Category Description

This category captures time the respondent spends in activities such as imputed personal or household care (0101), sleep and naps (0102), imputed sleep (0103), wash, dress, or personal care (0104), meals at work or school (0105), and meals or snacks in other places (0106).


    Category Description

    Imputed personal care is defined as gaps (less than 25 minutes) following main night sleep where the next activities lead up to leaving the house, and also activities where a person has been away from home, then has the gap immediately upon arriving home, before undertaking other activities. Typically, these gaps are short duration activities in gaps of 20 or fewer minutes

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1993, us1995, us1998, uk1983, sp2009: Imputed personal or household care was not possible to create.

    us1975, us1985, uk1975, uk1995, uk2005, sp2002, nl2000, nl2005, ca2010: Imputed personal or household care was created not by original codes but by the Center for Time Use Research (CTUR) codes. In US sample 1975, those imputed personal care gaps preceded by travel tend to be followed either by sleep or travel. This category includes activities such as prepare to go out or arrive home.

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, uk2000: Imputed personal and household care is short gap prior to travel from home or returning home from travel added by the MTUS team in the sequence of personal care.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, at1992, fr1985, fr1998, fi1979: This includes imputed personal or household care and also some instances generated by CTUR in missing time gaps.

    uk1987: Imputed personal and household care is time respondent reported as time arrived home, and went out (not at workplace). It also includes instances created by the Center for Time Use Research (CTUR) codes.


    Category Description

    Sleep and naps activities usually include sleeping for night's rest, sleeping (not a night's rest) as well as taking a rest or a nap.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005, fr1985, ca2010: Sleep, naps and rest are included in this activity.

    us1995, uk1995, uk2005, fr1998: Only sleep activity is included.

    uk1975: In addition to sleep, naps and rest, this activity also includes ill in bed (20 minutes of last slot of episode), and just in bed (20 minutes of last slot of episode).

    uk1983, uk1987, at1992: Main sleeps, short naps, snooze, and sick or ill in bed. It does not include just in bed activity.

    uk2000, sp2002: Unspecified sleep is also included in addition to sleep and sick in bed.

    sp2009: Naps are not included. Sleep and sick in bed are included in this activity.

    us1995: This activity is not available for this sample.

    fi1979: This activity includes, main sleep, day sleep, as well as in in bed ill.

    Category examples
    Main sleep
    Short naps and snoozes
    Being sick or ill in bed


    Category Description

    Imputed sleep is defined as short gaps in the early hours at the beginning or end of the diary where the diarist is at home or in the same location where they report sleeping on the diary day and asleep before the gap at the end of the diary, or they asleep following the gap at the beginning of the diary.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1995, sp2009, fi1979: Imputed sleep was not possible to create for these samples.

    us1975, us1985, us1993, uk1975, uk1983, uk1987, uk1995, uk2005, nl2000, nl2005, sp2002, at1992, fr1985, fr1998, ca2010: Imputed sleep was created not by original codes but by Center for Time Use Research (CTUR) codes.

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, uk2000: Imputed sleep was added by the MTUS team in the sequence of person care.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995: This included imputed personal or household care and also some instances generated by CTUR in missing time gaps.


    Category Description

    Wash, dress, and care for self are defined as general personal care activities, washing, dressing, and personal medical care activities. If one receives a medical service at home from someone else, then activities are coded as personal services instead of personal care.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: General personal care, washing, dressing, and personal medical care at home are included in this category.

    uk1975: More detailed personal care activities are recoded such as go to bed, change, get ready, and arrive/prepare to leave home (no more than 10 minutes).

    uk1983: Wash, dress, and care for own self activities include similar activities as uk1975 sample but with only two activities codes: personal hygiene/self-care and get up/go to bed.

    Category examples
    Other personal care activity
    Get, dress, wash
    Go to bed
    Change, get ready, wash
    In bed (less than 10 minutes)
    Arrive/Prepare to leave home (less than 10 minutes)

    uk1987: This sample excludes personal care at workplace. Personal care at workplace is included in the category other time at workplace.

    uk1995, uk2005: Only washing activities are included for these samples.

    uk2000, sp2002: Any unspecified personal care, other personal care, other specified personal care are all included.

    uk2010: This category only comprises of standard personal care and other specified personal care. Unspecified personal care is not included.

    at1992: Personal hygiene, dressing etc.; wash, do hair or nails; personal medical care at home.

    fr1985, fr1998, ca2010: This includes activities regarding personal hygiene, dressing and undressing, shaving, personal medical care (self-administered), private activities (i.e. sexual activities), and other personal activities that the interviewee is not willing to describe.

    fi1979: This activity includes personal hygiene, dressing, and sauna.


    Category Description

    This category captures time that the respondent eats meals while at work - if not a separate activity, location codes are used for activities related to eating with location as the canteen or lunch room at school or work.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2009, us2010, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: Only meals while at work are included in this category for these samples.

    us2006, us2007, us2008: In addition to meals at work, secondary activity or other separate activities using location codes to identify meals at work are also included. Secondary eating or drinking activities at the workplace and on a break time or non-work activity as main activity are reported and included as meals at work; education- related activity at school is also included if respondent work at school.

    us2012, uk1975, uk2000, at1992, ca2010: This activity is defined as meals at work or at school.

    uk1983: This activity includes scheduled break at work if meal time is equal or greater than 15 minutes, drinking non-alcoholic beverages at workplace or school, and lunch break at educational establishment such as school.

    uk1987: In addition to lunch break at education establishment, when at workplace, this category also includes meal at home and drinking non-alcoholic beverages if respondents report that activity location is at workplace.

    uk1995, uk2005: Meals at work or school category was not possible to create.

    sp2002: Meals at work or school includes lunch break at school or workplace. It also specifies the following eating activities at workplace should be included as meals at work or school: unspecified meals and drinks; principal meals and drinks; not principal meals and drinks; appetizer; afternoon snack, and other not principal meals and drinks. Therefore, meals that last less than 15 minutes are included in this sample.

    Category examples
    Unspecified meals and drinks
    Principal meals and drinks
    Not principal meals and drinks
    Afternoon snack
    Other not principal meals and drinks

    sp2009: This category includes lunch or other break during job that is longer than 30 minutes. Similar to other samples, this category also includes meals at workplace or school, as well as reported meals and drinks.

    fr1985: This includes meals at enterprise or school canteen and meals brought from home (to work-place). Additionally, when location = school/work it includes:

    Category examples
    Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
    Tea, coffee patisseries café, bar, tea room
    Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café
    All other general eating codes

    fr1998: This includes meals at the workplace alone or with people not from the household.

    fi1979: This sample uses location and activity codes. This activity includes time where location work outside home and the activity includes meals and snacks. Additionally, if location work outside home and primary activity is missing (97-99) and secondary activity is meals and snacks.


    Category Description

    Meals or snacks in other places are defined as eating or drinking activities that happen outside of school, restaurant, café, pub, or bar. Meals in venues where someone was not likely to have paid for the meal or to have paid more than a nominal contribution go into this category. If eating and drinking is not broken down to distinguish eating or drinking at work eating out, and other eating, users can use the location information to distinguish this category from meals at work/school and from meals eaten out.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, sp2009: This category is defined as any other meals but not in restaurant.

    us2006, us2007, us2008, sp2009: In addition to other meals that not eaten in restaurant, this category also includes secondary eating or drinking time reported at work or school.

    uk1975: This category specifies the following activities as other meals: eat meals or snacks, meal break, dinner break, drink tea, coffee etc., at home, and drink alcohol at home.

    uk1983, uk1987: This category includes eating and drinking activities at home. It also excludes drinking non-alcoholic beverages at workplace, school, and restaurant.

    uk1995, uk2005, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005, at1992: Only eating at home activity is included.

    uk2000: Eating activity that is not coded in meals at work or eating in other public venues is included.

    sp2002: For this sample, this category includes the following eating and drinking examples:

    Category examples
    Unspecified meals and drinks (not at work or restaurant)
    Principal meals and drinks (not at work or restaurant)
    Not principal meals and drinks (not at work or restaurant)
    Appetizer (not at work or restaurant)
    Afternoon snack (not at work or restaurant)
    Other not principal meals and drinks (not at work or restaurant)

    fr1985, fr1998: France includes meals and snacks eaten at home, as well as away from home as long as the location= home/another home. In fr1985, this can include the following responses as long as location=home:

    Category examples
    Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
    Tea, coffee patisseries café, bar, tea room
    Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café

    fi1979: This sample uses location and activity codes. This activity includes time where location not work outside home and the activity is meals and snacks. Additionally, location not work outside of home and primary activity missing (97-99) and secondary activity is meals and snacks.

    ca2010: If location= respondent's home or someone else's home, this activity includes: meals/snacks at work, meals/snacks/coffee at school, and coffee/other breaks at work. Additionally, it includes:

    Category examples
    meals/snacks/coffee at home (include takeout eaten at home)
    other meals/snacks/coffee (cottage, park, picnic, hotel)
    meals/snacks/coffee at religious service
    meals/snacks/ coffee at voluntary work
    meals/snacks/coffee at an institutional residence (excluding restaurants)