and so on.

    at1992: This includes time spent solving riddles, dressmaking, sewing, knitting, embroidering, and doing needlework, crafts, photography, collecting, and other hobbies.

    fr1985: This activity includes time spent making clothing and lingerie, sewing, needlework, bricolage and technical works.

    fr1998: This samples considers sewing, knitting, making crafts, hobbies, and other miscellaneous activities such as cross-words, or modelling.

    fi1979: This is time in dressmaking, handicraft, technical hobbies or collections, and other hobbies. Additionally, it considers time where the primary activity is missing and the secondary activity is needlework.

    ca2010: This activity includes home crafts done mainly for pleasure such as sewing or needlework.


    Category Description

    This comprises of time in no visible activities such as thinking, relaxing etc.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998: This is time spent relaxing, reflecting, thinking, planning, doing nothing - no visible activity. The following are the category examples for the us1985 sample:

    Category examples
    Thinking, planning, reflecting
    Doing nothing, sat; just sat
    Other passive leisure, smoking dope, pestering, teasing, joking around, messing around, laughing

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005, uk1995, at1992: Time spent relaxing is included. The nl2000, uk1995, nl2005 specify time doing nothing.

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: The samples include time relaxing and thinking, using tobacco and drug, as well as waiting associated with socializing, relaxing and leisure.

    Category examples
    Breaks at work, unspecified activity
    Doing nothing/goofing off/wasting time
    Hanging around/hanging out (2003)
    Sitting around
    Thinking (2003-2004)
    Watching husband assemble lawnmower
    Watching husband cook dinner
    Watching wife garden
    Chewing tobacco
    Having a cigarette
    Rolling a cigarette
    Smoking a cigarette/cigar/pipe
    Smoking marijuana/pot/weed
    Using recreational drugs

    sp2002: This sample includes the following if not on foot neither travelling by bicycle: unspecified use of time and other specified free time. It also includes the following if not at (own/friend) home, beach/seaside, sport center/outside, street: unspecified passive leisure. It further includes passive leisure.

    sp2009: This is time in passive leisure only.

    uk1983: Relaxing, pottering around, sitting in garden, sunbathing, kissing, cuddling, and fondling are included in this activity.

    uk1987: These are the activity included for this sample: Relax, potter around, sit in the garden, sunbathe, and if not at home or entertaining at home, alcohol, smoke, drugs.

    uk2000, uk2005: Time spent resting is included here.

    fr1985, fr1998: This is time spent doing nothing, reflecting, making projects, and smoking.

    fi1979: This is time spent resting when location is not work outside home.

    ca2010: This is time spent relaxing, thinking, resting, or smoking.